
Thursday, April 8, 2010

Sandro Magister: Pope Benedict, Six Accusations, One Question

I have not gotten a chance to read this entire piece by Italian journalist and Vatican watcher, Sandro Magister. However, I will be reading it later. I have read the first part. Magister covers the greatest accusations made against which resulted in whirlwinds. At least in the first few I read, he shows how the Pontiff emerges cleanly and rightly. Think: Regensburg, and La Sapienza, for example.

Here is his lead in (and link):

The Passion of Pope Benedict. Six Accusations, One Question

Pedophilia is only the latest weapon aimed against Joseph Ratzinger. And each time, he is attacked where he most exercises his leadership role. One by one, the critical points of this pontificate.

ROME, April 7, 2010 – The attack striking pope Joseph Ratzinger with the weapon of the scandal posed by priests of his Church is a constant of this pontificate.
It is a constant because every time, on different terrain, striking Benedict XVI means striking the very man who has worked and is working, on that same terrain, with the greatest foresight, resolve, and success.


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The obedient are not held captive by Holy Mother Church; it is the disobedient who are held captive by the world!