
Thursday, April 3, 2008

Grotto's "hippy-couple" weds in "Tridentine"; heads back to Maine

Seth and Emily were with us only a very short time, but many of us grew to enjoy their joyful company. Unbeknownst to me that they consider themselves somewhat "hippies" as do their friends, I had the same thought when I first saw them when a fellow parishioner said, "isn't that cute - a 'hippy-couple' at Grotto. I can assure you they are not ordinary "hippies".

What is so interesting to me is that Catholic "traddies" come from all walks of life. It has nothing to do with age, race, fashion, or how you part your hair - it's a state of mind, one that is devout and orthodox with regards to Catholic teaching on faith and morals, and a taste for reverence and majesty in the Mass.

The two met at the Franciscan University of Steubenville. Emily is into pottery and Seth is into carpentry. Both of these people are simple souls who were just delighted to find Assumption Grotto. Emily is originally from Northville, Michigan while Seth is from Maine. I'm sure as you see the photos you will recognize them from Sunday Mass or the social.

While back in Michigan, she was on the hunt for a traditional parish and actually has family roots at Assumption Grotto. She is related to Bishop Joseph Matthew Breitenbeck who was once a pastor of our parish. His excellency died at 90 years of age in 2005.

Emily told Seth, still up in Maine, that she wanted to wed at Assumption Grotto. So, down to Michigan came Seth - some months ago, in part, to undergo solid Catholic pre-Cana classes. They were pleased to be in the right place at the right time. Father Perrone offered them the choice of Mass in the ordinary or extraordinary form and they chose the latter. Emily said she never dreamed she would be able to get wed in the traditional Latin Mass.

While some weddings are beautiful for their extravagance, this one was special to me because of it's simplicity. Whether the wedding has a large party all dressed to detailed beauty or not, the Sacrament of Marriage requires none of it. There were no tuxedos and gowns, but each dressed up in their own way. Emily was proud to show the veil her mother crocheted with loving hands. The reception, catered by the family in the Grotto gym was equally as simple and it was a pleasure to have so many visitors from out of state - many states. They found an Irish band to play simple music.

Seth and Emily departed back to Maine immediately following the wedding. Our loss is Maine's gain. But, they have vowed to also come back for a visit. I'm going to ask that they send us some photos now and then and let us know how they are doing. May God bless them both with a long, happy, and healthy Catholic marriage.

Seth, Emily you can reach me at:

What you see in these next two photos is a custom at Grotto immediately following Mass. The couple first came to a side altar where there is a statue of Our Lady. They put flowers in the vase and then prayed together momentarily. Then, they worked their way over to the other side altar where we have St. Joseph and did the same. It is a tender, spiritual way to start a marriage under the guidance of Mary and Joseph.

Ok, folks may have seen me taking some shots of the flowers on the tables. I am actually very fond of peacock feathers and wanted to capture the beauty using my zoom lens like a macro.

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