
Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Pictures from Papal Visit at St. Joseph Seminary

I am grateful to seminarians George Meyerson and John Trambley of Holy Apostles Seminary from the Archdiocese of Santa Fe, NM, who took photos in Dunwoodie during the Holy Father's visit with seminarians and young people. I also thank seminarian Timothy Leete for including me in his email.

If ever you are at a major event like this and take photos, send me a few at I regretted not asking ahead of the papal visit for original photos. Alwyas be specific as to whether it is ok to mention your name as it will save time. I like to give credit where it is due yet I don't want to mention someone's name on the web without asking in these cases.

These are wonderful pictures. It makes you feel like you are right up front with the Pope. From the email, I was told they had to get there early and stand for about 6 hours. Thanks be to God it wasn't raining. I recall when I traveled to the outskirts of Toronto to the grounds of a Slovak Church which was under construction to see Pope John Paul II, we stood for long hours as well, and it had been drizzling and cold. You couldn't even sit on the ground! Eh, a little redempting suffering to offer up!

Deo gratias!