
Saturday, October 31, 2009

Anthony Lilles: Witness Requires Solitude, Prayer and Study

Thanks to the great news portal at New Advent (which you should check daily for a variety of topics), I came across this excellent post on prayer by Anthony Lilles.  I have only read the first paragraph and must get off on to some other things.  I link to it here now so I remember to come back to finish reading it and to point you to this thought provoking and well-referenced piece. 

He is getting into a subject that is near and dear to my heart.  Our Lord went into the desert and if we are to imitate him, so must we.  We all need to set some time aside to "walk" into the desert by first making time to be in silence.  In today's age, that means shutting everything off for periods of time.  When you attempt this the first time, you might find that the appetite to know what is going on during every waking hour is an appetite in need of taming.  If you don't control it, it controls you. I think Anthony Lilles offers some excellent foundation in this article.

I think I'll go tame that appetite for a while as I work. Time in silence, is time that can be spent with the Lord.

Go read: Witness Requires Solitude, Prayer, and Study....

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The obedient are not held captive by Holy Mother Church; it is the disobedient who are held captive by the world!