
Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Motu Proprio News

We had expected the motu proprio for the Tridentine before Easter. We knew not to hold our breath as many things influence when things are released by the Holy See.

In our small end of the world, we are not always cognizant of the strife which may have the Vatican's attention. There have been some moral issues everywhere, but it really hit home in Italy recently. The situation for Catholics in China is humbling to someone like myself in a country where too few exercise their God-given right to worship. More coverage on the plight of Chinese Catholics

With all of this in perspective now, it seems silly to be anything less than patient with the process. When the good Lord wants it released, it will be released. Hat-tip to Fr. Z for sharing the contents of an article in the Italian daily - il Tempo - which claims it will happen next Monday - the Pope's birthday.

See Fr. Z's post (and translation)...