
Sunday, February 17, 2008

Nuts! Freezing rain....

Photos I took after an ice-storm in January of 2007

I got up at 5:30 when freezing rain began with hopes of getting out the door and over to Grotto before things got too bad. It has been predicted to be warm enough to melt around 10:00 and a little later in the northern suburbs of metro Detroit.

Just a few minutes after 7:00am, and it is clear that I will be walking to the Catholic parish next door, St. Edmund's. I'm grateful to have this option.

Today is my mother's birthday and we have a party planned at the nursing home where she is residing temporarily at 1:45 today. I have to pick things up ahead of that so Noon mass is not an option.

I feel bad for Fr. Perrone and the choir. I am on a break from choir due to my mother's health issues and lack of time. This is a choir practice day. So many things have hampered choir practices after the 9:30am Mass on Sundays when they rehearse from 11-12, and on Wednesdays when practice takes place between 7-9pm. Bad weather has been high on the list of issues, completely shelving the abbreviated practice that takes place every Ash Wednesday following Mass. Keep the choir in your prayers. They are a dedicated bunch that sacrifice much for the sake of providing such beautiful sacred music at our parish. In the end, no matter how little practice they get, it seems the Blessed Mother and their guardian angels sees that they pull it off!

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