
Monday, May 28, 2007

Fr. Aidan Logan, O.C.s.o. - US Naval Academy Chaplain at Assumption Grotto

Grotto was graced with another visiting priest this weekend, in addition to Fr. Tom Euteneuer. Many recognized him from past visits, but did not know who he was. It was Fr. Aidan Logan, O.C.s.o. - a Cistercian who serves as a Catholic Chaplain at the United States Naval Academy in Anapolis, MD. Father periodically stops in - especially over Memorial Day weekend. He is a friend of parishioner Chris Kolomjec who just returned safely from his tour of duty in Iraq. Chris is a Major in the Reserves with the 1st Battalion, 24th Marine Regiment, and a member of the K of C. He has been very active at Assumption Grotto since arriving about five years ago.

Father Logan celebrated the 9:30am Latin Novus Ordo, and has been with us at other times during the year, as well. It is always a pleasure to have so many fine priests visit Assumption Grotto - always to our benefit.

I have an affinity for the chasuble worn by Father in the photos above. It is difficult to see the Sacred Heart on the back of this Roman Chasuble (casually referred to as a "fiddle-back" even though it is the front which has the fiddle shape). Click on the photos to enlarge.

Undoubtedly, Fr. Logan will be at the Memorial Day Mass which starts around 9:00 with a flag-raising ceremony. Here is Fr. Logan in last year's procession, just ahead of Fr. Perrone.

Well, it's time to get the camera ready and head out for yet a third, straight day of photography at the Grotto. The Lord has given us a grand, beautiful, sunny day after two days of rain.

Edit: Below are photos of Fr. Aidan Logan and Chris Kolomjec taken right after the social which followed the Mass on Memorial Day 2007.

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