
Saturday, July 22, 2006

Surprise from the Vatican: Holy Throne takes Medjugorje phenomenon into its own hands

That is how I translate the title of the news story out of the Croatian Newspaper, Vecernji List

I speak limited Croatian and just received this article via email from Mark Waterinckx in the original Croatian. The other is a Dutch article which speaks about the one in Croatian.

I am working several avenues for an English versions of this, but the headline says it all and it is in the title of my thread. In the meanwhile, for those of you who speak either language, here they both are. Feel free to offer your best stab at translations in the comment section, or offer a link to an English version should you find one before I do.

What I'm getting out of the Croatian version is that a new commission is being set up, but given my weak Croatian, I could be wrong.

I am offering the website of the Diocese of Banja Luka - the home of Vinko Cardinal Puljic. There are English translations of various things on this site and it might be the one to watch. I made a previous post having found a statement made by Cardinal Puljic back in 2001 pertaining to some of his thoughts on Medjugorje while at a Synod.

Diocese of Banja Luka

EDIT: Mark says he now has the article in four languages, but is awaiting confirmation out of Bishop Peric. Being the weekend, this could be a wait. In the same email from Mark, is this message from someone in Australia. It reads as follows and forgive the crude appearance as I do not have much time. I will continue to update this post with new information as I get it, so check back here.

>> A link reading "New commission on Medjugorje" turned up on the Spirit>> Daily website last night (Friday), and what it linked to was in>> Croatian. The link has now disappeared (Saturday afternoon here). But>> attached is the text, in Croatian. I was next to a Serb at Mass this>> morning so I asked him to translate it. The article is headed>> "Surprise from the Vatican" The gist is that the Holy See has taken>> the Medjugorje "phenomenon" into its own hands and has appointed or will>> appoint a new commission. This was apparently announed by Cardinal>> Puljic at a congerence of the bishops of Bosnia-Herzegovina in Banja>> Luka on July 12-14. It refers, without naming him, to the Bishop of>> Mostar, as having disapproved as far as his own diocese is concerned.>> The second para recalls the finding of the previous commission in 1991,>> that there is nothing supernatural. You will no doubt be able to>> translate it more accurately. "Vijesti", the website name at the top,>> is a Croatian Catholic news agency, it seems. Nothing about this has>> turned up elsewhere that I can find, but I thought you might be>> interested.

Vijesti (Vecernji List News)
Hrvatska (Croatia)

15.07.2006 18:15

Sveta Stolica preuzima međugorski fenomen u svoje ruke
Autor Žarko IVKOVIĆ

Katolička crkva osniva novu komisiju koja će ispitati međugorska zbivanja. Dao je to naslutiti kardinal Vinko Puljić, predsjednik Biskupske konferencije BiH, obraćajući se novinarima nakon završetka zasjedanja BKBiH održanog od 12. do 14. srpnja u Banjoj Luci. Izazvao je time i veliko iznenađenje jer Međugorja na dnevnom redu nije bilo. Osim toga, dobro je poznat stav Crkve da se o međugorskom fenomenu neće izjašnjavati dok on traje, a još je poznatiji stav mostarskoga biskupa, koji decidirano tvrdi da u njegovoj biskupiji nema nikakvih ukazanja Majke Božje.
Zašto se unatoč tomu osniva nova komisija koja bi trebala preispitati stav biskupa izrečen 1991., prema kojemu se "ne može ustvrditi da je riječ o nadnaravnim ukazanjima"? Prema našim informacijama, zahtjev za osnivanje komisije dolazi iz Vatikana, koji očito više ne može zatvarati oči pred onim što se događa u Međugorju.

Here is coverage of the article in Dutch. I don't know if it is a direct translatio or a story on the article.

Kerk stelt onderzoekscommissie Medjugorje in
Geplaatst op 2006-07-21 21:44:26

MEDJUGORJE ( – De katholieke kerk stelt een nieuwe commissie in de gebeurtenissen van Medjugorje moet onderzoeken. Dit heeft kardinaal Vinko Puljic, de voorzitter van de bisschoppenconferentie van Bosnië-Herzegovina, volgens een bericht in de krant Vecernji List tegenover journalisten bekend gemaakt. In Medjugorje zou volgens zeggen van de zieners sinds 24 juni 1981 Maria dagelijks verschijnen.

Het onderwerp “Medjugorje” was blijkbaar een breed bediscussieerd thema bij de bijeenkomst van de laatste bisschoppenconferentie van Bosnië-Herzegovina. Uit kerkelijke kringen werd door het Duitstalige katholieke Internetportal vernomen dat de bisschoppen zich, ofschoon het niet op de agenda stond, meer dan drie uren met het thema hebben beziggehouden.

Ook de Kroatische staatstelevisie berichtte over de beslissing van de bisschoppen in de nieuwsuitzending Dnevnik. Vecernji List meldde tevens dat dit initiatief voor de instelling van een nieuwe onderzoekscommissie werd ingegeven na aansporingen daartoe van het Vaticaan. Letterlijk staat er in die krant: “Volgens onze informatie komt het initiatief uit het Vaticaan die blijkbaar niet langer de ogen voor wat in Medjugorje gebeurt wil sluiten.” Volgens de bisschop van Banja Luka, Franjo Komarica, moet ook een lid van de commissie het Vaticaan vertegenwoordigen. Mogelijk zal de commissie direct door een afgevaardigde van het Vaticaan worden geleid.

De Kerk heeft tot op heden nog geen definitief oordeel over Medjugorje gegeven en in de verklaring uit 1991 de verschijningen noch verworpen, noch definitief bevestigd. Medjugorje behoort inmiddels tot wereldwijd de grootste bedevaartsoorden. Alleen al in de maand juni van dit jaar bezochten honderdduizenden gelovigen en 4500 priesters het oord. (em)

Related Post: Full Length Homily of Bishop Peric in Medjugorje on June 15, 2006