
Saturday, September 2, 2006

Blogger Break: Gone fishing.....sort of!

I'm going to try to take a blogging break this weekend, to get some much needed work done. I still have awesome nighttime photos from Assumption 2006 to post. Blogger is really taking a long time to upload photos and it is time intensive. Bewteen this, the fact that many are gone for the holiday weekend, and just a much needed break to concentrate on ordinary work, I will only be lurking for a few days.

It's a great time to get caught up by clicking through all of the Assumpion 2006 photos if you have not seen them. I've been adding a running total.

It's also a good time to explore the archives as there are probably hundreds of photos. Just click a month and scroll slowly to see them. April - June were all photo rich given Easter, Memorial Day, Corpus Christi and other things.

God Bless and have a safe weekend!