
Saturday, October 14, 2006

Interesting Blogs to Visit as my Posting Slows...

As some of you already know, I've made mention that I would need to slow my posting down at Te Deum Laudamus! This is in order to balance my time among other things I need to get done, including a large project: I'm going to try to keep it to every 3 days in order to free up time. Anyone who blogs, knows that sometimes it can be time consuming, especially if Blogger is having a bad wiring day.

With that, I would like to draw your attention to some blogs I have recently added. I've been adding several in my Blog Roll - down towards the bottom of my sidebar. Please hunt and peck through them in between my posts. I credit many of my fellow Catholic bloggers with the content I bring you here quite often. If anyone finds anything troubling in a link in my sidebar, please email me at so I may check it out and reconsider whether I want to maintain that link. I can't monitor what everyone says all of the time. I do my best to bring you orthodox Catholic content through other bloggers, but we bloggers are only human and not all knowing. If you find something offensive, I would like to know about it.

Notes about the Blogging Priests Section

As I began to add other blogs to my blogrolls, for my own benefit and yours, I discovered many blogging priests, who pretty much share the same thoughts on living Catholic as myself, and I'm sure, many of you. It is a blessing to have some priests participating in the "cyber-parish", so we can benefit from the perspectives of many priests.

I have reached out across the great river, to the UK where I have found some wonderful blogs by priests. They too have good links worth exploring.


Fr. Tim Finigan's blog, The Hermeneutic of Continuity has been most enjoyable and I've made two previous links to his posts recently. One is when he stood up for authentic Catholicism by resigning his post as chairman of the school's governors, after Maria Williams, head of a Catholic secondary school did the same following a vote of no-confidence. She was accused of being "too Catholic".

Fr. Finigan also commented recently on the Times of London article covering the anticipated expansion of the Tridentine. He has another great post up, spot-on, and well worth reading. If you ever wondered whether environmentalists were influencing the Church, you'll enjoy his commentary. I wouldn't want to ruin it by quoting it in part, but trust me - it's a good one. Go read Fr. Tim Finigan on PFG and the New Religion.


I've also added another UK priest, Fr. John Boyle and his blog, South Ashford Priest.
He has some good posts up, as well, including one called Clerical Contraception. It was interesting to spend some time in the second half of his September Archive where he discusses his recent trip to Kerala, India with his brother - also a priest, Fr. Stephen Boyle. I always find it intriguing to see how other Catholics witness the faith and Father brings us some wonderful photos, and discussions about their customs.



I have neglected to go back and revisit Fr. Andrew Bloomfield's post strings on heresies through the words of St. Irenaeus in the book, Against the Heresies. To follow this series, go to his Fr. Bloomfield's Blog, click on the September 2006 archive, down to his September 17th, 2006 entry for "Faith Seeking Understanding", and then scroll up through the weeks. Then, click on October 2006 archive from his home page and continue.


Always great posts, with a patristics perspective, great translation posts, and currently, Father is running a series of reflections on the mysteries of the Rosary. Click through October of 2006 to start, where he began with the Luminous mysteries. I will be spending some time reading these, as I've only now discovered them. For me, it is very timely for such a discussion. Today, he reflects on the First Sorrowful Mystery: The Agony in the Garden.


As always, if you click on the Fr. Paul Weinberger link in my sidebar, it will take you to a website and internet radio station playing his audio sermons, which are always great.


I have seen people ridicule some blogging priests because they are spending time on the web. The way I see it, all priests need a break from their duties. Some use that free time to read, to play a musical instrument, to golf, visit friends, watch TV, engage in various hobbies, and other things most humans do. I've known many priests who work 8-5 and call it a day, while others work tirelessly from the time they awake until they go to bed. That some would spend a little time each day, or a few hours per week to bring us their thoughts, is to me - a delight. How many people are in parishes where banality rules? Following some priests, and the sermons and thoughts they post online, is the only way for some souls to get the fullness of the faith. It's why so many have turned to the internet. Not everyone is in a parish with a priest who talks about the hard issues. Perhaps it is a grace of God when someone in need, finds just the right words from a priest in his blog, or on a parish website. After all, it was Fr. Perrone's words I found online which ultimately caused me to select him as my new confessor, and to remain at his parish.


Don't forget to pray for our priests in the Archdiocese of Detroit. You can see the schedule here, which is brought to us by Rosary from the Heart, and hosted at the Assumption Grotto website. Be sure to include in your prayers, the priests who do the Lord's work on the web.