
Saturday, March 29, 2014

Pope Francis on the evangelizing power of popular piety

I started reading the Apostolic Exhortation, Evangelii Gaudium by Pope Francis a little late and have been in a slow read.  There is a section on popular piety I read last night that was quite moving.  I'd like to share what the Holy Father said.  Here, I am copying in full text as I don't have time for paraphrasing  (I've eliminated the footnotes, so see the original text for source of quotes.)

The evangelizing power of popular piety 
122. In the same way, we can see that the different peoples among whom the Gospel has been inculturated are active collective subjects or agents of evangelization. This is because each people is the creator of their own culture and the protagonist of their own history. Culture is a dynamic reality which a people constantly recreates; each generation passes on a whole series of ways of approaching different existential situations to the next generation, which must in turn reformulate it as it confronts its own challenges. Being human means “being at the same time son and father of the culture to which one belongs”. Once the Gospel has been inculturated in a people, in their process of transmitting their culture they also transmit the faith in ever new forms; hence the importance of understanding evangelization as inculturation. Each portion of the people of God, by translating the gift of God into its own life and in accordance with its own genius, bears witness to the faith it has received and enriches it with new and eloquent expressions. One can say that “a people continuously evangelizes itself”. Herein lies the importance of popular piety, a true expression of the spontaneous missionary activity of the people of God. This is an ongoing and developing process, of which the Holy Spirit is the principal agent.

123. Popular piety enables us to see how the faith, once received, becomes embodied in a culture and is constantly passed on. Once looked down upon, popular piety came to be appreciated once more in the decades following the Council. In the Exhortation Evangelii Nuntiandi, Pope Paul VI gave a decisive impulse in this area. There he stated that popular piety “manifests a thirst for God which only the poor and the simple can know” and that “it makes people capable of generosity and sacrifice even to the point of heroism, when it is a question of bearing witness to belief”. Closer to our own time, Benedict XVI, speaking about Latin America, pointed out that popular piety is “a precious treasure of the Catholic Church”, in which “we see the soul of the Latin American peoples”.

In some quarters of the Church it is still looked down upon so I am glad that Pope Francis devoted a section to it in Evangelii Gaudium.  

When Paul VI talked about the poor and the simple, keep in mind that poor and simple does not mean unintelligent.  Our Lord wanted us to approach the faith as children and popular piety allows even the smallest of children to participate in some way.  Also, when we think especially of those who are materially poor, we see people who are heavily burdened with labor, perhaps with only enough time to make use of pious devotions.  Many people find solace in praying a Rosary when burdened, from every spectrum. It can be prayed while walking or commuting to school or work.  Within a given culture, you can see the impoverished along with the wealthy venerating the Blessed Virgin Mary, the  Eucharist, and various saints - often in huge events.  Some are specific to a particular country as we see in the Philippines, in Latin American and European countries, and in parts of Africa, among others.  Much of that has been brought to countries like the United States and Canada where others have been evangelized by it.

124. The Aparecida Document describes the riches which the Holy Spirit pours forth in popular piety by his gratuitous initiative. On that beloved continent, where many Christians express their faith through popular piety, the bishops also refer to it as “popular spirituality” or “the people’s mysticism”. It is truly “a spirituality incarnated in the culture of the lowly”. Nor is it devoid of content; rather it discovers and expresses that content more by way of symbols than by discursive reasoning, and in the act of faith greater accent is placed on credere in Deum than on credere DeumIt is “a legitimate way of living the faith, a way of feeling part of the Church and a manner of being missionaries”; it brings with itself the grace of being a missionary, of coming out of oneself and setting out on pilgrimage: “Journeying together to shrines and taking part in other manifestations of popular piety, also by taking one’s children or inviting others, is in itself an evangelizing gesture”. Let us not stifle or presume to control this missionary power!  

125. To understand this reality we need to approach it with the gaze of the Good Shepherd, who seeks not to judge but to love. Only from the affective connaturality born of love can we appreciate the theological life present in the piety of Christian peoples, especially among their poor. I think of the steadfast faith of those mothers tending their sick children who, though perhaps barely familiar with the articles of the creed, cling to a rosary; or of all the hope poured into a candle lighted in a humble home with a prayer for help from Mary, or in the gaze of ten- der love directed to Christ crucified. No one who loves God’s holy people will view these actions as the expression of a purely human search for the divine. They are the manifestation of a theological life nourished by the working of the Holy Spirit who has been poured into our hearts (cf. Rom 5:5). 

Excellent point about busy mothers, which goes to my point further up about the burdened.   Likewise, I have seen many cling to a Rosary when a loved one is dying, even though they don't pray it daily.  Some might scoff at this, but graces come from even small gestures like this.  It expresses faith because one without faith would look for solace in some other way.

126. Underlying popular piety, as a fruit of the inculturated Gospel, is an active evangelizing power which we must not underestimate: to do so would be to fail to recognize the work of the Holy Spirit. Instead, we are called to promote and strengthen it, in order to deepen the never-ending process of inculturation. Expressions of popular piety have much to teach us; for those who are capable of reading them, they are a locus theologicus which demands our attention, especially at a time when we are looking to the new evangelization. 


I recommend reading Evanglii Gaudium yourself.  I've seen parts of it distorted often by cherry-picking a line or partial paragraph.  People have been wrongly attributing things to the Holy Father that he did not say in this exhortation.  By relying on blogs and websites to tell you what is in it, you risk spreading untruths which opens the door to calumny.  Don't worry about the big words Pope Francis sometimes uses - just use a dictionary the way past generations did.  If you still don't understand something, move on and don't get bogged down in it.


The Holy See created a document containing directives for popular piety in order to curb some abuses, but also to make known it's value and legitimacy.  I you have not read it, I recommend this.  It was written in December of 2001 by the Congregation for Divine Worship.

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Pope sneaks off to Confession ahead of hearing them

Photo: Osservatore/ANSA

As part of a push by Pope Francis to keep churches in dioceses around the world open for Confession this weekend, and to create greater awareness, he surprised his own Master of Ceremonies, Msgr. Guido Marini, when he made  bee-line for a confessional himself before starting.

Here's the video…

From Vatican Radio:

Pope Francis delivered the homily at a penitential service over which he was presiding in St. Peter’s Basilica on Friday afternoon. The order of the celebration included Psalms, readings from Sacred Scripture, and hymns, all focused on the theme of repentance and God’s boundless mercy.  

The service was a part of the “24 Hours for the Lord” initiative, being celebrated throughout the Rome diocese and in many local Churches throughout the world, in which the faithful receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation and then become special ambassadors of Christ’s mercy, inviting people to avail themselves of the Lord’s forgiveness in churches that are to remain open through the night.

And, the same Vatican Radio link gives text for what the Holy Father had to say:

In the period of Lent, the Church, in the name of God, renews the call to conversion. It is the call to change one’s life. Conversion is not a matter of a moment or a year, is a commitment that lasts a lifetime. Who among us can be assumed not to be a sinner? No one. The Apostle John writes: “If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous so as to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:8-9).” This is what happens in our celebration and throughout this day of penance. The Word of God we have heard introduces us to two essential elements of the Christian life. 

The first [is]: put on the new man. The new man, “created according to God(Eph 4:24),” is born in Baptism, where one receives the very life of God, which makes us His sons and incorporates us into Christ and his Church. This new life allows one to look at reality with different eyes, without being distracted by things that do not matter and cannot last long.
For this we are called to abandon sinful behaviour and fix our gaze on that, which is essential. “Man is more precious for what he is than for what he has. (Gaudium et Spes, 35)” Behold the difference between the life deformed by sin and the life illumined by grace. From the heart of the man renewed according to God come good behaviors: always to speak with truth and avoid any lie; to steal not, but rather to share what you have with others; especially with those in need; not to give in to anger, resentment and revenge, but to be gentle, magnanimous and ready to forgive; not to fall into backbiting that ruins people’s good name, but to look more rather on each person’s positive side. 

The second factor [is]: Remain in my love. The love of Jesus Christ lasts forever, will never end because it is the very life of God. This love conquers sin and gives strength to get up and start anew, because with pardon the heart is renewed and rejuvenated. Our Father never tires of loving and His eyes did not grow heavy in looking at the way home, to see if his Son who left and was lost will return. And this Father does not tire of loving even His other son, who, though he remains ever in the house with Him, nevertheless does not take part in His mercy, His compassion. God is not only the source of love, but in Jesus Christ calls us to imitate his own way of loving: “As I have loved you, so you also should love one another. (Jn 13:34)” To the extent that Christians live this love, they become credible disciples of Christ in the world. Love cannot stand to remain locked up in itself. By its very nature [Love] is open, it spreads and is fruitful, [it] always generates new love.

Dear brothers and sisters, after this celebration, many of you will make yourselves missionaries to the experience of reconciliation with God. “24 hours for the Lord” is an initiative in which many dioceses all over the world are participating. To everyone you meet, you will communicate the joy of receiving the Father’s forgiveness and regaining full friendship with Him. The one who experiences the mercy of God, is driven to be the creator of mercy among the poor and the least. In these “littlest brothers and sisters” Jesus waits for us (cf. Mt 25:40). Let us go to meet them! And we will celebrate Easter in the joy of God!


Yesterday, looking at Father Z's post on this, it was unfortunate that the first commenter took a pharisaical, rigorist viewpoint by complaining about the Pope going to Confession face-to-face (this stuff really gives the traditionalist movement a black-eye in general).  Fortunately, rather than delete it, Father Z let it stand, but not without the virtual equivalent of slapping him upside the head.  The only thing left to do with people afflicted with raising such things to the level of doctrines is to give them hemorrhoid creme so they can loosen up.

On that subject, a Facebook friend posted this collection of photos and art showing a number of instances where Confession is heard without secrecy including the one with St. John Bosco, and some with St. Padre Pio, among others.  Some of these images might actually be blessings, not Confessions, but most are and you get the idea.  You also don't get to carry a grate with you on the battlefield or in a hospital bed.

Here is Saint Leopold Mandic - known as the apostle of the confessional.  He died in 1942.

I found this piece of art and wondered about it's origin, but it obviously is not depicting a recent era.   I love the image.

If anyone knows the artist and name of the painting, please email me TeDeumBlog (at) gmail (dot) com, or in social media.  I have shut down comments for this blog indefinitely because I don't want to manage them and cannot leave them unmoderated due to spammers.

Hooray! One of my Facebook followers found information on the painting directly above.  Here is the explanation from All-Posters:

The Seven Sacraments Altarpiece, detail of the baptism, the confirmation and the confession, from the left wing, c.1445 (oil on panel) (see also 168159 & 168161-64), Weyden, Rogier van der (1399-1464) / Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten, Antwerp, Belg

Here is what is meant by "left wing" (we have only a cropped version above of the original painting). I love this style of art.

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The obedient are not held captive by Holy Mother Church;
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- Diane M. Korzeniewski

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Saturday, March 22, 2014

Sacramental Confession: The New Evangelization begins with the evangelization of self

Winning hearts and souls for Christ begins with our own interior conversion.  This requires regularly examining our consciences in light of the Gospel as the Church has taught us since Jesus Christ first instituted it over 2000 years ago; and making use of Sacramental Confession.  Pope Benedict XVI said as much on March 9, 2012.  From CNA:

Confession and true conversion of people’s hearts is the “motor” of all reform and an authentic “force for evangelization…" 
In a novel speech, he connected the New Evangelization and confession, saying that the effort to spread the Gospel draws life from “the sanctity of the sons and daughters of the Church, from the daily process of individual and community conversion, conforming itself ever more profoundly to Christ.”

“Thus each confession, from which each Christian will emerge renewed, will represent a step forward for New Evangelization.”

Priests are also able to become collaborators in the New Evangelization by hearing confessions, the Pope said. They have as many possible “new beginnings” as sinners they encounter, he noted, because those who truly experience the mercy of Christ in confession will become “credible witnesses of sanctity.” 
Pope Benedict also reflected on what happens spiritually during the sacrament of confession. The repentant sinner is “justified, forgiven and sanctified,” thanks to the divine mercy, which is the “only adequate response” to humankind’s need for the infinite, he said.
The forgiveness of sins has a direct impact on efforts to spread the Gospel, he explained, pointing out that only those “who allow themselves to be profoundly renewed by divine grace can internalize and therefore announce the novelty of the Gospel.”

Some feel they have no need to confess sins to a priest. Yet, no personal interpretation of the Scripture trumps 2000 years of constant, unchanging teaching, mindful of the authority given the Church (2 Peter 1:20, Matthew 16:18).    There really is a Scriptural basis for the Sacrament of Reconciliation and the Church Fathers spoke on the subject. Soon to be Saint Pope John Paul II, in his 1984 Apostolic Exhortation, Reconciliatio et Paenetentia writes in section 31-IV:

First of all, it must be emphasized that nothing is more personal and intimate that this sacrament, in which the sinner stands alone before God with his sin, repentance and trust. No one can repent in his place or ask forgiveness in his name. There is a certain solitude of the sinner in his sin, and this can be seen dramatically represented in Cain with sin "crouching at his door," as the Book of Genesis says so effectively, and with the distinctive mark on his forehead;(190) in David, admonished by the prophet Nathan;(191) or in the prodigal son when he realizes the condition to which he has reduced himself by staying away from his father and decides to return to him.(192) Everything takes place between the individual alone and God. But at the same time one cannot deny the social nature of this sacrament, in which the whole church-militant, suffering and glorious in heaven- comes to the aid of the penitent and welcomes him again into her bosom, especially as it was the whole church which had been offended and wounded by his sin. As the minister of penance, the priest by virtue of his sacred office appears as the witness and representative of this ecclesial nature of the sacrament.

Pope John Paul II then explains that God is not the only one we offend with our sins in paragraph V:

The forgiven penitent is reconciled with himself in his inmost being, where he regains his own true identity. He is reconciled with his brethren whom he has in some way attacked and wounded. He is reconciled with the church. He is reconciled with all creation.

We are emerging from a very troubling period where many have rarely heard a priest exhort them to go to Confession.  Back in 2002, in his Apostolic Letter, Misericordia Dei, Pope John Paul II said to bishops and priests:

With these words, I intended, as I do now, to encourage my Brother Bishops and earnestly appeal to them – and, through them, to all priests – to undertake a vigorous revitalization of the Sacrament of Reconciliation. This is a requirement of genuine charity and true pastoral justice,(5) and we should remember that the faithful, when they have the proper interior dispositions, have the right to receive personally the sacramental gift.

In that same letter, John Paul II also explained why communal penance services alone, cannot be a substitute for individual Confession.  Those services are good for helping people to reflect, but if one finds grave sin, they ought to take advantage of the individual confessions that follow.  If your parish priest is not offering individual confession, find a new parish, if possible.

More recently, Pope Francis directed the prelates of the Curia to hit the Confessionals, and on March 28th, he will lead a penitential service, then hear confessions himself.

If we want a resurgence in Confession, it needs to be more accessible. When I first got to Assumption Grotto in 2005, the sight of two or three confessionals running before Mass with a line of people from young to old waiting, stirred in me the desire to make more frequent use of this merciful sacrament. Of course, the Order of Canons Regular of the Holy Cross using Grotto as a home base, made this possible.  Many parishes have just one priest, and he sometimes has more than one parish. Where possible, priests should consider having a period for Reconciliation for 30-45 minutes prior to Mass, leaving 10-15 minutes to vest. At Assumption Grotto, the priest who has the Mass, puts a note on his door that Confessions end 10 minutes prior to Mass time. One added benefit of the pre-Mass Confession line is that the Holy Spirit works through such visuals to draw others. I've found that wherever a priest was persistent, during periods when large groups would be in Church, to offer Reconciliation, people respond and even come to anticipate his presence in the confessional. Priests will sometimes use free time to sit in their box outside of posted hours at Assumption Grotto, when there is an event, like Adoration, or shortly ahead of daily Mass, until 5-10 minutes before.  This is a merciful gesture since many will be prompted through interior reflection, to want to confess their sins and Saturday afternoons are often difficult.

Where there is more than one priest available, priests should consider having one confessional running before Mass, even into the early part of Mass.  Redemptionis Sacramentum, in which Pope John Paul II reigned in many liturgical abuses back in 1984, explains in paragraph 76:

[76.] Furthermore, according to a most ancient tradition of the Roman Church, it is not permissible to unite the Sacrament of Penance to the Mass in such a way that they become a single liturgical celebration. This does not exclude, however, that Priests other than those celebrating or concelebrating the Mass might hear the confessions of the faithful who so desire, even in the same place where Mass is being celebrated, in order to meet the needs of those faithful.[158] This should nevertheless be done in an appropriate manner.

Part of the problem is that discussion of sin has been absent from homilies where people are given an opportunity to reflect.  When priests take time to explain why certain things are sinful, and how we understand this from Scripture and the Church Fathers, people soak it in.  A few prideful souls will object (vocal minority), but it's all those quiet people who say nothing at all (silent majority), whose humble desire to do the right thing, which should be considered.

Another problem is the lack of Examination of Conscience sheets laying around at entrances.  We should have these and they should come with instructions for those who have not gone in a while, with words of comfort to quell fear.  Today, there are multiple generations of people who are convinced they are generally good, and without sin, even those who went to good Catholic schools many decades ago.  So, empty confession lines tells us we either we have a lot of saints in the pews or we have a lot of people who deceive themselves by thinking they are without sin (1 John 1:8).

Pope Francis has especially been persistent about the need to make use of the sacrament, also referred to as Reconciliation, or Penance.   Thankfully, I see priests in a number of quarters beginning to re-seed this barren field of Catholicism.  Some people complain that Confessions have not increased since Pope Francis began hitting the subject frequently (i.e., "no 'Francis effect'").  I trust the anecdotal evidence offered by individual priests who say that more people are coming to use the sacrament.  Maybe these folks were in a confessional when the phone rang looking for statistical proof of the 'Francis effect'!

Let's look back on only a few of the many things Pope Francis has said about confessing sins.  From an April 29, 2013 Vatican Radio report, Pope Francis says that shame is a Christian virtue...

But Jesus in the confessional is not a dry cleaner: it is an encounter with Jesus, but with this Jesus who waits for us, who waits for us just as we are. “But, Lord, look ... this is how I am”, we are often ashamed to tell the truth: 'I did this, I thought this'. But shame is a true Christian virtue, and even human ... the ability to be ashamed: I do not know if there is a similar saying in Italian, but in our country to those who are never ashamed are called “sin vergüenza’: this means ‘the unashamed ', because they are people who do not have the ability to be ashamed and to be ashamed is a virtue of the humble, of the man and the woman who are humble."

"Humility and meekness are like the frame of a Christian life. A Christian must always be so, humble and meek. And Jesus waits for us to forgive us. We can ask Him a question: Is going to confession like to a torture session? No! It is going to praise God, because I, a sinner , have been saved by Him. And is He waiting for me to beat me? No, with tenderness to forgive me. And if tomorrow I do the same? Go again, and go and go and go .... He always waits for us. This tenderness of the Lord, this humility, this meekness .... "

In October of 2013 he wanted to ease people's fears and misconceptions:

“Confessing our sins is not going to a psychiatrist, or to a torture chamber: it’s saying to the Lord, 'Lord, I am a sinner,' but saying it through the brother, because this says it concretely. 'I am sinner because of this, that and the other thing.'”

From his General Audience on November 20, 2013, Pope Francis says:

God’s forgiveness is given to us in the Church, it is transmitted to us by means of the ministry of our brother, the priest; and he too is a man, who, like us in need of mercy, truly becomes the instrument of mercy, bestowing on us the boundless love of God the Father. Priests and bishops too have to go to confession: we are all sinners. Even the Pope confesses every 15 days, because the Pope is also a sinner. And the confessor hears what I tell him, he counsels me and forgives me, because we are all in need of this forgiveness. Sometimes you hear someone claiming to confess directly to God... Yes, as I said before, God is always listening, but in the Sacrament of Reconciliation he sends a brother to bestow his pardon, the certainty of forgiveness, in the name of the Church.

There are probably three times that many instances, or more,  that the Holy Father brought up the subject of Confession in his short pontificate.  So, do not be afraid, go to Confession!

Two parishes in metro-Detroit that I know offer generous Sacramental Confession times, with the help of additional priests, is Assumption Grotto, and Ss Cyril & Methodius in Sterling Heights.  Not only can you find the usual Saturday options, but you have access on Sundays and most weekdays before daily Masses.  Don't hesitate to knock on a sacristy door to ask for Confession if you are in need, during the week.  You might have to wait until after Mass in such cases, if you come too close to Mass, but it's better than not going.  Just abstain from Communion until after your confession is heard if you are aware or suspect grave sin.  It is not good to go to Communion with a doubtful conscience.

Further Reading and Resources:

For interesting news items I don't have time to blog on, check out my Twitter Feed: @TeDeumBlog

Te Deum Laudamus! Home

The obedient are not held captive by Holy Mother Church;
it is the disobedient who are held captive by the world!

- Diane M. Korzeniewski

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Thursday, March 20, 2014

40 Hours Devotion at St. Faustina in Warren, MI

The shock! I've lived on the southeast end of Macomb County most of my life and I am not aware of any parish that has offered 40 Hours Devotion until now!  I'm happy to say, this weekend, it comes to Warren, Michigan starting tomorrow morning at St. Faustina (former location of St. Edmund Parish, with the old St. Sylvester's merged).  Any parish offering Eucharistic devotion like this is sure to receive many blessings from God, as are those who participate.

If you are in the area, please try to support the use of this old devotion by doing a holy hour there or even going to the closing ceremony. The full schedule is here.  (Note: This link may be temporary). St. Faustina is located on the north side of 12 Mile Rd, just east of Schoenherr.  There is construction at that main intersection with no left turns permitted, so plan accordingly to get onto 12 Mile Rd. before then.

This Eucharistic devotion, which can last for 40 hours consecutively, but is usually broken up over several days, has a history going back to the 1500's. Among the saints who encouraged 40 Hours Devotion were St. Philip Neri and St. Ignatius of Loyola.  Here in the U.S., in the 1800's, St. John Neumann, the fourth bishop of Philadelphia, strongly promoted it in a time when there was great anti-Catholic sentiment and persecution.  Some years ago, Fr. William Saunders wrote one of the few, in depth pieces you will find on the internet about 40 Hours Devotion in his article, "40 Hours with Jesus Christ."  

Assumption Grotto has 40 Hours Devotion in November every year.  I have heard from many older Grotto-goers, reflecting on an era past when this devotion was popular.  Parishes would schedule them at different times during the year and people say in some places it would literally roll across parishes week-to-week with opportunities for people to go numerous times through the year.  Pre-Lent and Lent were common times to have it.   People talk about this very fondly and how they looked forward to going to the different parishes, and especially to the solemn closing ceremony and dinner afterwards.

I would encourage people to go to any 40 Hours Devotion they see happening in their neighborhood. So, if you are near St. Faustina's make it a point to stop in.  Consider joining them at their closing ceremony.  There is a banquet afterwards, but reservations are required.  It is suggested that you make your reservations by 3:00 PM Friday (call 586-772-2720 for more info).

I'm rather interested in the fact that an organist I once knew, Dr. David Troiano, will be directing a polish choir, the Filarets, in the final stretch leading up to the closing with a tribute to the Blessed Sacrament.  I haven't seen him since he was the organist at St. Jerome Croatian Parish (now St. Lucy's in Troy) back in the 70's.  I believe this will be more classical based on my memories of him and his talents. Here is some background on Troiano from a 2012 article covering his 40th anniversary devoted to church music.

I also just noticed that the priest who will lead the Stations of the Cross at 7:00 PM Friday night, and offer a talk, is also the same priest who just celebrated the 6:00 PM extraordinary form Mass at St. Joseph's in Detroit yesterday on their big feast day. Reverend Robert Marczewski is the Spiritual Director of SS Cyril & Methodius Seminary, Orchard Lake.  I know many Grotto-goers will be at Assumption Grotto to hear the Lenten talk during the fish fry at 6:00 PM, followed by Stations and Mass, but for some, this starts later and might be an option.

Prayer during 40 Hours Devotion

There are many hours of just pure silence where you can do vocal prayers, meditate on something, or enter into contemplative prayer.  People don't often realize that sitting in total silence, merely resting in the Lord and not thinking about anything in particular, is a form of prayer.  It is the prayer of quiet and from the prayer of quiet, God can pull a soul into contemplative prayer.  It's often referred to as mental prayer. This is  why seminarians are encouraged to do holy hours, and why we see it built into the schedule of religious orders experiencing the most explosive growth right now.  In all prayer, God makes the first move, stirring in us, through grace, this desire to pray.  We respond to that by being there.  But such consolations will be taken from us to see if we still come to pray, or to sit in silence.  It is a test by God to see if we are there for his sake, or for ours.  Some of the most precious prayers we can give to God is when we feel no satisfaction at all.  Committing ourselves to an hour at something like 40 Hours, even though we have other things to do, is one way to show our love to God.

As a secular Carmelite, I'm required to put in 30 minutes of mental prayer daily. Fr. Perrone, also a secular Carmelite, talks often on the importance of this form of prayer as it is the one time that we finally rest and allow God to do the talking.  We won't always hear that still, small voice, but it is good to predispose ourselves to hearing it in our hearts.

It is good to bring Scripture with you to any Holy Hour, especially if you might spend more than an hour in church during Exposition.  There are many other things you could bring to use with a form of prayer called, Lectio Divina.  You can read more about that here (see the what, where, when and how):

St. Faustina Parish

St. Faustina, as it was renamed this past July when St. Edmund and St. Sylvester merged, has many parishioners of polish descent.  The new pastor, Fr. Bogdan Milosz, is a native of Poland who has been here in the U.S. for some years.  Since taking over the parish this summer, I have seen him try to introduce a number of pious devotions which, by appearance, have been warmly received.

Some readers of this blog may remember Fr. Bogdan from his Capac days. I know nothing about him from those days; all I know about him comes from about a dozen or more weekday Masses I've attended since he got there in July, and a handful of weekend Masses when I could not make it to Grotto.  A few examples that I recall: In his 4th of July Mass, he said that the first freedom is the right to life.  I've heard him tell parishioners to include prayer and spiritual reading in their Sunday plans along with spending time with family, and not to give it all away to sports and play. The walls might have rattled when he discouraged shopping on Sundays that day. A couple Sundays ago when I was not well enough to go to Grotto, I heard him explain to people there are two ways to love God: Obey the 10 Commandments and to live the Beatitudes.  I haven't heard a homily yet - weekend or weekday - that did not touch on some subject that might be a little uncomfortable for some.

The parish is typical of those built in the 1970's with it's round architecture.  Unfortunately, it has no kneelers - something I have long prayed would change when they have funding.   I have managed to kneel on the carpeted floor as I so desire, but I struggle more each year.  I feel bad for elderly people who know they are justified in sitting when the rubrics calls or kneeling, but are only held back by lack of kneelers.  I try not to get hung up on things like this, or round architecture, because it is the result of past thinking that some must yet live with for a time.  I know many fine priests who are inheriting parishes like this, even though they would prefer a classical design and furnishings.  What is important is what happens inside.   40 Hours Devotion is a very promising sign in any parish and should be supported.

Catechesis needed on Eucharistic reverence and reverence for others

One thing I hope priests do when introducing something like this Eucharistic devotion is to set out some sheets at the entrances that people can take into the pews during the silent hours which has a few notes. They might include some common Holy Hour prayers for those who aren't accustomed to filling an entire hour with meditation or contemplative prayer.  People who have had little or no exposure to Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament may be unaware of basic protocols, like observing strict silence during private devotions and not conversing.  I've seen some well-intentioned souls initiate a public Rosary and litanies to fill the silence, often to the dismay of others deep in mental prayer which requires a quiet atmosphere. Then, there are others who sometimes chat as they do before Mass.

The pre-Mass period in many parishes has become a social hour where one can hear conversation about everything from the big game in the afternoon, to elaborate details about a roast in someone's oven. People can be heard making plans for breakfast or dinner after Mass with others.  Imagine someone with a spouse or child at home who has cancer, looking to lay their head on the shoulder of Our Eucharistic Lord in silence, only to be met with chatter in church.  While some defend the pre-Mass social as "charity" no one is thinking about how uncharitable the noise is for the tired and burdened who are trying to seek refuge in the meek and humble heart of Jesus.  The pre-Mass period in some parishes rivals the mall on Saturday mornings for decibels in noise level.  Who can possibly pray amidst that noise?

There is a chasm in philosophy on this with one side saying this should be a time we draw close to Our Lord before the Mass in silent prayer; and the other side saying that it is charitable to keep one's neighbor company as they await Mass.  I have come to believe that if people truly care about one another, they won't wait until 20 minutes before Mass to keep their neighbor's company; they will pick up the phone during the week and call that person, or invite them out for coffee.  When we go forth from Mass, that is how we should respond. In fact, one of the highest forms of charity we can offer to others is to give them our time outside of church.  That is the discussion I think pastors need to have with their people in an effort to persuade them to give up this common chit-chat habit.  We need to convince people that if they have nothing to say to Our Lord while in Church they should be aware that God has something to say to them, but they will never hear him if they don't lend him an ear.

Even in these things, I no longer get upset with people.  I consider the fact that most have been conditioned to believe this is not only okay, but it is the right thing to do (priests included).  We have to work with charity, reason and grace to move hearts on subjects like this.  How many would defend their "right" to talk in church if they knew they were adversely hindering a troubled soul from seeking solace in the arms of God in prayer?

In conclusion

I hope people reading this who are close by will consider filling some of those silent hours, ensuring Our Lord is not alone.  Any parish just introducing this might have trouble doing this, but if priests persist year after year, others will hear how good it is and it will gain popularity.  There is something truly magnetic about  Eucharistic devotion.  Anyone who does it wants to come back for more, and to tell others to participate.  So, much patience is needed.  I hope to see other parishes bringing it back.

May God grant an increase to Eucharistic devotion in the Archdiocese of Detroit, especially through 40 Hours Devotion, rolling once again from parish to parish.  Many parishes cannot have perpetual Adoration, but this is one way to give people exposure to Exposition.  From there, people might look for more opportunities to pray this way and that will lead to more chapels.  Right now I must travel for 20 minutes in any direction to find Adoration which makes it difficult to participate daily, as I would like.

For interesting news items I don't have time to blog on, check out my Twitter Feed: @TeDeumBlog

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Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Pope Francis doesn't like Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI hidden away...

Pope Francis is not satisfied to have Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI hidden away.  Like grandparents should share wisdom with their children and grandchildren, Pope Francis thinks the Pope Emeritus should share his wisdom with all of us.  The Holy Father acknowledges that some will not like this.  No complaints here; I'm loving it!

This news has been going around, but Vaticanist, Sandro Magister gives more detail.

The Pope Emeritus Prays, But Also Advises. Here's How

With Francis reigning, Benedict extols John Paul and above all his encyclical "Veritatis Splendor" on the foundations of morality. He was a pope, he says, who was not afraid of "how his decisions would be received"  
by Sandro Magister 

ROME, March 17, 2014 – In his latest interview, with "Corriere della Sera," Pope Francis has revealed that he has struck a deal with Joseph Ratzinger on a new role for the "pope emeritus," unprecedented in the history of the Church: 

"The pope emeritus is not a statue in a museum. It is an institution. We have not been accustomed to this. Sixty or seventy years ago, the bishop emeritus did not exist. It came after the Council. Today it is an institution. The same thing must happen for the pope emeritus.  Benedict is the first, and perhaps there will be others. We do not know. He is discrete, humble, he does not want to be a nuisance.  We have spoken about it and have decided together that it would be better that he see people, get out and participate in the life of the Church. [. . .]  Some may have wished that he would retire to a Benedictine abbey far from the Vatican. I have thought of the grandparents who with their wisdom, their advice bring strength to the family and do not deserve to end up in a nursing home.” 
No sooner said than done. A few days ago a book came with a previously unpublished text by Benedict XVI.  And this is not a matter of just any sort of text.  But of a judgment that  the last pope - under the reign of his successor - is pronouncing on his predecessor, John Paul II. A veritable public judgment not only on the person but on the central features of that memorable pontificate.  
With accents that cannot help but be juxtaposed with the current situation of the Church.Some media, in covering the news of this text by the "pope emeritus," have emphasized the passage in which he recounts how the question of liberation theology was addressed in the first phase of Karol Wojtyla's pontificate.
But there are other significant passages. Two in particular.
The first is where Benedict XVI says what were, in his judgment, the most important encyclicals of John Paul II. 
Continue reading Magister's latest on Pope Francis, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, and Pope John Paul II. 

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St. Joseph's Church in Detroit going all out on St. Joseph's Day (Wednesday)

Fr. Perrone will be in Miami, Florida, celebrating Mass in the Extraordinary Form on the feast of St. Joseph tomorrow.  Of course, Assumption Grotto will have it's regular weekday Masses at 7:30 AM and 7:00 PM (both in the EF on Wednesdays).  But, a little further down Gratiot (see map) there is St. Joseph's Day at St. Joseph's Church.  Here is their line up for the day:

St. Joseph Day of Prayer 

Wednesday, March 19, 2014
The Solemnity Of Saint Joseph

Schedule of Events in Church
6:30 AM:         Private Confession Available
7:00 AM:         Novus Ordo Sung Mass celebrated by Fr. Gregory Tokarski followed by Saint Joseph Novena Prayers and Veneration of Saint Joseph Relic
8:00 AM:         Public Recitation of the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary and Saint Joseph Novena Prayers
9:00 AM:         Classical Organ Recital
10:00 AM:       Guided Tour of the Church
11:00 AM:       Solemn Exposition and Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament with Saint Joseph Novena Prayers
11:00 AM:       Private Confession Available
NOON:                 Novus Ordo Sung Mass celebrated by Bishop Donald Hanchon with the St. Joseph Cappella and Blessing of Bread followed by Saint Joseph Novena Prayers and Veneration of Saint Joseph Relic
1:30 PM:         Guided Tour of the Church
2:30 PM:         Public Recitation of the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary and Saint Joseph Novena Prayers
3:00 PM:         Stations of the Cross followed by the Divine Mercy Chaplet and Saint Joseph Novena Prayers and Veneration of True Cross Relic     
4:00 PM:        Chaldean Holy Mass celebrated by Monsignor Zouhair Kejbou
5:00 PM:         Private Confession Available
5:30 PM:        Public St. Joseph Statue Outdoor Procession with Recitation of the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary and Saint Joseph Novena Prayers
6:00 PM:         Latin Tridentine Sung Mass celebrated by Fr. Robert Marczewski with the St. Joseph Cappella followed by Saint Joseph Novena Prayers and Veneration of Saint Joseph Relic
7:30 PM:         Guided Tour of the Church

Other Events
1:00 PM to 5:00 PM: Saint Joseph Homemade Pasta, Soup, Salad, and Dessert Meal in Parish Hall.  Tickets can be purchased at the door and are $10 per individual, $5 for children eight years old & under.

10:00 AM to 8:00 PM: Religious Items Store in Parish Hall including traditional Saint Joseph Statues, Pictures, Books, Medals, Blessed Saint Joseph Oil from Montreal, Rosaries, DVD’s & CD’s.
St. Joseph's Altar Display in Parish Hall is an Italian tradition for the purpose of giving thanks, providing food for the poor, and spreading devotion to the friendship of St. Joseph.  Traditionally, people offer fruit,  handmade breads, and meatless dishes.  Prayer requests and notes of thanks are also often placed on the  altar.  Sometimes loved ones are remembered as well.  If you would like to help create this altar by bringing baked goods, flowers, or canned foods, please call Michael at the telephone number listed below.  

For more information, call (248) 250-6005 or visit

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Friday, March 14, 2014

Fr. Perrone to celebrate EF Mass in Miami, FL; Archbishop Broglio in Detroit; and more...

I received the following from a fellow parishioner accompanying Fr. Perrone to Miami, Florida where our pastor will celebrate Mass in the Extraordinary Form this coming Wednesday, March 19, at 7:30 PM on the Feast of St. Joseph.  It will be at the Church of the Epiphany with music by Franz Schubert.

Everyone is invited to experience this special event in honor of St. Joseph, patron of the universal Church! For hundreds of years, the beauty of the Latin Mass has inspired the great composers to write music for the Liturgy. This is a rare and unique opportunity to experience the Sacred Music of Schubert in the original context for which he intended its performance. The blend of orchestra, choir, Gregorian chant, candles, and incense, provides a peaceful and transcendent window into the Divine. Guest celebrant for this Extraordinary Form Mass will be Fr. Eduard Perrone, pastor of Assumption Grotto in Detroit. Even if you are not Catholic or familiar with the Mass, you are very welcome to come and observe. Please forward this information to everyone who may be interested. Thank you!

If someone in the Miami area is going, take pictures or observe to see if pictures are being taken and get me a contact or link.

Also, this weekend, Holy Trinity Apostolate is having their annual Lenten Symposium at Ss Cyril & Methodius in Sterling Heights, Michigan.  I wish I could go, but I must pass this year.

Backing up to this Saturday, the Most Rev. Timothy P. Broglio, of the Archdiocese for Military Services will be the keynote speaker.  See details at the apostolate website.  I know there were still openings and they do sell tickets at the door.  At this point, be prepared to pack your own lunch for the day. Go to the homepage or click the flyer.

On Sunday, Assumption Grotto has it's annual St. Joseph's Day Dinner.  From Grotto's homepage:

St. Joseph Dinner - The annual traditional Italian dinner will be held in the gym on Sunday, March 16th, following the Noon Mass. The Romano family and friends will again host this event in honor of St. Joseph. Seating is on a first-come, first-served basis (no reservations). Although there is no set price for this meal, your generous donation will provide continuing support for Assumption Grotto. Volunteers are needed to help. To donate food products, please call 249-693-3417.

Here are a few from last year's dinner.  I may post more this Sunday from last year's Mass and dinner.

For interesting news items I don't have time to blog on, check out my Twitter Feed: @TeDeumBlog

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The obedient are not held captive by Holy Mother Church;
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- Diane M. Korzeniewski

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Thursday, March 13, 2014

Almsgiving opportunity in Detroit for apartment fire victims

Lent is a time for almsgiving.  People give money when something happens, but long term assistance is needed as in this situation.

I shared some of this information in social media last week, but the need for cash by the St. Vincent De Paul in Detroit continues.  The Red Cross helps short term, but the St. Vincent De Paul Society helps for up to 6 months, to get residents back on their feet. There were some 50 people displaced by this.  Everyone got out only with the clothes on their backs, and one girl escaped with just a nightshirt and underwear in the cold temps.  A firefighter took off his boots, pants, and coat for her.  I was trying to find video of that story, but could not.


Here is just how bad the situation was for residents, some of whom jumped to their safety, sustaining injuries.  This video is now dated and discusses people unaccounted for, but thankfully, no bodies were found in the wreckage.


Here is a page set up at the St. Vincent De Paul in Detroit.  If you cannot give cash, note they are still looking for material goods too, especially things like furniture and appliances.

I would imagine residents of the disaster in Harlem, New York will be in a similar situation, with long term needs.  Contact the local St. Vincent De Paul Society and ask about long term help for those now homeless.

For interesting news items I don't have time to blog on, check out my Twitter Feed: @TeDeumBlog

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The obedient are not held captive by Holy Mother Church;
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Saturday, March 8, 2014

Photos, and Video of Archbishop Sample's Homily at Pontifical Mass in Portland, OR

I saw a photograph of Archbishop Sample doing a Pontifical Mass in the Archdiocese of Portland, Oregon.  I contacted the photographer, seeing his name in the corner of the photo and asked Marc Salvatore  if I could use this picture above.  He told me the homily was forthcoming and more pictures.  I decided to wait.

Marc contacted me this morning to let me know the video of the homily was available.  This is quality stuff - both the pictures and the video.

The Mass took place last week at the Brigittine Priory of Our Lady of Consolation in Amity, Oregon. From the YouTube description:
On March 1, 2014 Archbishop Alexander Sample of the Archdocese of Portland in Oregon celebrated a Pontifical High Mass in the Extraordinary Form at the Brigittine Monastery "Our Lady of Consolation" in Amity, Oregon. The Mass was the crowning celebration of a 3-day conference on Gregorian Chant and the role of sacred music in the liturgy.
"We can have the most beautiful liturgy in the world, and not have love... It's just for show.... As we seek our way forward...not to be angry and embittered, but people filled with the joy of the Gospel, in love with Our Lord Jesus, and sharing that with our brothers and sisters..." - Archbishop Sample

Here are a few more pictures, used with permission, from the set he shared with me through Dropbox.  I heartily recommend that you visit Marc Salvatore's Smugmug gallery for this Pontifical Mass to see the full set.

For interesting news items I don't have time to blog on, check out my Twitter Feed: @TeDeumBlog

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The obedient are not held captive by Holy Mother Church;
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- Diane M. Korzeniewski

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Thursday, March 6, 2014

Pope Francis is a gift to the Church

It's a good thing I care not a bit about approval of fellow traditionalists for what I say; rather, I say what I do and leave it to God for judgment.  I post this out of sadness at a continued barrage of near daily, contempt-filled writings out there in social media, for Pope Francis.  I unfriended someone yesterday in Facebook, who doesn't let a day pass by without nit-picking something the Holy Father does, and has often castigated him with words that may as well have been spittle chucked on him as he walked by.

I wanted to offer these thoughts for consideration during Lent.

I just posted this on Twitter through TwitLonger.


With Pope Francis ascending to papacy after the good Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI did in helping us to understand liturgy and Jesus of Nazareth better, I believe God is trying to keep us from neglecting other aspects of our faith that are also important.

I find myself examining my conscience this past year in ways I never had before. I have lost nothing that the Pope Emeritus taught and hold fast to those things, while learning to grow in other areas.

It saddens me deeply when some, who had a great love for the good Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI did, use him to beat down Pope Francis. Looking back this past year, I don't think Pope Francis has done anything to reflect poorly on his predecessor, or to disrespect him. If anything, I think some have been harsh in wanting Francis to BE Benedict XVI. Any pope who tries to BE his predecessor, isn't necessarily using those gifts that are particular to him.

Those who reject Pope Francis, some with open contempt, and almost with singular focus on looking for every perceived fault, even unto excluding anything positive, are rejecting a gift from God, who permitted Jorge Bergoglio to ascend to the papacy.

What is particularly disturbing is that a segment - yes, a segment, not an entire movement - but a segment of self-righteous, high and mighty fellow traditionalists are so concerned about themselves, they don't see the lowly poor souls being lifted out of the depths of despair, and lukewarmness, in part because WE have not been living the fullness of the Gospel.

Newsflash: God is harsh with those whom he loves (Judith 8:25-27) and at this point in time, God feels others need attention - others with gaping wounds.

Sitting around and complaining about sometimes imperfect communication of the Pope, or even imprudence; or about dissenting Catholics; or bishops and priests who have been negligent [not referring to sex abuse crisis], is no substitute for spending time in Adoration for them, or fasting for them. I challenge anyone to tell me public complaint is more valuable than praying and fasting for others.

Complaining about such things is not a manifestation of the Holy Spirit; it's a manifestation that people are yielding to concupiscence. The Holy Spirit does not cause disquiet; we bring it on ourselves by lack of faith.

I have faith that God had a reason for Pope Francis that may have a focus on others who are in need in ways known only to the Almighty. Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI has given me strength through knowledge about liturgy and the faith; Pope Francis is showing me how to think about others and their needs.

This Lent, let's place our focus on others [and I don't mean their faults], not on any wounds we may have. True disciples of Christ don't dwell in persecutions - real or perceived. They suffer silently like the Lamb, not with self-righteous indignation. Any traditionalist should know that.

For interesting news items I don't have time to blog on, check out my Twitter Feed: @TeDeumBlog

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The obedient are not held captive by Holy Mother Church;
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- Diane M. Korzeniewski

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Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Ash Wednesday Blog Reads

The great penitential season of Lent has begun.  On Ash Wednesday, there is always a Traditional Latin Mass at 7:00 PM at Assumption Grotto, and the choir and scholas sing.  This is their usual practice night and they are all there.

If you come to this post after Ash Wednesday, all of this is still good as it sets the mood for Lent, so you might want to revisit this post to continue through the resources here.

First, we look to the Holy Father, Pope Francis.  Here is the summary from Vatican Radio on his catechesis for this Ash Wednesday:

Today, Ash Wednesday, begins our Lenten journey of penance, prayer and conversion in preparation for the Church’s annual celebration of the saving mysteries of Christ’s passion, death and resurrection. In these days the Church asks us to ponder with joy and gratitude God’s immense love revealed in the paschal mystery and to live ever more fully the new life we have received in Baptism. This journey of spiritual renewal in the footsteps of Christ also calls us to acknowledge and respond to the growing spiritual and material poverty in our midst. Specifically, it means consciously resisting the pressure of a culture which thinks it can do without God, where parents no longer teach their children to pray, where violence, poverty and social decay are taken for granted. May this Lent, then, be a time when, as individuals and communities, we heed the words of the Gospel, reflect on the mysteries of our faith, practice acts of penance and charity, and open our hearts ever more fully to God’s grace and to the needs of our brothers and sisters. 

Back in December of 2013,  the Holy Father gave a longer message for Lent 2014.  The Holy Father was going to celebrate Mass later.  Watch the Vatican Radio homepage, possibly, for a homily. 

Also noteworthy, is that Pope Francis has given another interview to a secular Italian newspaper.  There is no translation of the entire interview, and Pat Archbold has more translated excerpts than just the part I've seen elsewhere, with the usual caveats about early translations. I'll try to pass along a full text translation when it is available. 

Closer to home, in Detroit, Archbishop Vigneron is kicking off a "Year of Prayer for a New Pentecost"  (see full statement of the Archbishop here). 

The ever spiritual Vultus Christi blog does not disappoint when looking for a good reflection for Ash Wednesday.  Tradition minded Dom Mark at the Silverstream Priory, begins his post with five disciplines of Lent with this introduction:

Ash WednesdayAsh Wednesday addresses the heart. Ashes are sprinkled on our heads, but Lent is lived in the heart. God wants pierced hearts. God looks for the broken heart. “Even now,” says the Lord, “return to me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning; and rend your hearts and not your garments” (Joel 2:12-13). Paradoxically, in order to give God one’swhole heart, it must first be pierced and broken. This is what we mean when we speak of compunction and contrition.

Father Z does a daily audio LENTCAzT through this holy season.  He has one up for Ash Wednesday.    You can listen to these on your computer if have speakers or headphones. Check daily or subscribe in iTunes.  I must say that Father Z's podcasts are among the best, both in quality and substance.  He also draws on the Church Fathers, his area of study.

The nuts and bolts guy of the apologetics wing of the Catholic blogosphere, Jimmy Akin, gives us 9 Things to Know and Share about Ash Wednesday.

Over at, the Catholic Gentleman, (a blog I heartily recommend to ladies, as well), Sam Guzman talks about Lent and prayer in this post.

Also at the National Catholic Register, Sarah Reinhard discusses the great Benedictines of Mary and their latest CD - Lent at Ephesus - which is filled with chants, polyphonies, and hymns.  You can hear samples in that last link.

Blogging Dominican, Fr. Philip N. Powell, discusses Advice to Preachers and Listeners.

Over at Southern Orders, Fr. Allan J. McDonald says the media is trying to undermine Pope Francis and the Church, but it's not working to well.  The problem is, they haven't seem to have figured that out yet.

For interesting news items I don't have time to blog on, check out my Twitter Feed: @TeDeumBlog

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The obedient are not held captive by Holy Mother Church;
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- Diane M. Korzeniewski

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