
Monday, December 21, 2009

Assumption Grotto's upcoming Mass and Confession Schedule....and more!

With Christmas coming ever closer, and finally with some solid vacation time, I am trying to catch up on many things, and will work very hard at staying away from my computer over these next two weeks.  I have about 8 weeks worth of work to do around my house and only have 2 weeks in which to do it. I may do some light blogging. I will be doing my usual rounds in the Catholic blogosphere and news circles, but will not likely blog on much.

It's also noteworthy that stats plummet around holidays.  With fewer people reading, I'd also like to take advantage of the "time off" to not oly get some work done, but to spend more time with God and family.  I would encourage all of you to take some of your precious time off and give it to God in some form or another.  Visit an adoration chapel, go to daily Mass, do an examination of conscience and go to confession.
Please click here to see the forthcoming Mass and Confession Schedule for Christmas at Grotto and the rest of the holiday season.  Grotto is like the Confession capital of Detroit and the priests are very generous with their time in this regard.  Confession is private, behind a grill in old-style confessionals (read that - it's truly anonymous).

Here are some good Catholic news portals:

Among the great pro-life portals out there, daily and sometimes several times daily updates on hot issues, such as the current legislation.
I have way too many blogs to recommend.  Any regular reader of this blog will hopefully have bookmarked the homepages of those blogs I refer to most frequently. 

I will be updating my Twitter Feed daily, if not several times daily.  So that is another way to stay current.   Click the icon below or in my sidebar to see the latest Tweets!

Te Deum Laudamus! Home

The obedient are not held captive by Holy Mother Church; it is the disobedient who are held captive by the world!