
Monday, February 28, 2011

Pro-life Flash-Mob counters abortion supporters protesting bill which defunds Planned Parenthood

Go to Fr. Z's blogpost which has several videos embedded of an interesting event which took place in Chicago.  A "flash-mob" is an impromptu event which comes about as a result of circulating a time and place through social media.  They are sometimes arranged in very little time, which makes them a surprise.  Sometimes it is people singing or dancing in a mall or a train-station.  This time, it was used by a group of mostly young adult and teen pro-lifers to counter a demonstration that was taking place by pro-aborts against the bill which defunds Planned Parenthood.

When contrasting the two crowds - the pro-lifers and the pro-aborts, look at the difference between them. 

Video and explanation was sent by a reader of Fr. Z's blog.  Amazing!

Go read: Chicago Pro-Life Flash Mob!

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Saturday, February 26, 2011

Archbishop Dolan and Dr. Alveda King on the removal of prolife billboard in NY City

Archbishop Timothy Dolan of New York City

Archbishop Dolan reacts to the removal of a billboard which stated that the most dangerous place for African-Americans is the womb. 

While some have painted this as racist, Dr. Alveda King, the niece of slain civil rights leader, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and Director of African-American Outreach at Priests for Life, had other thoughts. She blasted removal of the billboard as censorship. Says King: 

Dr. Alveda King

Black people in New York and all over the country should be outraged at the numbers of black babies we lose every single day to abortion. An astonishing 60 percent of African-American pregnancies in the five boroughs of New York City end in abortion. That’s unfathomable!

“Some people are angry about the billboard, but that anger is misplaced. We should all be upset and heartbroken that so many African-American women have bought into the lie that abortion will solve their problems. Legal abortion has been with us for 38 years, and the problems facing the African-American community have not gone away.”

Dr. King concluded: “The message of this billboard is totally accurate. The most dangerous place for an African-American is in the womb! It’s a travesty of justice that it is being taken down.”
The National Black Prolife Coalition had this to say in it's press release yesterday:

“New York has been dubbed, by the media, the abortion capitol of the nation. Where else should the debate take place than in the city where more black babies are aborted than are born alive”, said Catherine Davis of the Black Prolife Coalition. Sixty percent of the abortions in New York City are performed on black women. “That is not an accident, and we believe Planned Parenthood Founder, Margaret Sanger’s ‘Negro Project’ is why,” Davis continued. “Black women have been targeted by the abortion industry since its inception, and New York provides the snapshot of what it looks like when that succeeds.”

On Monday, February 28, 2011 the National Black ProLife Coalition will hold a National Day of Mourning ( to call attention to the genocidal impact of abortion on communities of color. “We will mourn the loss of possibility in our aborted children. We will mourn for the women who have lost their lives or have been maimed at the abortionist’s hand,” said Arnold Culbreath of Protecting Black Life.

“And when the mourning is completed, we will continue to help women in New York City and across America to have access to free services that will help them keep and care for their children”, said Dean Nelson, Vice President of Underserved Outreach for CareNet, the nation’s largest network of Pregnancy Care Centers. The National Black Prolife Coalition, CareNet, EMC Pregnancy Centers and local leaders are fighting to defeat New York City Council Bill #371 that aims to shut down all Pregnancy Care Centers in the city.

I can't help but wonder if there is a higher rate of abortion clinic mishaps among African Americans in New York City to match the higher abortion statistics (infections, perforated bowels or other damaged organs, some requiring a hysterectomy, anesthetic overdose, etc.).

Where should the charge of racism be pitched?  Why not in the direction of media and officials who ignore hard data?   Let's face it, if 60% of African American babies were dying in the womb of any other cause but abortion, it would not be so conveniently dismissed. Who among those persons aborted might have discovered a cure for cancer or diabetes, invented technology to permit space travel, or just lived life as an ordinary person who graced us with his or her presence?

Archbishop Dolan of New York City didn't mince words in his post, "Unpleasant Truths":

Arcbp Dolan
It’s unpleasant to look at open heart surgery, or a pair of diseased lungs, or to see a person who has lost fingers, toes, or the esophagus, all due to smoking. The ads are nauseating, even hideous, to see. But the New York State Department of Health, among many others, sponsors these kinds of ads because they know that they can help to save lives.

Another ad has been generating some fierce reactions. Here in New York, a billboard was recently displayed, that simply stated “The most dangerous place for an African-American is in the womb.” This message was accompanied by a photograph of a young, African-American girl.

Is that message unpleasant? Is it upsetting? Does it get our attention?


Because the message is somberly true. The City of New York’s Department of Health and Mental Hygiene recently released its vital statistics from a year ago which showed that 59.8% of African-American pregnancies in New York City ended in abortion. That’s even higher than the chilling city-wide average of 41% of pregnancies ending in abortion. (I joined other community leaders from a diversity of religious and ethnic backgrounds at a press conference sponsored by the Chiaroscuro Foundation about this a few weeks ago.)

So why has the billboard suddenly been taken down? What was it that moved many of our elected officials to condemn this ad and call for the gag order. Are they claiming that free speech is a right enjoyed only by those who favor abortion or their pet causes? Do they believe that unpleasant and disturbing truths should not be spoken? Or are they afraid that when people are finally confronted with the reality of the horror of abortion, and with the toll that it is taking in our city, particularly in our African-American community, that they will be moved to defend innocent, unborn, human life?

Perhaps I’m more saddened by this intolerance right now because on Monday I will be celebrating the funeral mass for Doctor Bernard Nathanson(*), that giant of the pro-life movement, who died earlier this week. If you don’t know Dr. Nathanson’s story, you should. At one time, he fought hard to promote and expand abortion on demand in this state and in our country. He was one of the founders of the National Abortion Rights Action League. He ran what he called the “largest abortion clinic in the Western world,” and bragged about personally performing thousands of abortions. But, when Dr. Nathanson was confronted with the undeniable truth, when he could see the unborn baby in the womb through the use of ultrasound technology, he abandoned his support for abortion and became a crusader for the protection of the life of the baby in the womb.

His courage and bravery should be an inspiration to us, especially when we have to face unpleasant and sobering truths.

(*) Link added.
- Edited @10:36am

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Dr. Alice von Hildebrand on Edith Stein (Teresa Benedicta of the Cross)

Dr. Alice von Hildebrand has written a piece for Inside Catholic on Edith Stein, who became Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross.  The German-Jewish philosopher and writer was an atheist by her teens, but converted to Christianity in 1922.  After being baptized into the Catholic Church she entered the Discalced Carmelites.  She was martyred in an Auschwitz gas chamber on August 9, 1942.

Go Read: Edith Stein: The Apostate Saint by Dr. Alice von Hildebrand

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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Canon Lawyer's commentary prompts reaction from Diocese of Albany

The other day, I pointed you to a post made by Dr. Ed Peters about the eligibility of Gov. Andrew Cuomo to receive Holy Communion since it is well known in the public that he has a live-in girlfriend at the governor's mansion.  He had been co-habitating for several years prior, as well.

This was in response to Governor Cuomo receiving Communion at a very public Mass following his inauguration. 

Go read Dr. Peters' response to the Diocese of Albany's statement. (you will find all necessary links to the original interview, the diocese's response, in his post).

Remember - I do not blog on all of the Catholic news out there, so do check my Twitter Feed.  I consider that my news feed. 

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What to do with an empty Carmelite monastery (video)

This is sweet...

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Monday, February 21, 2011

Requiescat in Pace, Dr. Bernard Nathanson

I learned through a blogpost by Dr. Ed Peters that Dr. Bernard Nathanson has died at the age of 84.  Dr. Nathanson was the abortionist who converted and was baptized into the Catholic Church.  He is probably most known for the movie, Silent Scream, in which an ultrasound video of an unborn baby, 11 weeks into gestation is aborted.  Keep in mind, it was witnessing just such an ultrasound that prompted Abbey Johnson, the former Planned Parenthood director to walk out into the arms of peaceful pro-lifers in front of her clinic.

Peters offers some very good catechesis on how we should pray for Nathanson.  You might ponder this question:  Do we need to pray for him on account of the roughly 75,000 abortions he was involved with?  Find out here.

Here he is speaking in an ad found on YouTube:

Further reading:

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CNSNews: Vatican Canon Law Adviser: NY Governor Andrew Cuomo Should Be Denied Communion

Governor Andrew Cuomo and Food Network's Sandra Lee
Photo: Kramer/AP
 Ed Peters, JD, JCD, who teaches locally at Sacred Heart Major Seminary, and who is a consultant who serves the Apostolic Signatura, has been interviewed Michael Chapman of CNSNews about a fairly recent incident in which Gov. Andrew Cuomo was given Holy Communion by Bishop Hubbard, when it is pretty much public knowledge that he has been co-habitating with Food Network's Sandra Lee

Go read the opinion of Dr. Peters Here: Vatican Canon Law Adviser: NY Governor Andrew Cuomo Should Be Denied Communion

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Dear Mr. Weatherman - I just got done shoveling 10.5 inches of your 3-6 inch forecast

Taken with my iPhone in Warren around 7:00am on Feb 21, 2011
Several readings in my small condo yard all yielded right around 10.5 inches (26.67 cm)

Broad shot of where yard-
stick was. Note snow on
charcoal grill in background.

The weathercasters were pretty sure we were going to get a little snow, and a whole lot of ice.  The computer models showed the snow/ice line coming right through metro Detroit and we were told the less ice we get, the more snow we will have.  We were expecting up 0.25 - 0.5" of ice coating (0.635 - 1.27cm).  This would have meant a broad loss of power in the metro-Detroit area, which I was dreading.  With heavy snow, there are far fewer power outages. So... yes... I was praying for the snow.  I'd rather be snowed in with power than to be iced-in with no power.

By about 8:00 last night, weathercasters updated their forecast and predicted higher snow totals since the snow/ice line was staying more south.  I fully expected to go to work this morning and kept clearing the snow, even from the next to my car, which contractors normally handle, when I thought the freezing rain and sleet might start (there's nothing worse than trying to move 6+ inches of snow when it is coated in ice). 

By 11:30pm, I had removed about 7 inches and it was coming down hard.  This morning it topped out at about 10.5 inches here in Warren.  The yardstick is shown in an area of my small courtyard that is smoothest and untouched by snowblower activity.  I took readings in a birdbath too where snow made a peak and that was 11 inches.

I woke up twice during the night and saw snow removal crews working in the condo complex where I live. I feel bad for these guys.  I woke up this morning and it doesn't even look like they did anything and they are nowhere to be found.  Who can blame them for getting some rest?

Last night about 10:00, they pushed snow on the sidewalk that runs along all four adjacent condo units down in between our cars (this is typical as it must be pushed down to the street where it is plowed away). I figured it would be cleaned out by morning, as it usually is.  This left piles of about 2ft  (~60 cm)  high on either side of my car, which I can't even walk around at the moment. The only way I can clear it, is to take one shovel at a time and walk about 10-15 steps with it down the drive way.  Putting it in the street does nothing to help me get out, so it is a matter of waiting for them to come back. The snow removal people do it in a coordinated way with a guy in plow moving what they push to the street, down to the end.

I told my boss when I called her that the snow removal guys would probably have that snow cleared out with enough time for me to come in for at least a half-day.  I'm having second thoughts about that.  There is still no sign of them.  If they are getting some rest, I can't blame them at all.  It's days like today that we must exercise patience and put our feet in the boots of those responsible for cleaning up.  I'm grateful I at least have vacation time to use because I know for some in metro-Detroit, it will be an unpaid day off.
Truly, we have nothing to complain about here in metro-Detroit when you look at what others have dealt with. LOL - here are a few pics to put things into perspective.  Some of these were attributed to a snowstorm in Lead, South Dakota in January of 2011, and may very well be.  Others have said some of these are from snowstorms in Canada in previous years.  Eitehr way, I can't even imagine this. I would not want to be with a state of that when it begins to melt!

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Sunday, February 20, 2011

Link to Full Text: Holy Father discusses St. John of the Cross

In his general audience this past Wednesday, the Holy Father spoke on St. John of the Cross.  Many of these audiences are found only partially translated (see example here) at the Vatican's website.  Zenit offers us a full translation. 

Follow the link below to continue reading at Zenit.

On St. John of the Cross

"If a Man Has a Great Love Within … He Endures Life’s Problems More Easily"

VATICAN CITY, FEB. 16, 2011 ( Here is a translation of the address Benedict XVI gave today during the weekly general audience in Paul VI Hall. In his Italian-language address, the Pope centered his meditation on the figure of St. John of the Cross, priest of the Order of Discalced Carmelites and doctor of the Church (1542-1591).

* * *

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Two weeks ago I presented the figure of the great Spanish mystic Teresa of Jesus. Today I would like to speak about another important saint of that land, a spiritual friend of St. Teresa, a reformer, and like St. Teresa, a member of the Carmelite religious family: St John of the Cross, proclaimed a doctor of the Church by Pope Pius XI in 1926, and who is traditionally referred to as Doctor Mysticus, "Mystical Doctor."

John of the Cross was born in 1542 in small village of Fontiveros, near Avila, in Castilla la Vieja, son of Gonzalo de Yepes and Catalina Álvarez. The family was very poor because the father, of noble birth from Toledo, was expelled from his home and disinherited for having married Catalina, a humble silk weaver. John's father died when the youth was very young, and at nine years old, John went with his mother and brother Francisco to Medina del Campo, near Valladolid, a commercial and cultural center. Here he attended the "Colegio de los Doctrinos," also carrying out humble works for the nuns of the church-convent of Magdalen.

Subsequently, given his human qualities and the results of his studies, he was admitted first as nurse in the Hospital of the Conception and later in the College of the Jesuits, just founded in Medina del Campo. John entered it at 18 and studied social sciences, rhetoric and classical languages for three years. At the end of his formation, his vocation was very clear to him: the religious life and, among the many orders present in Medina, he felt called to the Carmel.

In the summer of 1563 he began his novitiate among the Carmelites of the city, taking the religious name of Matthew. The following year he was sent to the prestigious University of Salamanca, where he studied Philosophy and Arts for three years. In 1567, he was ordained priest and returned to Medina del Campo to celebrate his first Mass surrounded by the affection of his family.

It was precisely here that the first meeting took place between John and Teresa of Jesus. The meeting was decisive for both: Teresa set forth her plan for the reform of Carmel also in the masculine branch, and suggested that John adhere to it "for the greater glory of God." The young priest was fascinated by Teresa's ideas, to the point of becoming a great supporter of the project. They both worked together for some months, sharing ideals and proposals to open as soon as possible the first house of Discalced Carmelites. The opening took place on Dec. 28, 1568, in Duruelo, a solitary place in the province of Avila.

With John, the first masculine community was formed with three other companions. On renewing their religious profession according to the Primitive Rule, the four adopted new names: John then called himself "of the Cross," the name with which he would later be known universally. At the end of 1572, at the request of St. Teresa, he became confessor and vicar of the Monastery of the Incarnation in Avila, where the saint was prioress. They were years of close collaboration and spiritual friendship, which enriched them both. During that period were written the most important Teresian works and John's first writings.

Adherence to the Carmelite reform was not easy, and it even resulted in grave suffering for John. The most dramatic incident was his seizure and imprisonment in 1577 in the convent of the Carmelites of the Ancient Observance of Toledo, which was the result of an unjust accusation. The saint remained in prison for six months, subjected to privations and physical and moral constraints. Here he composed, along with other poems, the famous "Spiritual Canticle." Finally, on the night of Aug. 16-17, 1578, he was able to escape in a hazardous way, taking refuge in the monastery of the Discalced Carmelites of the city. St. Teresa and his companions celebrated his liberation with great joy and, after a brief time to regain his strength, John was sent to Andalucia, where he spent 10 years in several convents, especially in Granada. He took on increasingly important posts in the order, eventually becoming provincial vicar, and completed the writing of his spiritual treatises.

Then he returned to the land of his birth, as a member of the general government of the Teresian religious family, which now enjoyed full juridical autonomy. He lived in the Carmel of Segovia, carrying out the office of superior of that community. In 1591, he was relieved of all responsibility and destined to the new religious Province of Mexico. While preparing for the long journey with 10 companions, he retired to a solitary convent near Jaen, where he became seriously ill.

John faced with exemplary serenity and patience enormous sufferings. He died on the night of Dec. 13-14, 1591, while his brothers recited the Morning Office. He took leave of them saying: "Today I am going to sing the Office in Heaven." His mortal remains were taken to Segovia. He was beatified by Clement X in 1675, and canonized by Benedict XIII in 1726.
Now, if you know the Holy Father's style, he is just getting warmed up and providing background.  Continue reading the rest of the address at Zenit.

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Saturday, February 19, 2011

So, is the right responsible for vitriol?

This post has been edited.  See video at the bottom of doctors handing out fake excuse notes to protesting teachers/workers at Wisconsin capital. 

I typically stay away from discussion in this blog of what is happening in the world of politics in the US, such as the issue in Wisconsin.  But, after watching the left-wing media attributing fault for what happened to Rep. Giffords to the "vitriol" of the right back in January (instead of to a guy who loathed politicians in general and hated the news), I had to make this post. 

Let's have a look at some of the signs held by some protesting changes proposed by Governor Walker (R-Wisconsin).

Can you see the "civility" of some of these protestors?

Here is a video with one lady trying to justify her use of this:

Nice, eh? It's just plain immaturity. I don't know if she is a teacher, but if she is, I'd pull my kid out of her class or turn to homeschooling.

Ed Morissey has more at the Hot-Air blog... like this one portraying the Wisconsin governor as Hitler and Mubarak. More sophmoric behavior? I suppose that would be insulting to sophmores.

I personally think there are a few idiots on both sides of the political divide who act with considerable imprudence and malice.  People should feel free to protest things which with they disagree - that freedom is what makes this a great country.  But people placing bulls-eyes over a political figure's picture, or painting someone out to be Hitler (whether it is someone on the right or left) is just plain unethical and immoral.
With that, I think there will be a "cooling off" period in Madison now that a winter storm warning with predictions of heavy snow and freezing rain now posted.


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A note about comments at Te Deum Laudamus!

Some months ago, there were some changes at Google and Blogger (which is run by Google), which seemed to require excessive log-ins even when cookies are allowed, and with the option toggled on to keep me logged in.  This has caused problems with moderating blogger comments.  For example, I will hit the "publish" link, and it will appear to publish, then I will find it waiting for moderation when I log into blogger itself, sometimes days later.

Unfortunately, some can end up in my private email spam folder, especially if you make several successive posts closely timed together.   Adding to this, Blogger has added a spam category and it can end up there, as well.

In my recent post, The Medjugorje Controversy, a commenter by the name of "Ed" had submitted several replies which all came into my private email account with a timestamp of 8:57 (perhaps not the actual time written, but when they got through Yahoo).  These ended up in my email spam folder, and were not seen by me until today when I went in to make a new post.  I found 4 comments awaiting moderation (3 by Ed).  These have since been moderated, but appear further up the chain when they were first made.
I know it is necessary to split up a longer comment between several posts.  Some will compose them externally, then break them up then paste the pieces in successively.  I have done this myself.  If you do this and you do not see your posts being moderated after a reasonable time, please email me at the address below. 


Some months after I began blogging, I discovered pornographic statements and links appearing in some posts.  These were made by internet spam "robots".  I toggled on the option that requires you to type in that annoying text, meant to fool such "robots".  However, individuals with immoral objectives, were not hindered from adding links to pornographic websites, and foul langauge.  Moderation was the only way to solve the problem and it is why most people I know, moderate today.


I have allowed the Anonymous option for one reason only:  The radio button that permits this, also permits the Name/URL option (which does not require an URL).  If I drop to the next level, it requires people to make use of an Open ID and removes both the Anonymous and Name/URL options.  People will need to create an ID to comment here.

I was hoping to avoid this, but since the vast majority of hose using the Anonmyous option have not heeded my note to sign it with some kind of tag, handle, name, or pseudonym, I plan to drop down to the Open ID option which will force people to use a handle. 

I am doing this for another reason.  People who often hide behind "anonymous" are often particularly rude and obnoxious.  As you will see in my thread, The Medjugorje Controversy, I have no problems allowing someone with a different view to post.  I don't post comments by people who act with less class than a lumberjack in an opera house.  In over 5 years of blogging, I can tell you that if a vile, obnoxious, and even slanderous post is going to be made on any topic, it will come from someone hiding behind anonymity.

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Dr. Robert Moynihan on the Summorum Pontificum instruction concerns

A photo of history being made at Assumption Grotto as Mass is celebrated using the 1962 Missal
on the first day it was permitted by Summorum Pontificum on September 14, 2007. 
Photo Post here; Fr. Perrone's homily here

I have not had as much time for blogging of late, but I have been following concerns about an instruction expected soon on Summorum Pontificum which permitted priests everywhere to celebrate Mass using the 1962 Missal.  The instruction has been anticipated for some time by those devoted to the Traditional Latin Mass, but it was not expected that it would contain any kind of restrictions. 

I received an Inside the Vatican "News Flash" from Dr. Robert Moynihan.  In it, he does a very good job of capturing what is floating out there.  In the article and, at the bottom, are suggestions of what you can do.  I agree with Father Z who urged people to pray and fast for the Holy Father, rather than get hysteric.  There is also an online petition you can sign.  Follow the link to finish reading Dr. Moynihan's letter where you will find the necessary information and links.

As an aside, Inside the Vatican is one of very few publications to which I subscribe. You can subscribe to ITV too.  In that same link, I recommend that  you sign up for Dr. Moynihan's E-Letters/News Flashes.  You can follow them on Twitter, as well @InsideVatican.

Will a New Papal Document Curtail Use of the Old Mass?

On the internet, there are increasing worries among traditional Catholics that an upcoming Vatican Instruction on how to implement Summorum Pontificum will curtail use of the Old Mass
"Second-Class Catholics"?

Will the Vatican soon issue a document calling for some restrictions on the use of the old rite of the Mass?

The internet, especially in traditional Catholic circles, is abuzz with reports that this may be about to happen.

But for the moment, these reports are based only on rumors.

Officially, no one yet knows the content of the upcoming Vatican Instruction to give guidelines for the implementation of Summorum Pontificum -- the dramatic and controversial July 7, 2007 papal motu proprio in which Benedict XVI, after long hesitation, granted wider use of the old, pre-Vatican II liturgy, also known as the Tridentine liturgy or the Latin Mass.

The upcoming document is indeed being prepared; that much is certain.

It is said to bear the date of February 22 -- just four days from now.

But it is not likely to be made public on February 22, but some days or weeks later, as often happens with Roman documents, and the document can even be rewritten during that time, after the date it is signed.

So we may be in for a considerable period of uncertainty on this question. And that will naturally allow room for fears based on uncertain or partial information to grow.
According to unconfirmed "leaks" of portions of the document's contents, the Instruction will, somewhat unexpectedly, contain two clauses which will restrict the celebration of the old rite.

I say "somewhat unexpectedly" because the expectation for this document was that it would concretize what Benedict said in 2007 was his desire for a "generous" granting of permission to celebrate the old liturgy "widely."

It therefore seems strange to many that, if the reports are true, it may contain new restrictions, as if this would be out of keeping with Benedict's own expressed will.

Continue Reading Dr. Moynihan's Inside the Vatican News Flash on Summorum Pontificum

Follow Inside the Vatican on Twitter:!/InsideVatican | @InsideVatican

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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Fr. Perrone on Dr. Alice von Hildebrand, iPhone Confession App, and Orchestra Mass for Easter

Fr. Eduard Perrone, pastor of Assumption Grotto on Easter Sunday 2006.
Fr. Perrone played the organ at the Noon Mass and was meditating during the readings

I asked Fr. Perrone for permission to reprint his weekly column which appeared this past Sunday, which he granted.  The bulletin is only online for a short time before another replaces it.  At least for a few more days, the article below will be seen in the link for this week's bulletin.  For not knowing what to write, he had a lot to say - LOL.  There are three topics that he covers.  1) Alice von Hildebrand, PhD being named at the top of the Top Ten People of the Year by Inside the Vatican magazine, 2) the iPhone Confession App, and 3) The Orchestra Mass that will be done for Easter.

A Pastor’s Descant

Here I stare at the blank computer screen awaiting an inspiration that will direct my thoughts. There’s nothing of singular importance at the moment, only scattered morsels. These I share with you today.

On Dr. Alice von Hildebrand being named among Top Ten People of the Year
First comes to mind a notice I received to the effect that Inside the Vatican magazine (an e-format publication) has named as its number one Top Ten People of the Year Dr. Alice von Hildebrand [here is a version of it online]. Some of you may know of her, or know her personally, as an outstanding spokesman for the Catholic faith from our Call to Holiness Conferences in years past, from Catholic TV, or from her occasional writings.

There are indeed many reasons for the acknowledgment, given the immense influence she has had as a teacher and lecturer. I have always appreciated the breadth of her learning, her devotion to the sacred liturgy, her love of great music and, dare I add, the sheer charm of a noble personality shaped by Catholic piety. I am particularly grateful to her for speaking out against a rather vulgar exposition of Pope John Paul’s ‘theology of the body’ which has become very fashionable (and for its lay exponent, highly lucrative, I should think). As I may have written erstwhile, matters relating to matrimonial love need to be couched in terms respectful of their delicate nature.

As our faith has often been cheapened in its exposition, as our liturgy has been debased by secularity, so this subject has been much abused, not only by the world (where we might not be so surprised by it), but even by those claiming to represent the teaching of the Church. Against this Dr. (a ‘doctor,’ that is, of philosophy) von Hildebrand has protested and made a stand for an approach to the subject that demands old fashioned modesty. While some have in turn criticized her on some secondary points that she has made, her basic point is absolutely on target, namely, that matters relating to chastity ought to be spoken of with great discretion and a certain reserve befitting their quasi sacred nature. I know that to many that seems an outmoded kind of precaution given the immense openness to the moral filth that scars our time. Yet I find it, on that very account, to be all the more necessary as a safeguard against the prevailing foulness. I stand with Alice von Hildebrand to defend what the Church has historically treated with the utmost sensitivity and restraint. Bravo then to Inside the Vatican for their correct number one choice of Dr. Alice von Hildebrand.

On the iPhone Confession App
In the news recently was the overexcited announcement of an iPhone and iPad application for Confession. The idea brought to the minds of some that the Church had now found a way to make Confession ‘by phone’ possible. A case of wishful thinking, as it turned out. This is but a new tool to aid in the preparation for the Sacrament, and especially, I would think, for those who have either been long absent from the confessional or for those who have particular difficulty in making an examination of conscience. While there’s no question that people find Confession difficult due to an inherent reluctance to disclose to a priest the dishonorable thoughts, words and deeds which we call our sins, yet there’s not now, nor ever will there be, a way to get around the requirement to admit one’s sins. When one considers the incalculable benefit of being freed from damning guilt through the absolution of a priest, the price of integrity to the priest-confessor is indeed a small one to be made. The Holy Spirit is said to help us in our weakness. Let’s not neglect to invoke Him to assist us in making our confessions whole and entire, with real, supernatural contrition and a firm purpose of amendment.

About the Orchestra Mass for Easter
My final bit is a musical one. This Easter we will have the Missa Solemnis by American composer Paul Creston, an Italian by birth (he changed his name; a fashionable thing at the time–the early years of the 20th century). The music is indeed very subdued, being based on Gregorian Chant, though it is an orchestral Mass.

I was edified to learn that Mr. Creston, a world-renowned composer of symphonic music, held the post of church organist at St. Malachy in New York City. Though touted as New York’s “actor’s church” on account of certain celebrities who frequent it, the position of church organist in our time is a humble one for a musician of his stature, though history has known some outstanding composers who have likewise been church organists (Bach, Bruckner, Rheinberger, Vierne, Messiaen, among others). There is in fact no better employment to be made of one’s gifts, musical or otherwise, than to put them at the service of almighty God in the sacred liturgy. There the limelight may be dim on the world’s stage but fully resplendent in that world of supernatural radiance.
Fr. Perrone

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Sunday, February 13, 2011

New Development on Nadine Brown and the Suppressed Intercessors of the Lamb

Nadine Brown during her time with the Intercessors of the Lamb
before the suppression by the Archbishop of Omaha

Archbishop George Lucas is further vindicated with each piece of news we get out of Bellwether, Omaha on the suppressed Intercessors of the Lamb, and Nadine Brown.

Back in October of 2010, Archbishop Lucas suppressed the Intercessors of the Lamb.  The vast majority of members supported the archbishop's actions and elected to go into his care temporarily.  Nadine Brown, along with a small number of former members, and most of the secular corporate board of directors (Intercessors of the Lamb, Inc), chose a different path.  About 10 days after the suppression, Nadine Brown issued a statement from the Intercessors old website indicating a new direction which would include "All Christians".  The Archbishop had asked Catholics to cease visiting their website and reading their materials because he could not guarantee they were theologically sound.  He pointed out that any money sent to them would be going to an organization that is not Catholic.  There has not really been any news since then, until now...

Kevin Symonds at Desiderium alerted me to an article at by Christopher Burbach entitled, "New Life for Intercessors of Lamb".  It seems that the "new life" Nadine Brown and company are heading off into is non-denominational.  Read that, it is not Catholic and will likely include non-Catholic views and teachings, not to mention an absence of Sacraments. 

After getting inquiries about a July 2011 conference they are holding, the Archdiocese of Omaha had to issue an advisory.  My emphasis in bold; comments bracketed in red:

Statement regarding the Intercessors of the Lamb, Inc. July 2011 conference at Qwest Center Omaha:

Many have inquired about the recent mailing promoting the Intercessors of Lamb, Inc.- sponsored conference at the Qwest Center Omaha in July.  Catholics should be advised that Intercessors of the Lamb, Inc. lost its status as a Catholic organization when the association was suppressed by Archbishop George J. Lucas for grave cause (canons 320 §§2-3) on October 15, 2010.

The celebration of the sacraments is prohibited on Intercessors of the Lamb, Inc. property and at Intercessors of the Lamb, Inc. events. Public worship – including the public celebration of the Liturgy of the Hours – is also prohibited on Intercessors of the Lamb, Inc. property and at Intercessors of the Lamb, Inc. events. [The Liturgy of the Hours, sometimes referred to as the Breviary or Divine office, is a liturgy, so yes - he can prohibit public praying of it.  People who attend this event, may confuse it with a legitimate Catholic event. I think Brown is going to do what Brown wants to do regardless of what +Lucas says, but the archbishop conveys the level of seriousness to the faithful.  Hopefully, having self-proclaimed that she has not been disobedient in any way, Nadine and all involved, will respect the prohibitions. ]
All priests and deacons attending the July conference are expressly denied the faculties to exercise sacred ministry, i.e., offering Mass, hearing confessions, etc. [I'm rather surprised, given all that has transpired, they aren't outright forbidden to attend.]

The mailing promoting the July conference also solicited funds from recipients. Donors are advised that their contribution will not be supporting a Catholic institution [and they would be supporting a non-denominational sect which has been thumbing it's nose at legitimate Catholic Church authority]
I can't imagine any Catholic attending such an event.  I have no doubts that the Intercessors of the Lamb - a non-Catholic organization - will continue to grow, outside of the Catholic Church and take a few Catholics with it ... sadly.

Pray for them.

Further Reading and Resources

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Saturday, February 12, 2011

The Medjugorje Controversy...

There is an interesting commentary by Francis Phillips at the UK's Catholic Herald entitled, Medjugorje is generating what the Devil loves most: disobedience.

It's not just disobedience, but also division at every level of the Church.  There has been a complete rupture in how visionaries of unapproved apparitions are treated by bishops in other dioceses.  Prior to Medjugorje, no bishop would think of allowing visionaries to have "apparitions" in his cathedral unless it were approved.  This had a solid basis.  Hosting seers of unapproved apparitions on Church property lends credibility to them, leading people to believe they have been sanctioned, and opening the door to exploitation. 

It's interesting to note that in the whole of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia, the visionaries are not given a platform on Church property.  What does this say about collegiality when they are given a platform in diocesan cathedrals and parishes in the US, Australia, Italy, and other countries?  This has given way to disharmony at the highest levels of the Church, and that has caused further disharmony among the faithful, who must choose this bishop over that bishop. 

In the history of approved apparitions in the Church, I can't think of a single one in which visionaries traveled to scheduled events around the world.  If you are going to an event involving a Medjugorje visionary, chances are that it is happening in the evening and at 6:40pm, Standard Apparition Time (SAT), there will be an "apparition".

I have watched some of these streaming online.  As I looked at how packed those cathedrals were, with not even any standing room left, I couldn't help but wonder if people would come together in such numbers if the cardinal or bishop were to schedule a public Rosary or Eucharistic Adoration. 

As I explained in one of my comments at the thread, I recall the anti-Marian sentiments in the culture of my childhood parish (and this was fairly common in the West).  Most who grew up in the 60's, 70's and early 80's never experienced Eucharistic devotion outside of the Mass.  Adoration, processions, and 40 Hours Devotion were all common before that time, but - like the Rosary - were wrongly suppressed by pastors and others who discouraged these practices, or by neglecting to foster them.   At the same time, Sacramental Confession was downplayed, and discussion of sin from the pulpit came to an end. Vocations declined right along with the loss of these things (and where they are fostered by pastors and bishops, they are booming).

Interestingly, when I went to Herzegovina in 1980, before the alleged apparitions began, I found there was devotion to the Eucharist and to Mary, and Confession was valued.  It remained intact through those years that were so turbulent in many other continents and countries.  Is it any wonder that when pilgrims discovered these things in the 80's and beyond, that they would gravitate to them?  After all, they do not belong to Medjugorje, but to the treasury of the Church.  The fact that people have found these things helpful, whether they understand how graces come through them or not, is not surprising.  They are time-tested and true.

I don't know about you, but I cannot wait for the Holy Father to answer the many questions we all have about Medjugorje.  Eucharistic and Marian devotion, as well as frequent Mass attendance, regular Confession, challenging homilies, fasting and other forms of mortification belong to the treasury of the Church.  Let no one assume that these things can only be practiced in the context of Medjugorje. 

One question always asked of me, is how there could be so many conversions and vocations if it were not authentic (by their fruits you shall know them).  First, there are both good and bad fruits, and all need to be measured.  However, as to conversions and vocations, if there is fraud or diabolical involvement, we defer back to Romans 5:20, which says where sin abounds, grace increases.

In our midst right now, we are witnessing this with the Legionaries of Christ.  The disgraced Maciel, referred to as a "false prophet" by Pope Benedict XVI, founded a community which, as of 2010 had 800 priests and some 2500 seminarians.  If Maciel was a "false prophet", how did we get all of these good fruits?  Answer: Romans 5:20.  An all-loving God always wins!

As always, the comment box, at 98 posts as of this writing, is yielding quite the discussion.  Go read Medjugorje is generating what the devil loves most: Disobedience.

Further reading:

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Friday, February 11, 2011

February 11: Memorial - Our Lady of Lourdes

From the official Lourdes website page on the apparitions:

1st ApparitionThursday 11th. February 1858 : the meetingAccompanied by her sister and a friend, Bernadette went to Massabielle on the banks of the Gave to collect bones and dead wood. Removing her socks in order to cross the stream, she heard a noise like a gust of wind, she looked up towards the Grotto : "I SAW A LADY DRESSED IN WHITE, SHE WORE A WHITE DRESS, AN EQUALLY WHITE VEIL, A BLUE BELT AND A YELLOW ROSE ON EACH FOOT." Bernadette made the Sign of the Cross and said the Rosary with the lady. When the prayer ended the Lady suddenly vanished.


The official Lourdes website has many interesting things (be patient on the feast day as the hit-load will really make the pages load slowly).  The site has webcams - many of them, so you can peak in to see what is going on. If you can manage to tune in from around noon to 2:00pm EST, you may get to see a magnificent candlelight procession, seen in the photo at top from their website.

This page here will have live video coverage starting at 10:00am local time in Lourdes.  If you tune in after 5:00pm local time, you might catch the big candle-light procession.

You can find nice wallpaper for your computer.

I'll try to add links later so you can reference it.

I have seen Our Lady of Lourdes Hospitality - North American Volunteers profiled on EWTN and have heard them on Catholic radio. They organize volunteers who go for a time period to Lourdes to assist the many sick and infirm during their stay to the grotto area.
A final note about Bernadette, whose body is shown here, incorrupt. It is featured in the book on the subject by Joan Cruz. I have seen this in the Grotto gift shop.

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Thursday, February 10, 2011

Interesting Catholic Reads for February 10, 2011

Tomorrow is the Memorial of Our Lady of Lourdes. This photo was taken following the 7:00pm Latin Novus Ordo Mass at Assumption Grotto on February 11, 2008, which was the 150th anniversary.  The priests, deacon and transitional deacon all knelt before the statue of Our Lady of Lourdes and led the Holy Rosary.

I am unaware if there will be a special Mass at 7:00pm Friday for Our Lady of Lourdes with all available priests.  Typically, the Friday evening Mass is in the extraordinary form (1962 Missal) and the Rosary follows all weekday Masses.  I plan on going in the morning.

I've been unable to post on a daily basis.  I will often "Tweet" things I want to pass along to readers (watch the feed in my sidebar).  Since someone else has already covered the news or topic, it's a matter of drawing it to your attention.

A few blogposts and news items...
Louis Belanger blogged on the Medjugorje commission, Pope Benedict, and the light of truth in his post: Medjugorje: De veritate nunquam satis (concerning truth one can never say enough).  Louis also placed this thought into the Vatican Information Service blogpost: Catholic Universities: Lead Students to Light of the World.

On a similar topic, Donal Foley, author of Understanding Medjugorje, takes a close look at the critique recently offered by Denis Nolan on the 2006 book (link to Nolan's article is embedded in Foley's response).

Fr. Angelo over at MaryVictrix, offers a thought provoking post enttitled, Alternate States of Unreality, which does a deep dive into the Occult, Magic & Mysticism, Harry Potter, and Theology of the Body.

Father Z fields a question: Is it a sin not to pray every day?

I heard about this on Catholic radio, but Tom Peters, the American Papist blogs on it  here: Chicago Catholic Hospital offers to help women halt abortions.  There are women who begin the process and then change their minds. 

A new website has been offered for the cause of Pope John Paul II:
LifeSiteNews is reporting that a seventh Planned Parenthood clinic has been caught in a sex-trafficking snare being laid out by  In the meanwhile, Lila Rose who heads that up, blogs on the Top Six Planned Parenthood Deceptions.

Pope Benedict XVI says every Catholic is called to encourage vocations (CNA/EWTN News)

Catholic blogger Chelsea Zimmerman, herself paralyzed, has written a very good piece entitled: Refusing to Suffer Is Refusing to Live.  I recommend checking in on her blog, Reflections of a Paralytic

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