
Thursday, June 19, 2008

Helpers of God's Precious Infants June Vigil in Photos

Helpers of God's Precious Infants of Michigan held a prayer vigil outside of two eastside abortion clinics this past Saturday. St. Edmund's parish in Warren was gracious enough to host the early morning Mass at 7:30am, which was celebrated by Msgr John Zenz, who also led the Rosary procession to 8 mile. I would estimate a couple hundred people were in attendance, perhaps more for the Mass. Not everyone can make the walk due to physical or time constraints and a number of people remained after Mass in church to pray a Rosary.

I'll start with the vigil and then go back to the Mass.

After the prayer vigil, many participants went to Assumption Grotto for Benediction which is near the clinics. There was a slight scheduling conflict, but Fr. Perrone improvised and did Benediction for the Helpers immediately following a memorial Mass. People were then invited to the school gym for refreshments and a brief meeting which closed the day, ending about 11:30.

More photos from the Mass with Msgr. Zenz...

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