
Thursday, October 26, 2006

Day of Joyful Mortification this Friday - Fast in Thanksgiving.....

Well, I am breaking the 3 day rule again, but couldn't help myself since Fr. Z (Zuhlsdorf) in Rome is all excited about some really great news.....which he cannot yet share. But, the news is so good to the kind of folks who read blogs like his and mine, among others, that he is asking everyone to say a prayer of thanksgiving.

That wasn't enough. In his followup post on the really great news which he cannot divulge just yet, one person in the comment box suggested a day of fasting. So, I am diving in with full faith to fast on Friday in thanksgiving for the great news in the absence of understanding and knowledge. Fr. Z explains in his followup post why he does not want to divulge - an honorable thing. One or two out of many commenters complained saying he was "teasing". I fully support his position to ask for prayers of thanks in advance, and do not consider this a teaser for that reason. We should be doing this all the time! His first post reminds us of this fact.

So, now that I got your interest up, consider taking a leap of faith, say a prayer for thanks, and consider fasting tomorrow if you get this in time. If you don't read this in time, then pick another day.

I suggest reading the comment boxes in both threads, and to keep an eye on Fr. Z's blog. We have no idea when the "great news" will be revealed, so we'll just have to exercise patience, and in the meanwhile a little joyful mortification through prayer and fasting!!!

Of course, you know I'll be watching his blog and bring you the great news when it comes. Not that I want to speculate, but I don't think it is about the expansion of the Indult because he's been discussing that. I will be so bold as to speculate that it is liturgical in nature. Fr. Z told us to ponder some of the pope's writings of recent years and where his focus was. That's all he would say. Could the really great news be packaged in the new document about to be released on last October's Eucharistic Synod?

First post Fr. Z made on the great news

Followup post Fr. Z made on the great news

Fr. Z's homepage

It's a great time to be Catholic!!!
Hold on to your saddle - we are in for a ride.