
Thursday, August 11, 2011

Update on the "monkey-bars" at Grotto

I'll bet there are not a few kids walking into the parish hurch these last few weekends wanting to climb the "monkey-bars". 

Actually, the granite walls are being cleaned for the first time..... ever.  Scaffolding has been shifted to the longer part of the nave.  It is suppose to all be done and cleaned up by August 15th.  I don't know when clean-up is taking place, but I'm  sure the parish could use some help this weekend.  There is dust everywhere. 

Keep in mind, the building has an old coal chute. For those who don't know, it was put to use with the addition of two compressors to help eliminate humidity and cool it down as reasonably as two units can. We were quite comfortable, outside of the dust and smells related to the cleaning. 

Here are a couple more pics from this past Sunday.

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