
Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Reminder: Archbishop Burke returns Dec 30 for a daylong rememberance of Fr. John A. Hardon, SJ

Archbishop Burke celebrates Mass at Grotto in January 2006

As advertised on local Catholic Radio - Ave Maria Radio - Archbishop Raymond L. Burke is returning to Assumption Grotto for a rememberance of Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J. There is no cost and no reservation. But, you will want to bring a bag lunch.

The respected theologian, Fr. Hardon, spent some of his final years at Assumption Grotto where he was spiritual director and confessor to many. In the 20 months that I've been at this parish, I've heard from countless people the way that he had touched their lives, and of his tireless efforts. Jay McNally explains in this article (copyright 2003 Credo):

It was at Assumption Grotto, where Fr. Hardon maintained an office and conducted classes in theology for several years, that many from Detroit came to know him well. Before and after his Sunday afternoon lectures, which usually filled the classroom with more than 100 students, he was always besieged with queries by those seeking his counsel. He was confessor and spiritual advisor to untold numbers.

Assumption Grotto's pastor, Fr. Eduard Perrone, describes one of the remarkable things about Fr. Hardon: "I never knew that he said no to any request for his help, whether it was to give personal guidance or counsel or an opinion on some book or some project, or to hear a confession, even to say Mass for a particular petition. He always found time and would be ready to drop whatever he was working on to meet a personal need. What is extraordinary is the great volume of work that he produced with untold interruptions for personal needs. He was prodigious to the point that one would have thought there were two Fr. Hardons."

It begins with Mass with the Archbishop at 10:30am and ends after a 3:00 Chaplet of Divine Mercy and Benediction. See details of the day in my post of November 12, 2006.

More photos of last year's rememberance with Archbishop Burke:

How do I get to Assumption Grotto?

Additional references on, and works by, Fr. John A. Hardon, SJ:

National Catholic Register: St. John Hardon?

The Real Presence Association: A website which carries many of Fr. Hardon's works (very solid).

Marian Catechists: A program developed by Fr. Hardon to make catechists of everyone, whether it is in a classroom, the home, work, or on the ride home - everyone we meet is a potential student. We must be well-rounded in our understanding of the faith in order to bring others to Christ. Fr. Hardon founded the Marian Catechist program. Archbishop Burke succeeds Fr. Hardon as the head of the Marian Catechists and comes to Detroit to remember him in this capacity.

Fr. Hardon Media

Fr. Hardon Society (many may not know that Fr. John Hardon founded the Institute for Religious Life).

A small sampling of the vast number of books written by Fr. John A. Hardon, many of which are available at the Grotto Giftshop and Cafe - which will be open December 30.