
Monday, July 7, 2008

Reuters: Church of England confirms it will ordain women as bishops...

Just a couple hours ago it was confirmed that the Church of England will ordain women as bishops. This, along with other changes in recent years, has been like smacking a bee hive.

Pray for our Anglican brethren, those who currently labor over staying with the Church of England (C of E) or turning to Rome. May they act on that grace and come home.

Damian Thompson of the UK Telegraph reports in his blog, Holy Smoke:

A couple of hours ago, the Church of England decisively severed itself from its Catholic roots. By voting to ordain women bishops without significant safeguards for traditionalists, it reasserted its identity as a Protestant Church. Whether it will be a liberal or conservative Protestant denomination remains to be seen. But any hope of unity with Rome and the Orthodox has gone forever.

Except for those with the courage to cross over on their own. There have been some very interesting developments, including secret talks between many Anglican bishops and Rome. Liberal UK Catholic bishops were by-passed altogether (I suppose the Anglicans didn't need any more namby-pamby).


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