
Saturday, May 26, 2007

The Wanderer Online Edition: Article on Assumption Grotto in May 31, 2007 Edition

2007 Photo of Assumption Grotto by Jay McNally

Assumption Grotto is on the front page of the May 31, 2007 print edition of The Wanderer with an article written by Jay McNally about our 175th anniversary and festivities. It also has a photo of the front of Assumption Grotto (above) taken by Jay recently (click here where you can see the front page photo for a few more days). He explains very well the culture of Grotto when it comes to our big celebrations, which are days of devotion.

The Grotto has been a very pop­ular pilgrimage site for 125 years, with stories being told of very long lines of visitors on feast days de­cades ago, and of some miraculous cures. Many colorful ceremonies, especially on Marian feast days are held at the grotto.

The parish celebrates its feast day on August 15, the Feast of the Assumption, with a full day of de­votions, hourly Masses, and won­derful meals and social activities. Needless to say, there are no beer tents, bingo tables, and carnival rides at Assumption Grotto’s annu­al festival. The feast- day ceremo­nies at the outdoor Grotto are a major attraction, with usually more than 1,000 attending both outdoor Masses, at noon and at 7 p. m. The evening Mass is followed by a sol­emn candlelight procession around the cemetery and parish grounds. Attendance some years has topped 20,000.

For those familiar with The Wanderer, and those not familiar, they have finally dropped into the 21st century and are now providing the full weekly edition in their brand new website. You can read this, and many other articles, including an online archive.

However, it requires a paid subscription. You can get credit for 3 free online issues (including this May 31, 2007 edition) to see if it is of interest to you. You can apply the credits against any current issue, or from several past issues. All you do is sign up with an email address and password - no credit card is required for the 3 credits. Just follow the link below to the homepage and then click the link in the left sidebar for the "E-Edition" to try it out.

Veteran Catholic Journalist, Jay McNally at the 2007 Call to Holiness,
where he served as MC at the Our Lady of Mt. Carmel (Wyanodotte) site

If you want to keep the subscription, it is $50.00 yearly. This may seem steep, but consider that you are getting a reading load comparable to a weekly magazine for around $1.00 weekly. I am also assuming you will have access to those back issues and archives. They often have guest writers of good stature.

The Wanderer Store

Fr. Zuhlsdorf - aka "Fr. Z" has been writing the column "What Does the Prayer Really Say?" for many years now in that small Catholic newspaper. He later took his articles to the internet via Catholic Online forums, and then it gave birth to his blog of the same name.

Go read Fr. Z's introduction to The Wanderer Online-Edition