
Friday, March 7, 2008

Help Newman House Press to Publish Dominus Est in English!!!

That is Bishop Athanasius Schneider of Karaganda, Kazakhstan whose article in favor of Communion while kneeling and on the tongue recently appeared in L'Osservatore Romano. His Excellency has a book, Dominus Est which is to be translated into English by Newman House Press. (If video loads slowly, click the "Gloria TV" in the corner and click on the link below it for slow loading, but be sure to come back and read this post because Newman House needs our help)

In a phone conversation with Fr. Peter M.J. Stravinkas, Ph.D., S.T.D last night who is working on this project, I learned that Newman House is in need of several thousand dollars, up front, for publishing this book in English. Please consider sending donations to them for this purpose. Send checks payable to:

Newman House
601 Buhler Court
Pine Beach, NJ 08741

If you place a note in the memo field of the check or in an enclosed letter for the Dominus Est project, it will help them to know where you want your funds allocated.

This has been mass distributed to several Catholic bloggers and I ask other bloggers who did not receive an email from me to please link to this post and advertise this needed funding. Consider that if 1000 people each donate $5.00, Newman House will have $5,000. No amount is too small. And, no amount is too big. Publishing is an expensive business and it takes many years to get that investment back which is why publishers often need large amounts up front to begin.

Within a few days I will be having more on this subject so stay tuned!!!

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