
Monday, May 19, 2008

Fr. Perrone's May 11, 2008 Homily in audio on the web

Grotto's pastor, Rev. Eduard Perrone, at the pulpit on September 14, 2007 - the first Traditional Latin Mass (1962 Missal) in 40 years at the parish, thanks to Summorum Pontificum.
Sidenote: Vestments are red for Pentecost.

Our pastor was kind enough to give me the green light to have an audio uploaded from his May 11, 2008, Noon Mass, homily for Pentecost. Since a group of children were making their First Holy Communion, he touched on this subject, as well.

Listeners may find it unusual, that Father would ask people to not take pictures during the Mass of those making their First Holy Communion. He poses with each child, with an unconsecrated host at the rail AFTER Mass. There is a very different culture at Grotto with regards to how children, or really - anyone, is treated during Mass. God is at the center and regular Grotto-goers do not expect focus to go on anyone person or thing during the liturgy, regardless of what is happening. Children do not grow up with low self-esteem as a result of this "lack of attention". Rather, they grow up understanding that when they are in Church, it is God's time, not ours. They know that going to Mass is not about what we get, but what we give to God - our time and full attention.

I typically have the liberty to take photos because I do so without flash, and do not look to photograph a specific child. I took a few broad shots during the sermon and will post these when I find a little more time.

Our webmaster for the Grotto site, Rick, was kind enough to upload and host the audio, since I cannot do so here on the blog.

Now, keep in mind, this is from the noon Mass, which has more children and babies than any other Mass of the weekend. One child was "with us" throughout the recording, but I managed to cut out some of the louder moments as Father paused. The way I see it, if the people there could focus on the word of Fr. Perrone, so can we.

My desire is to eventually podcast Fr. Perrone's sermons and by then, I hope to have a direct feed from the sound system. Pray that God gives me the ability to organize my life's tasks to "get there".

GO LISTEN to Fr. Perrone's May 11, 2008 Pentecost sermon. It's about 13 minutes.

Readings for this Novus Ordo Mass were:

1 Cor12:3b-7,12-13

I would also like to point out that Rick, who manages the Sts Cyril & Methodius website (Sterling Heights, MI), also have audio homilies to look forward to each week on that site.

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