
Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Motu Proprio - Summorum Pontificum - Blog & News Roundup

I have limited time and must head off to work, but I'll point you to some interesting news items on the motu proprio.

At the blog of Fr. Z:

The Tablet: against Summorum Pontificum (this is the cousin-paper of the National Catholic Reporter in the US, both of which are "RED" on Catholic Cultures Site Review List).

Bp. Lori of Bridgeport on MP: what a pleasure!

CNS v CWN on Benedict XVI using older Mass in private

Also, reader Leo Wong from St. Mary's by the Sea in Orange County California has notified me that he has a blog for the parish called: Extraordinary Time (cute). He also tells us that the pastor of the parish has stated that the old Mass will resume at St. Mary's by the Sea. Click on this post, and then click on the bulletin to read Fr. Tran's discussion of Summorum Pontificum and how it will affect parishioners who have longed for the old Mass.

There has been a very troubled past at St. Mary's over the old Latin Mass. Let's pray that Summorum Pontificum will yield healing for pastor and parishioners at St. Mary's by the Sea and that all can move forward with charity.

From The New Liturgical Movement (NLM) blog.

Before you hit the Liber Usalis link below, know that it is a very large PDF file that will take time to download. It took about 30 seconds on my fast connection so on dialup you may as well walk away and get something else done. PDF files can be saved onto your computer.

Shh, don't tell anyone just yet
posted by Jeffrey Tucker

I'm ever so slightly concerned about the server's being overwhelmed, so go easy: Liber Usualis (1961, yes, the whole thing)

That link originates at Musica Sacra.

Also at Musica Sacra - the website of the Church Music Association of America - is an interview with an associate pastor of St. John Cantius in Chicago, where one of Grotto's sons has recently gone in pursuit of the priesthood. I believe this interview will appear in their Fall 2007 magazine.

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