
Monday, November 17, 2008

Skewered in North Carolina: A Pastor Speaking to His Flock about Voting for Pro-Abortion Obama

I have not had time to get the news to you, which you have undoubtedly already heard about from other sources, about Fr. Jay Scott Newman in Greenville, SC.

Fr. Newman is well known among internet Catholics of a traditional bent. It wasn't that long ago that he catechized his parish on the ad orientem celebrated liturgy, and then did it. That is, he started to face the wall altar, leading his parishioners into prayer. Scroll down here to see his explanation.

Unfortunately, and not unexpected, the mainstream media (MSM) has skewed the story which ultimately led to the skewering of the pastor by the diocesan administrator (Greenville is without a bishop at the moment).

Barbara Karalis has some very good, well referenced, in depth analysis of this entire situation. I lead you to her posts.

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The obedient are not held captive by Holy Mother Church; it is the disobedient who are held captive by the world!