
Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Lourdes 150th Anniversary Celebratin at Assumption Grotto

Fr. Perrone elevates the Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ during the Lourdes 150th Anniversary Mass at Assumption Grotto in Detroit on February 11, 2008 at 7:00pm. It was the ordinary form of the Roman rite, concelebrated by all available priests. Two deacons assisted - one visitor preparing for the priesthood.

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If it looks dark in some of these pictures, it is because it was dark. I have noticed more difficulty taking photographs at night. But, you get the idea. Assumption Grotto was alive on Monday night as a couple hundred or more people came for Holy Mass and the Rosary which followed.

This photo post begins with pre-Mass photos, then works it's way into the Mass beginning with Fr. Perrone's sermon. I don't know if he will provide that to us yet, but I will ask. The photos then progress into a very moving scene as the priests lead us in the evening Rosary.

In a most profound and humbling display of reverence, all of the priests and deacons took turns leading the Rosary while on their knees on the marble step in front of the statue of Our Lady of Lourdes.

And....there is one more photo here - a sweet-shot taken during the Rosary from the best possible angle.

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