I happened upon this book, Angel in the Waters, about 6 months ago in the Assumption Grotto Giftshop and Cafe and was so moved, I bought it. I didn't know if it was a children's book, or a book for anyone, or for pregnant women and the baby's siblings.
There is a website dedicated to the book - she has it online. I urge you to do this, and to consider giving it as a gift to new mothers, especially anyone considering abortion, or having a hard time adjusting to the pregnancy.
There is a sad story to go with this, unrelated to the book I speak of above. The author, Regina Doman, lost her 4 year old son in a tragic accident in their church parking lot on July 8, 2006. It is too heartbreakig for me to explain here, but it involved the family vehicle, and the mother. The child had climbed out of the car unbenknownst to mom. It was just a freak accident in a parking lot. The child, Joshua Schmiedicke, now has a website, developed in his memory, and it includes words from Fr. Benedict Groeschel who happened to be in town during the wake and stopped in. The online memorial they have made of him is beautiful. The parting shot is very moving. This family needs our continuing prayers.
Do take that tour of Angel in the Waters, and if you frequent Grotto, ask Cathy to show you a copy, if she still has some.