
Sunday, October 14, 2007

Vatican not taking resistance to Summorum Pontificum

This is really welcome news, folks. I have been unable to keep up with Fr. Z and all the evidence he has revealed of a resistance to Summorum Pontificum (the document in which Pope Benedict derestricted the TLM) - much of it subtle in the form of "norms" or "guidelines" issued by various bishops which are more of a deterrent than anything.

If you are hungry for news on the Tridentine, you really need to pay Fr. Z's blog a visit daily. I can guarantee, you will have your fill.

Fr. Z presents an interview of Msgr. Perl of the commission, Ecclesia Dei and sums it up as follows:

Still, the golden nuggets in this interview are these:

  • the Commission is considering interpretive guidelines for Summorum Pontificum
  • the Commission has competence to issue such guidelines
  • that competence supersedes that of individual diocesan bishops
  • the Commission interprets the Motu Proprio
  • the Commission is very aware of those who are opposing the Motu Proprio ("in plain sight")

And on the level of Msgr. Perl’s opinion:
  • in this day and age few people are capable of true obedience
    many bishops and priests speaking and acting against the Pope’s provisions are showing disobedience
  • just because something is newer it is not therefore better

Other things are happening, such as that mentioned in my previous post in which Bishop Fisichella engages in a crackdown on bias towards seminarians at the Pontifical Lateran University who wish to assist at the older form of the Mass, and on bias towards seminarians who wear clerical garb, including the cassock (anyone who knows the state of many seminaries these days, understands that to get ordained, a man ought not wear orthodoxy or traditionalism on his sleeve, nor should he come across as too devout. In some places, there is a paid psychiatrist waiting to "de-program" such people out of their "rigidness". Thankfully, this is changing, but not fast enough in some quarters and this is the kind of thing that needs to start happening. It needs to be addressed and discussed openly by those in authority who KNOW what is happening!!!).

Then, the other day I told you about Abp Ranjith's comment that those who resiste Summorum Pontificum are allowing themselves to be used as instruments of the devil.

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