
Friday, January 23, 2009

Obama and the Mexico City Policy: Your Tax Dollars Will Now Fund Abortions Overseas

Obama has fulfilled one promise by scrapping the Mexico City Policy.....and ditching another promise of "working to reduce abortions".

Washington, DC ( -- Barack Obama promised during the presidential campaign that he wanted to reduce abortions and said as much in a statement yesterday in association with the anniversary of Roe. Today, however, he betrayed that promise by forcing taxpayers to fund groups promoting and performing abortions overseas.

In an executive order, the president officially scrapped the Mexico City Policy that protected taxpayers from involvement in overseas abortions for eight years. Now, Obama will send hundreds of millions of dollars to groups that aggressively promote abortions on a worldwide scale.

Obama was slated to overturn on Thursday the protections President Bush put back in place following the Clinton administration, but Obama decided to wait.

He hoped his decision today to force taxpayers to fund foreign abortions will somehow make him seem less radical because he decided to wait until after the pro-life movement mourned the thirty-sixth anniversary of Roe v. Wade.

The executive order will make non-governmental groups that do abortions in other nations or lobby pro-life countries to overturn their abortion limits eligible for public funds.

Setting aside the fact that Americans are being forced to pay for something that many deem nothing less than murder, it is odd that he would choose to do so at a time when the economy is in turmoil. Not only will our money be funding for abortions overseas, but it is money that could be used here to help women with alternatives. You see, the government is willing to help women to kill their babies, but does not want to fund positive alternatives.

See more at Life News: President Barack Obama Forces Taxpayers to Fund, Promote Worldwide Abortions

Related: Pro-Life Advocates: Obama Has Already Betrayed Promise to Reduce Abortions

EDIT: Dr. Alveda King, the niece of Martin Luther King is being interviewed by Raymond Arroyo on World Over Live. If you miss it tonight, catch it at other times listed here. She is talking about the genocide of minorities through abortion. She herself was almost the victim of abortion, and later....nearly became a victim of Planned Parenthood. Interesting background she is giving. And, she was born on January 22 - the anniversary of Roe v. Wade.

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