
Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Excellent Podcast: St. Thomas Aquinas on the Eucharist; Mass in Heaven?

I regret not having time to post more Corpus Christi photos today, but things are hectic at work and at home. Hopefully, I'll be able to post more tomorrow.

In the meanwhile, I would urge everyone to listen to this "Podcazt" by Fr .Z at his site. You don't need an IPOD and can listen to it right on your computer - even if you have dialup. Granted, you will need to download it at a time that you can just let it run - like overnight. They only come out once or twice weekly. Once you download it you could burn it to a CD if you have that capability so you can listen to it in the car while commuting.

I've listened to three thus far while working and th is particular one, I have already listened to twice, and will probably do so a third time with a notebook.

This particular topic and the way in which Fr. Zuhlsdorf covers it is intellectually stimulating while spiritually uplifting. Later in the segment Fr. Z addresses the question of whether we will have Mass in Heaven. The answer may surprise you.

Once you get to his post, you have several options from playing it in a popup window on your computer, to downloading it, or if you have an ipod, I strongly encourage you to subscribe to his "Podcazts"

It runs about 40-45 minutes which makes it perfect to listen to while you are doing something. If you actually have the time to just sit and listen, that is so much better. I've done it while driving with my iPod.

Here is a direct link to his post.

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