
Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Posting halted until Comcast Cable is Fixed

I regret that aside from work, I have no internet access. A cable company was working near a Comcast Cable network in my subdivision and something major happened. I've been without Television, Internet or Phone. This isn't all bad because I actually got some backlog done on my audio files last night.

I don't want to make posts from work for obvious reasons and not-so-obvious reasons, so I will suspend activity here until the network is fixed which should be in a day or two.......I hope.

This also means I will have difficulty posting moderated comments. Please be patient if you leave a comment and I will get to it soon.

Until then, consider clicking through the links in my sidebar, in particular the blogging priests and religious, as well as the Catholic blog roll. One that I would like to draw your attention to is the newer blog started by the traditional order, the Benedictines of Mary in Missouri (also a new order which follows the old Mass). There are some excellent posts up on their blog and they reveal some of the hidden life of the cloister. Their latest photos detail a visit by Bishop Finn of Kansas City.

Here is my list, always in my sidebar under Blogging Priests & Religious

Benedictines of Mary - Kansas City
Fr. Andrew Bloomfield
Fr. John Boyle (UK)
Dominican Nuns of Summit - a Cloistered Blog!
Fr. Tim Finigan (UK)
Fr. Martin Fox
Fr. LW Gonzalez
Fr. Stephen Hamilton
Cardinal Sean O'Malley
Fr. John Malloy, SDB
Fr. Jay Scott Newman
Fr. Frank Pavone
Fr. Philip Powell, OP
Fr. Jay Toborowsky
Fr. Shane Tharp
Fr. Jim Tucker
Fr. Paul Ward
Fr. Paul Weinberger (Homilies)
Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

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