
Friday, December 25, 2009

Sanctuary Christmas Decorations at Assumption Grotto

This is a very crude, and low quality video of the sanctuary at Assumption Grotto after Christmas Midnight Mass.  It was taken with my iPhone and the lighting was low, so this is the best I could get.  This does not do it justice.  The beauty was just breathtaking, as it often is during the Christmas season at Assumption Grotto.

Many asked me following the Mass how many pictures I got and the answer was "none".  Since I sing in the choir, and being at the back end of the risers in the back, there is no way that I can come up and down to take pics during these orchestra Masses.  They just so happen to be solemn high Masses, as well, so it's all the more saddening to me.  However, I will be working to get some good still shots over the coming week.  I can take advantage of the weekday Masses and other Sunday Masses forthcoming. 

God bless the many who worked hard to make the church look so beautiful. 

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The obedient are not held captive by Holy Mother Church; it is the disobedient who are held captive by the world!