
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Lenten Monastic Suppers with talks by Fr. Perrone (Audio)

The first Lenten Monastic Supper, sponsored by the Grotto Knights of Columbus was a success.  The doors opened at 4:00 and they served until 6:30pm.  Rather than the traditional fish fry, the Knights offered three choices of soups, along with bread, cheese, fruit and a drink.  It is $8 and features a reflection by Grotto's pastor, Fr. Eduard Perrone.  There was no Monastic Supper this past Friday because the gym was being set up for the St. Joseph's Dinner.  Remaining dates:  March 25, April 1, 8, 15, 22 (no reflection on the 22).

We have audio (pardon the echo), and I offer it below.  I regret not getting this into a podcast form.  For now, it is available for listening on the web. 

First, Father explains the rationale for having "Monastic Suppers".  He fully expects people to be eating while he talks, but asks for meditative silence.

The subject of the first talk is self-control.  Either "be controlled" or "be in control".  He talks about penitential acts - something often cast aside in favor of more positive things.  St. Paul says that you must put to death what is earthly in you.  What did he mean by that? Father Perrone explains.

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