
Monday, February 25, 2008

Grotto musings for February 25th, 2008

Knights of Columbus and their Fundraisers

I stopped in to the Friday Fish Fry at Assumption Grotto which runs from 3:30 to 7:00pm.

Normally, there is a good crowd there to support the Knights of Columbus and this fundraiser, but - it was nearly empty. Hopefully, it was just a one time thing. from what I heard, it was slow all evening. Get your family and friends and come to Assumption Grotto to support these kinds of events.

This can be difficult with a commuter parish like ours where not everyone comes from around the neighborhood.

I also want to remind parishioners and friends to support the Tuesday, Knights of Columbus Bingo which takes place at St. Sharbel in Warren.

Fr. Perrone's Homily for Third Sunday of Lent

I have asked Fr. Perrone if he could forward a copy of his sermon from yesterday's 9:30am Mass to Rick - our Assumption Grotto website webmaster. Father has much to do to prepare for Holy Week and so little time. In his descant column last week, he explained how he is studying everything closely with regards to all things "Tridentine" as it pertains to Holy Week. In addition, he is preparing the choir for a set of orchestra Masses which will take place on Easter and Divine Mercy Sunday.

Fr. Perrone's sermon dealt with the reading from yesterday (Ephesians 5:1-9) and the Gospel (Luke 11:14-28). Father talked a great deal about purity and it is a sermon you will want to read if you were not there. If he doesn't get it to us now, he may send it after Easter. It will be worth the wait.


I would like to express our deepest condolences to our webmaster, Rick on the passing of his Mother back on February 15th. I had missed posting about this in all the work that was going on around my own Mother, who is now gratefully at home in her own apartment.

Confession at Grotto

Every now and then I like to remind people that there are confessions on Saturdays from 2:30-3:30. Once again, being a commuter parish, it can be difficult to get people there at that time. However, keep in mind our priests are sitting in those confessionals for an hour, and scarcely anyone comes. Then, on Sunday, they can barely get through all of the people.

I know how it is. Saturday comes and you just have to get chores and errands done so you can kick back on Sunday a little. Then comes this time-slot in the middle of the afternoon at a place not exactly next to the house. Perhaps getting up a little earlier would free up the time.

Our priests are very generous with their time in the confessional, but even moreso when lines are quite low.

Saturday Morning Mass

Have you ever sighed over the fact that Assumption Grotto has Mass in the extraordinary form on weekdays and you can't make it due to work or school? Why not go on Saturday mornings. You have a chance at both the 7:30am and 8:30am Masses.

You say it is the only day you can sleep in?

I've said that too, then I realized in many cases, I could probably just go to bed a little earlier rather than stay up late.

If you haven't noticed, our priests and sisters don't get a day to "sleep in". Fr. Perrone is up long before the birds every day, as are the other priests. It doesn't matter if we keep them up late with our activities, or if they get a call in the middle of the night to provide the last sacraments to someone passing from this world.

You will be so happy once you get in the middle of Mass you will wonder why you haven't started more Saturdays this way. Our priests will be happy to see people take advantage of the opportunity to receive Jesus on their day off, and God, will be even "happier".

If you go to the 7:30, you'll be ready to hit the road running by 8:30 and will find you can get so much more done if you start your day with Holy Mass.

Offer it up!

Helpers of God's Precious Infants

The next prayer vigil has been set for the Saturday before Divine Mercy Sunday. Details will follow for the March 29th vigil.

As it was announced yesterday, March 9th is the annual Right to Life baby shower. Drop items or cash off in the Grotto school.

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