
Monday, July 13, 2009

Even the birds of the air are provided for....

Some of you may have noticed me walking around taking pictures, without a tripod. I finally got a lens with a heavy duty stabilizer in it that I was hoping would permit me to take indoor pictures without a tripod. I will probably still mount at critical times as it allows me to use a lower ISO for better quality, but the pics came out decent. I'll be sharing Mass and Eucharistic Procession photos later. For now....
In many of our outdoor Stations of the Cross are bird's nests. The First Station has baby robins in it. They sit real still and are easily missed (the best defense for them at such a young age). Mama Robin came to feed her brood, but there were too many people standing there waiting for the weekly Eucharistic Procession and Rosary to begin down by the Grotto.
Isn't he cute with that little patch of feathers sticking up like a mowhawk? Too bad I wasn't taller.

Te Deum Laudamus! Home

The obedient are not held captive by Holy Mother Church; it is the disobedient who are held captive by the world!