
Tuesday, July 24, 2007

I present to you....Fr. Mildew

Yeah, you read it right. While younger and middle-aged Catholics are finding the spiritual benefits of traditional Catholicism, a retired priest on the other side of the pond in the UK has discovered the blogosphere.

We welcome Fr. Michael Clifton - who says that he is a retired Catholic priest of a traditional "mould". Hence, the name of his blog, "Fr. Mildew". You will be able to find it in the future, by going to the "Blogging Priests and Religious" section in my sidebar.

Some people wonder why priests would spend time on the internet blogging. Well, my personal thought is that the Holy Spirit is guiding them to use this medium to teach us the kind of truths we don't necessarily hear in every parish.

We wish you well Fr. Mildew and we will drop in to pay you a visit.

I pray that Our Lord and Our Lady guides each and every priest who blogs so that they may guide us.

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