
Sunday, December 27, 2009

Twitter background updated

I've been on Twitter for at least 8 months now and just now updated my background. 

I continue to use Twitter as a primary means of conveying breaking news and interesting Catholic stories.  For those who don't know,  you do not need an account to read someone's twitter feed.  You only need one if you want to follow others or tweet yourself.  I don't use the tool to talk about my daily doings.  Rather, I use it to pass along headlines.  So, if you scroll, you will see a good bit of Catholic chatter out there.  It takes just too much time to blog on each and every story.  This is especially true of legislation.   News was coming so fast and furious there was no way to keep up with it.  But, if you click on my Twitter feed once or twice daily, you can skim the headlines and read the stories that interest you.

Here's a snapshot, but it is best seen by visiting my Twitter page which you can get to any time by clicking the bird in my sidebar.

Te Deum Laudamus! Home

The obedient are not held captive by Holy Mother Church; it is the disobedient who are held captive by the world!