
Monday, October 23, 2006

National Catholic Register: Fr. Frank Pavone's New Religious Order is Growing

Fr. Frank Pavone's order is growing - in discerning young men, and in lay associates. It's wonderful to hear there is an associate program for lay people. I brought you the news earlier this year, straight from Fr. Frank's own blog, when the order was officially accepted by the Church.

Father Pavone’s Congregation Growing

Missionaries of the Gospel of Life spring from Priests for Life


Register Senior Writer

October 8-14, 2006 Issue

Posted 10/4/06 at 8:00 AM

AMARILLO, Texas — For an organization devoted to promoting the sanctity of human life, there were signs of new life everywhere at a recent groundbreaking ceremony.

There was the religious profession of the first member of a new religious community dedicated to the pro-life cause. There were lay associates joining. And the first spades were driven into the Texas earth on a 60-acre site for a multi-building headquarters.

The new religious community is the Missionaries of the Gospel of Life, founded by Father Frank Pavone, longtime director of Priests for Life. During a Mass Aug. 24 at the Cathedral of St. Laurence in this Texas panhandle city, Father Pavone professed his permanent promises as a member of the community in the presence of Bishop John Yanta of Amarillo and Cardinal Renato Martino, president of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace.

Doing so, Father Pavone takes on new initials: M.E.V.: Missionarii Evangelii Vitae, Latin for Missionaries of the Gospel of Life.

The priest then accepted the society’s first two seminarians, Patrick O’Donnell and Daniel Cochran, and introduced four men who have been accepted for a year of inquiry, a period of discernment possibly leading to formal studies for the priesthood. And he received the promises of the society’s first five lay associates. Continue reading MEV at the Register Online