
Sunday, January 20, 2008

200,000 fill St. Peter's Square Today in Support of Pope Benedict XVI

I was unable to cover the news when the Holy Father had to cancel a visit to La Sapienza Univeristy in Rome where he was invited due to the threat of violence. A minority of students and professors were causing such a disruption that the safety of the Pope was in question.

Pope Benedict XVI sent a copy of his prepared speech to the university. It is a pity that they who cry the most about "censorship" missed an opportunity to hear about "reason" and brought about the exact censorship they desired - to prevent others from hearing the Holy Father.

Cardinal Ruini asked for there to be a show of support for Pope Benedict this Sunday at St. Peter's square, where some 200,000 gathered with so little notice, many reportedly among the "reasonable" at La Sapienza.

Amy Welborn has an excellent post with links to many who were there to witness this event, complete with photos.

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