
Sunday, January 18, 2009

Latin Class at Grotto

From the Assumption Grotto homepage:

First Year Intensive Seven Week Latin Course for adults and children offered by Deacon Jim Wilder beginning Friday, January 23rd, 4:30 p.m., Grotto Rectory Basement. Course is $100, which includes text book and materials. Call Deacon Jim to register at 586-776-7774.
I need to find out how long it runs. I'm wondering if it isn't a two hour class which would end just ahead of the 7:00pm Mass.

I'll find out. I think I'm going to try to squeeze this in. After all, I've been prodding Fr. Perrone and Deacon Jim to offer something!

Te Deum Laudamus! Home

The obedient are not held captive by Holy Mother Church; it is the disobedient who are held captive by the world!