
Saturday, August 15, 2009

Assumption Day 2009

It is not a holy day of obligation, but Assumption Grotto will undoubtedly be packed with people honoring the Blessed Mother on this day.

Please note that the 9:30am Mass, typically held indoors, will be held outdoors, along with the Noon Mass.

Also, as mentioned previously, the evening Mass has been moved indoors, but will still have a procession to the Grotto following the Liturgy, which will be celebrated by Archbishop Allen H. Vigneron. The Mass was moved indoors mainly due to the fact that a larger orchestra is being used (featuring Mozart's Coronation Mass). They, and the choir will be up in the loft, and Fr. Perrone will be conducting.

The typical Saturday vigil Mass for Sunday will not take place at 4:00. All Masses 6:30am, 9:30am, Noon, and 7:00pm are for the Assumption.

Note that shuttle service is offered from St. Veronica around 8 Mile Rd. & Gratiot. Click on the schedule link above for a map to St. Veronica's.

From the Traditional Latin Missal Project for Assumption Day:


A great sign appeared in heaven: A woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars. -- (Ps. 97. 1). Sint ye to the Lord a new canticle: because He hath done wonderful things. V.: Glory be to the Father . . . -- A great sign appeared in heaven . . .

COLLECT.--Almighty and Eternal God, who hast assumed the body and soul of the Immaculate Virgin Mary, Mother of Thy Son, to celestial glory: grant, we beseech Thee, that always minded toward heavenly things, we may be sharers in the same glory. Through the same Jesus Christ, our Lord . . .

EPISTLE ¤ Judith 14. 22-25; 15.10
Lesson from the Book of Judith.

[Our Lady, blessed of the Lord above all women upon the earth, will save us from our enemies.]

The Lord hath blessed thee by His power, because by thee He hath brought our enemies to nought. Blessed art thou, O daughter, by the Lord the most high God, above all women upon the earth. Blessed be the Lord who made heaven and earth, who hath directed thee to the cutting off the head of the prince of our enemies. Because he hath so magnified thy name this day, that thy praise shall not depart out of the mouth of men who shall be mindful of the power of the Lord for ever, for that thou hast not spared thy life, by reason of the distress and tribulation of thy people, but hast prevented our ruin in the presence of our God. Thou art the glory of Jerusalem, thou art the joy of Israel, thou art the honor of our people.

GRADUAL ¤ Ps. 44. 11, 12, 14

Hearken, O daughter, and see, and incline thy ear. And the king shall greatly desire thy beauty. V.: All the glory of the king's daughter is within in golden borders.
Alleluia, alleluia. V.: Mary is taken up into heaven: the host of Angels rejoice. Alleluia.

GOSPEL ¤ Luke 1. 41-50
† Continuation of the holy Gospel according to St. Luke.

[Elisabeth greets Mary: Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb.]

At that time: Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost, and she cried out wiht a loud voice, and said: Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb. And whence is this to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? For behold as soon as the voice of thy salutation sounded in my ears, the infant in my womb leaped for joy. And blessed art thou that hast believed, because those things shall be accomplished that were spoken to thee by the Lord. And Mary said: My soul doth magnify the Lord. And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Savior. Because He hath regarded the humility of His handmaid; for behold from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed. Because He that is mighty, hath done great things to me; and holy is His Name. And His mercy is from generation unto generation, to them that fear Him.

COMMUNION ¤ Luke 1. 48-49

All generations shall call me blessed, because He that is mighty hath done great things to me.

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