
Monday, September 11, 2006

Audio: Fr. Paul Weinberger - How to respect our Eucharistic Lord

Over at Semper Fi Catholic Radio - an online source for the audio homilies of Fr. Paul Weinberger of St. William the Confessor Church in Greenville (photo page), TX - more of his archives are slowly being added.

There is a real jewel in the under the heading 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2005. From the description box:

This homily treats on the responsibility of those who distribute Holy Communion as well as those who receive the Eucharist.(Pro abortion politicians, reception in the hand) At one point Fr. Paul walks away from the mic to give a visual, which may be hard to hear. Please be patient.
This is a 43 minute audio, which includes the gospel reading at the beginning. I like how he asks people to turn off their cell phones, then waits.

This homily is very "Perronesque" for those who know the Grotto Pastor's straightforwardness. Several times Fr. Paul reminds people that he is just "doing his job" by instructing them as his pastor. He starts out with the story of a man who was killed, apparently after going to Confession.....or not?

There is one thing with Semper Fi Catholic Radio: Look at the time of the audio and make sure you have that time available uninterrupted. This is a new online station and they are working through issues, but currently there is no way to pause the audio for more than a few minutes (it stops - taking you back to the beginning). There is also no way to slide your way through the audio back to the approximate point you left off. But, it is well worth listening to when you have the time. I just let it run while I was computing!

His instruction on how to properly receive Holy Communion is excellent, and he deals with the little discussed issue of particles in the hand. You can get to Semper Fi Catholic Radio any time to hear more homilies by clicking on this icon in my sidebar.