
Thursday, March 6, 2008

Archbishop Burke explains situation with Fr. Marek Bozek in Video

Following what I wrote this morning on Fr. Marek Bozek, a web page has been created at the Archdiocese of St. Louis website with much updated info. Included is a new video made by Archbishop Raymond L. Burke. It runs about 5 minutes and is a very somber look at this most grave situation.

As we discuss this wayward priest, there are people who have received invalid sacraments. The Archbishop makes an appeal for all those who were affected to step forward so that they may receive those sacraments validly. This includes marriages and the Sacrament of Penance.

This is an extraordinarily sad situation and the Archbishop is doing exactly what he should do in such cases: Go all out to protect the faithful.

I highly recommend you visit the page if you have been following this saga. Archbishop urges us to all pray that Fr. Marek Bozek and St. Stanislaus Kostka "Corporation" (no longer a Catholic parish), reconcile with the Catholic Church.

Canonist Ed Peters of In Light of the Law was going to be interviewed on Al Kresta between 4-6 on Ave Maria Radio on this subject. His page indicates the interview will happen around 4:20 and it's already 5:18 as of this edit. I believe Al Kresta has audio archives so we may be able to pick it up there.

Archdiocese of St. Louis webpage on Fr. Marek Bozek (contains Abp Burke video)

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