
Monday, September 17, 2007

So much to post; so little time....


Due to an intense, upcoming work-cycle on my real job, I'm short on time.

I've had so much to bring to you that I am finding out there, in addition to wanting to continue several series I have started, including the most recent series on GIRM 160 with regards to the N.O. I want to re-emphasize that we will not totally abandon discussion of the reform of the reform, of the newer Mass - now called the Ordinary Form of the Roman Rite. Here is what we have on GIRM 160 thus far, if you are new to the blog:

Part 1: GIRM 160 (Introductory Post)
Part 2: Holy See clarifies GIRM 160 in November of 2000
Part 2.5: US Adapations to GIRM Approved for Submission
Part 3: Holy See Responds to US Adapations with Suggestions

I just want to explain that many of us have a huge learning curve having either fully embraced the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite - now to be celebrated weekly at 9:30am Sundays at Grotto, or at least wanting to test the waters with it. For this reason, there will be much content related to the "Old Mass". I am learning, and as I learn, I will post for your benefit. It is my hope that those who understand this Mass far better than I will add to our discussion in the comboxes.

I have gotten reminders about other series I started and we will get back into those soon. These include:

Series on Romano Guardini's book, Sacred Signs
Series on Altar Boy Program at Grotto

I also want to point you to some blogs you should visit for beautiful pictures from Solemn High Masses and Pontifical Masses which took place all around the world starting Friday. I wish I could name all the blogs, but am short on time.

I am going to ask fellow bloggers to drop their photo post links into this combox, or others who happen upon them. These are two good blogs to start with:

The New Liturgical Movement
What Does the Prayer Really Say?

MP3's and Video of the Solemn High Mass on EWTN are now online (scroll down).

Deo Gratias!

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