
Saturday, October 28, 2006

Upcoming early November events for Grotto-goers and friends...

A Mass opening the 40 hours devotion in 2005
(also the header photo of this blog!)

Along with the updated announcement of the Catechism with Fr. Perrone, we have some other noteworthy events taking place here in November.

All Saints Day, Wednesday, November 1st (Holy Day of Obligation; the men of the choir will sing the 7:00pm Mass)

All Souls Day, Thursday, November 2nd (Black vestments in use; usually well attended despit not being obligatory). Masses will be celebrated consecutively from 6:30 until Noon, then the Purgatorial Society Mass will take place at 7:00 pm. Priests are permitted to do multiple Masses on this day and at Grotto, they take full advantage. So should we, if we are able.

Assumption Grotto Choir & Orch in Concert (see seasonal schedule at Grotto's website), Sunday, November 5th at 3:00pm at Holy Cross Hungarian Church in Detroit (map). As Father goes on to explain in this week's bulletin: "It was this way by design that it not take place during the celebration of the Mass since the event is intended as an ecumenical affair for all Hungarians who celebrate the jubilee of their nation while recalling with sorry the fiftieth anniversary of the Communist coup with the ensuing reign of terror which crippled a suffering Hungary for so many years".

Election Day, November 7th (get a personalized pro-life list at

Forty Hours Devotions, Friday, November 10, 11, 12 (see more below)

Ushers Pancake Breakfast, Sunday, November 12th, 10:30-2:00

Black vestments at the All Souls Mass

More on 40 Hours Devotion

2005 40 Hour Devotion Photo Post 1

2005 40 Hour Devotion Photo Post 2 (contains links with history and other intresting facts about 40 hours devotion)

Come to the Assumption Grotto to adore the Lord for this rarely available devotion. I never heard of it until I got to Grotto, then discovered only a small handful of parishes engage in it. Stay tuned for more details next week!