
Sunday, July 15, 2007

Motu Proprio - Summorum Pontificum - Blog & News Roundup

This just dropped into my email inbox and from what little I read, looks like an interesting read.

The Scotland on Sunday: The Mass of All Time will outlive the Sixties revolutionaries

The Z-Blog Roundup

Now, I need to devote an entire section to the analyses of various statements and articles by Fr. Zuhlsdorf. He makes some interesting points and distinctions. I think one of the more disappointing (but not surprising) statements I've read comes from Bishop Trautman - current Chair of the Bishops Committe on Liturgy, which I give you first. This is followed by one from the Diocese of Orange in California - home of St. Mary's by the Sea. You may recall the plight of the people in that parish who wanted to continue with the Indult and were denied, even after one of the priestly societies known for the old Mass offered to help.

Here is a collection of some of Fr. Z's analyses of diocesan and religious order statements with comments:

An observation made by Fr. Z, mirrors thoughts I was having as I read through these. Fr. Z writes:

Most of the USA diocesan statements include similar elements. When the tone tends more to the negative, there are comments like "we don’t expect many people will want this" or "this document won’t make much difference here". Many statements mentioned the need to consult and study. Often there will be a mention of the place where the older Mass is already available. When the approach is more negative and limiting, the statements often say that this move was to bring back into unity people who are separated or on the edge.

-Statement of Bishop Trautman on Summorum Pontificum
-MP Statement of Diocese of Orange
-Bp. of Salt Lake City on Summorum Pontificum
-Diocese of Harrisburg, PA, on the MP
-MP statement of Diocese of Grand Rapids, MI (USA)
-Official Statement of Archd. of Detroit on MP
-MP statement of Archdiocese of Denver, CO (USA). Nice!
-Steubenville, Bp. Conlon, and Summorum Pontificum
-Diocese of Raleigh, NC, very good
-A Memorandum from the Diocese of Pittsburgh
-A Franciscan take on the Motu Proprio
-A FRENCH prelate reacts to Summorum Pontificum

Here are some recent news articles analyzed by Fr. Z

-Boston Globe on the MP: “the heyday of the Inquisition”
-The Independent…. the usual stuff about the MP
-Philadelphia Inquirer on Mater Ecclesiae in Camden, NJ
-Sr. Chittister on Summorum Pontificum

Moving to some other good resources on the Summorum Pontificum:

-NLM: Alcuin Reid on National Australian Radio
-NLM: The Abbots of Fontgombault and Barroux speak on the MP
-Ignatius Insight: Reform or Return? An Interview with Rev. Thomas M. Kocik, author of The Reform of the Reform?
-Parish Priests: What resources do you need to implement Summorum Pontificum?

And, of course, the one place that collects all things Summorum Pontificum: the Summorum Pontificum Blog.

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