
Thursday, April 26, 2007

Archbishop Burke - An Ordinary with Backbone!

Wow! Watch this video on YouTube of Archbishop Burke who explains his reason for resigning from the chairmanship of the Cardinal Glennon Children's Foundation in St. Louis. This came after he objected to singer Sheryl Crow's participation. She is a known proponent of abortion, among other culture of death issues.

There is an excellent write-up on this, with links, by Ed Peters, JD, JCD, at his blog, In Light of the Law

H/T to Thomas at American Papist In fact, thanks to Thomas, I've added a new category called, "Bishops with Backbone" to collect these kinds of posts.

I say we send Archbishop Burke a spiritual bouquet - if only on our own, by offering Mass intentions for him, a Rosary, adoration time, etc. In fact, we need to be doing this for all of our bishops - that they do what they must to make clear what Our Lord has revealed, not just by words, but through their actions and teachings.

The Archbishop lauded the work of the foundation, as well as that of the workers. His problem was with the board which did not want to back down on having a notorious pro-abortion advocate involved in fund raising.

Watch the video. If for some reason you cannot watch it on your PC, you can read the text of his message at the Archdiocese of St. Louis website.

I'm so glad to see bishops making use of video this way.