
Saturday, August 6, 2011

Catholic Prison Ministry

People often tend to think of Catholic "outreach" in an official capacity as it is done through a particular apostolate. However, outreach happens at many parishes through individuals who leave Mass, and then go to spread the Gospel by various means, sometime only in deed, such as taking food to someone in need, checking up on the elderly, volunteering at a nearby crisis pregnancy center, etc.

I have discovered over the years that many "Grotto-goers" are involved with outreach and charitable works, often without a formal apostolate.  I know of at least two people at Assumption Grotto - one a man, and the other a woman - who are active, independently,  in prison ministry.  There is nothing formal, but if someone at the parish has thought about it, I might be able to put you in touch with them, accordingly. 
I have not yet watched this myself, but caught the end of it the other day on EWTN. Fr. Mitch Pacwa talks to some men about their work in this area. It's a full show, so if you have the time, click play, and watch. 

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