
Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Cardinal Rigali: Notre Dame's defense of Obama inviite evades common sense

Add Cardinal Rigali to the list of bishops - now at 53 - speaking out against Notre Dame's decision to give President Obama an honorary degree, and a platform against the will of the USCCB.

Go read: Exclusive Interview: Cardinal Rigali Says Notre Dame Defence of Obama Honor "Evades Common Sense"

In related news, Tom Peters has a good piece up worth reading: Cardinal Rigali: "The truth is the opposite" in response to Doug Kmiec column in CNS. Unbelievable.

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The obedient are not held captive by Holy Mother Church; it is the disobedient who are held captive by the world!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Go Welcome Ave Maria Radio Host, Al Kresta, to the Catholic Blogosphere!

I just learned that Al Kresta, the host of Kresta in the Afternoon on Ave Maria Radio, carried also on EWTN, now has a blog.

He starts out with a bang, blogging the story on Dr. Mary Ann Glendon, the former US Ambassador to the Vatican. She backed out of the Notre Dame commencements where she was expected to speak, and was to receive the presitgious Laetare award.

Drop in on Al at the Kresta in the Afternoon Blog

Te Deum Laudamus! Home

The obedient are not held captive by Holy Mother Church; it is the disobedient who are held captive by the world!

Mary Ann Glendon backs out of Notre Dame commencements, with dignity

I was at work at 5:30am and at nearly 8:30pm, have just gotten home. I got out of work at 2:00 to take my mother to the doctor, and have been pretty much running . Needless to say, while I was aware of today's big news, I could not communicate on it.

Many bloggers have already covered it and I'll let Canon Lawyer, Dr. Ed Peters pass along what has happened. If you click the title, it will take you to his post. Whether you read it here or at his blog, be sure to click on the links he provides.

Mary Ann Glendon brings good out of evil

I see Dr. Mary Ann Glendon's refusal to provide cover for Notre Dame's inexcusable conferral of honors on a prominent pro-abortion politician as an application of Canon 209.1 "The Christian faithful, even in their own manner of acting, are always obliged to maintain communion with the Church", or of Canon 225.2 "According to each one's own condition, [laity] are also bound by a particular duty to imbue and perfect the order of temporal affairs with the spirit of the gospel and thus to give witness to Christ, especially in carrying out these same affairs and in exercising secular functions.

"The evil that ND President Jenkins and his Board of Trustees committed has, Deus laudetur, occasioned one of the most striking displays of episcopal fortitude I can remember, mobilized hundreds of thousands of American Catholics against another quiet surrender to the Culture of Death, and effected notice to several once great Catholic institutions that it's time, finally, to decide where they stand.

I say, God bless Ambassador Glendon.

Indeed! Pray for the Ambassador. She bowed out with dignity and respect. She was able to understand the USCCB's Catholics in Political Life with all the simplicity intended. It always scares me when highly educated people complicate simple things. It's a loop-hole mentality that Christ never taught. Something doesn't fit their ideals or desires so they look for a way around it. It's actually not the innocent childlike behavior expected by Christ, but childish.

I will soon be updating my bishops list of those who have spoken out on this matter. The number is now at 47, with the addition today of Archbishop Joseph Naumann. The Papist, Tom Peters has the same running list.

It is refreshing to see so many bishops standing up for the faith. Some are concerned with those who have not written. I say, focus on those who have said something and offer some thanksgiving. For all of our bishops, pray. May God grace them with holy boldness.

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The obedient are not held captive by Holy Mother Church; it is the disobedient who are held captive by the world!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Pope Benedict After Four Years - Bungler or Teacher?

While John Allen's well-written articles will appear in the National Catholic Reporter, which is a dissident weekly, it is ironic, that they are not chock-full-o-dissidence as we so often see with most of what is written at the NCR. Fr. Z discusses Allen's articles often, almost always introducing him as,
"My friend Mr. John L. Allen, Jr., the nearly
ubiquitous fair-minded columnist for the ultra-lefty NCR..."

Here is yet another example of a fine piece Allen has put together - Benedict the bungler or Benedict the teacher? (source link is at the bottom).

Anyone who has read the words of Pope Benedict XVI sees, in him, the great teacher that he is. Quietly beneath my own breath, I have often wondered if His Holiness would someday be looked upon as a 21st century doctor of the Church. John Allen walks a similar path, but refers to the Fathers of the Church, when he writes (emphasis mine in bold):

In that spirit, devotees of papal pronouncements – not just the high-profile examples, but the Pope’s routine teaching during his Wednesday General Audiences, his Sunday addresses, and so on – say that if you close your eyes when Benedict is on stage, and forget who’s speaking, you could easily believe you’re listening to one of the great Fathers of the Church, such as Ignatius of Antioch, John Chrysostom, or Augustine of Hippo. Benedict’s material is almost always inspiring, spiritually rich, and rhetorically well-crafted, leading some analysts to declare him one of the greatest “teaching popes” in Church history.

Very well put, and true.

In his article, John Allen explores the perception, that Pope Benedict is a bungler. I call it a perception, because that is precisely what it is. John Allen rightly points to the lack of 21st century PR on the part of the Holy See's communications department. After listing a number of recent debacles attributed to the Pope, Allen writes:

The truly stunning dimension is that in virtually every case, there was a positive way to view what Benedict said or did; and in virtually every case, the Vatican didn’t even bother trying to present things that way until after the fact. (For example, readmitting the Holocaust-denying bishop was intended to entice him to renounce his views, not to endorse them. The Vatican waited until almost a week after the announcement, however, to explain this point.)

This is all true, but now, for the rest of the story.....

We know that the Pope has not gotten a fair shake in the media. When I see this, I can't help but reflect on the Last Gospel read at the end of each Mass in the Extraordinary Form (John 1:1-14). A few verses - speaking about Christ, come to mind:

In him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.....He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not. He came unto his own, and his own received him not.
Christ is not just yesterday. He is yesterday, today, and tomorrow and we are warned not to follow all sorts of strange teachings (Hebrews 13: 8-9). Much of the world is clouded with practices which counter the Gospel. That is why, as Christians, we are called to be counter-cultural. It was an opinion poll which put our Lord on the Cross. Is Christ not among his own today? Do they receive him? Look at the many Catholics in the media who have the same quick access to the Holy Father's words in their entirety, yet misunderstandings and distortions abound in their writings. If the world could not comprehend the light of Christ while Our Lord walked the earth, how can we expect it to be comprehended today, as it is passed on through the Vicar of Christ, Pope Benedict XVI?

Some things, must be left to prayer (Ephesians 6:12)

For we are not contending against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places

Go read John Allen's excellent article: Benedict the bungler or Benedict the teacher? in the Times Online.

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Friday, April 24, 2009

Steele to Obama: Sebelius not forthcoming about relationship with late-term abortionist

After the GOP block of Sebelius confirmation as Secretary of HHS, she was pushed into reacting to a bill that would have put limitations on late-term abortions. Kansas is the home of notorious late-term abortionist, "Tiller the Killer". Yesterday was the deadline for her to veto the bill, which she did. By doing nothing, the limitations would have went into effect.

Life Site News quotes GOP Chairman Steele:

"Significant questions remain about Gov. Kathleen Sebelius' evolving relationship with a late-term abortion doctor as well as about her position on the practice of late-term abortions," said Steele in a press release today. "The Senate should not vote, nor should Gov. Sebelius be confirmed, until these questions are answered fully and completely."

Steele pointed out that Gov. Sebelius "has not been forthcoming" about her financial relationship with Kansas late-term abortionist George Tiller.

"She [Sebelius] admitted the full extent of the political contributions she received from Dr. Tiller only after press reports contradicted her previous financial statements," Steele pointed out.

The GOP Chairman also challenged Sebelius to publicly reveal her position on "the extremist and heinous practice of late-term abortions."

"The vast majority of Americans do not support the concept of late-term abortions," said Steele. "They deserve to know whether President Obama's choice to be the nation's top health official supports these indefensible procedures."

Steele said that until Gov. Sebelius provides "clear and complete answers to these questions," the Senate should not vote on her confirmation.

If Sebelius and the Obama administration refuse to give answers, he concluded, "President Obama should withdraw her nomination."

Kathleen Sebelius is a Catholic who has been under fire from Archbishop Joseph Naumann who has publicly asked her to refrain from presenting herself for Communion. Udoubtedly, we will be hearing from the archbishop.

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The obedient are not held captive by Holy Mother Church; it is the disobedient who are held captive by the world!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

46 Bishops Speak out on Notre Dame Scandal

If your bishop has not spoken up, google the diocese and look for an email contact for him, his secretary, or other general email and ask him to join other bishops with a statement. Or, call the diocese. Be charitable and if no statement is forthcoming, please don't pass judgment by assuming he doesn't care or is is siding with Fr. Jenkins. There could be a variety of reasons why other bishops have not offered public opinions on the matter.

While you are at it, pray for the bishops. Go to Mass for them, pray the Rosary for them, spend time in Adoration and ask God to grace our bishops with holy boldness in the face of dissent. May they take back the Church handed down to them by the apostles who gave their lives for the truth. If we want the grip of dissidents to loosen, we have to pray for our bishops and priests.

Please draw to their attention, that Bishop Wenski is offering a Mass of Reparation. This is something rarely heard of today and we need to be doing more of it.

Finally, if you missed it, be sure to read Bishop D'Arcy's latest statement to the faithful, in which he strongly rebuked Fr. Jenkins saying "...the terrible breach between Notre Dame and the Church cannot continue".

List of Bishops Speaking out as of April 23, 2009: 46

This list was first compiled by Catherine Harmon at Catholic World Report, and continued by Tom Peters. I have picked up this list and continue to update it manually.

  1. Bishop John D’Arcy, Fort Wayne-South Bend
  2. Cardinal Francis George, Chicago
  3. Cardinal Daniel DiNardo, Galveston-Houston
  4. Archbishop Timothy Dolan, Milwaukee (--> NYC)
  5. Archbishop John Nienstedt, St. Paul-Minneapolis
  6. Archbishop Eusebius Beltran, Oklahoma City
  7. Bishop Edward Slattery, Tulsa
  8. Archbishop John Myers, Newark
  9. Archbishop Alfred Hughs, New Orleans
  10. Bishop Joseph Martino, Scranton
  11. and Auxiliary Bishop John Dougherty, Scranton
  12. Bishop Thomas Doran, Rockford, Ill.
  13. Bishop Thomas Olmsted, Phoenix
  14. Bishop Gregory Aymond, Austin
  15. Bishop Robert Lynch, St. Petersburg
  16. Bishop R. Walker Nickless, Sioux City
  17. Bishop Kevin Rhoades, Harrisburg, Pa.
  18. Bishop William E. Lori, Bridgeport, CT
  19. Bishop Robert Morlino, Madison WI
  20. Bishop George Murry, S.J., Youngstown, OH
  21. Bishop William Higi, Lafayette, IN
  22. Bishop Anthony Taylor of Little Rock, AR
  23. Archbishop Jose Gomez, San Antonio, TX
  24. and Auxiliary Bishop Oscar Cantu
  25. Bishiop Jerome Listecki, La Crosse, WI
  26. Archbishop Edwin O'Brien, Baltimore MD
  27. Bishop Alex Sample, Marquette MI
  28. Archbishop Daniel Buechlein, Indianapolis
  29. Bishop Robert Baker, Birmingham AL
  30. Bishop Samuel Aquila, Fargo ND
  31. Bishop Gerald Barbarito, Palm Beach FL
  32. Bishop Fabian Brukeswitz, Lincoln NE
  33. Bishop Richard Stika, Knoxville TN
  34. Bishop Robert Finn, Kansas City
  35. Bishop Joseph Latino, Jackson MS
  36. Bishop Leonard Blair, Toledo OH
  37. Bishop Gerald Gettelfinger, Evansville IN
  38. Bishop George Lucas, Springfield IL
  39. Archbishop Daniel Pilarczyk, Cincinnati OH
  40. Bishop Thomas Wenski, Orlando FL
  41. Bishop Robert Vasa, Baker OR
  42. Bishop Paul Coakley, Salina KS
  43. Bishop John Le Voir, New Ulm MN
  44. Bishop Victor Galeone, St. Augustine FL
  45. Bishop David Zubik, Pittsburgh PA
  46. Bishop Paul Loverde, Arlington VA

    Pray not only for the bishops, but for all affected, especially Fr. Jenkins, the Board of Trustees, students, alumni and faithful scandalized by this.

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    The obedient are not held captive by Holy Mother Church; it is the disobedient who are held captive by the world!

    Wednesday, April 22, 2009

    Bp D'Arcy: Terrible breach between Notre Dame and Church cannot continue...

    There has been a significant development in what has been called, the "Notre Dame Scandal". That is, the invitation of President Obama to Notre Dame to speak at commencements, and to receive an honorary degree.

    Some have wanted harsher action - quicker out of the local bishop. Bishop D'Arcy initially responded to the news at the outset by saying he would not attend. Some did not think it went far enough. However, these things will often go through a chain of events, many of them kept private (just as parents handle disciplinary matters involving their children in private, a bishop does the same with members of his flock......up to a point). There can be a flurry of activity going on behind the scenes all the while people think nothing is happening at all.

    You will notice in this statement, that the only reason it is being offered publicly is because of what Fr. Jenkins already made public himself and the bishop felt corrections were warranted. And, if Fr. Jenkins had responded with humility and obedience to earlier communications from his bishop, we would not be seeing this. In addition, the Bishop is working to mitigate the scandal already in motion, and to heal the wounds. Now that part of those communications are public, it serves to illustrate what can take place, privately, between a bishop and certain members of the flock who stray.

    We will have to watch closely what transpires now that His Excellency has drawn a few clear lines in the sand. He wants action. What will Fr. Jenkins do?

    The statement fresh out of Bishop D'Arcy of the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend should not come as a surprise. Yet, it will be a surprise for many who are unaccustomed to witnessing such holy boldness on the part of bishops. It's called teaching. From the CCC:

    873. The very differences which the Lord has willed to put between the members of his body serve its unity and mission. For "in the Church there is diversity of ministry but unity of mission. To the apostles and their successors Christ has entrusted the office of teaching, sanctifying and governing in his name and by his power.

    And now, the statement released yesterday. My emphases in bold; comments bracketed in red. I will add some links to other posts and commentaries on this at the bottom.

    Statement to the faithful
    April 21, 2009

    My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

    Recently, Father John Jenkins, CSC, in a letter of response to Bishop Olmsted of the Diocese of Phoenix, who had written him, critical of the decision to invite President Obama to speak and receive an honorary degree of law at Notre Dame, indicated that it was his conviction that the statement “Catholics in Political Life” (USCCB) did not apply in this matter. Father Jenkins kindly sent me a copy of his letter, and also at a later meeting, asked for a response.

    In an April 15th letter to Father Jenkins, I responded to his letter.

    Now the points made in his letter have been sent by Father Jenkins to the members of the Notre Dame Board of Trustees and have been publicized nationally, as well as locally in the South Bend Tribune. Since the matter is now public, it is my duty as the bishop of this diocese to respond and correct. I take up this responsibility with some sadness, but also with the conviction that if I did not do so, I would be remiss in my pastoral responsibility.

    Rather than share my full letter, which I have shared with some in church leadership [ the Holy See, or here in the US???], I prefer to present some of the key points.

    1. The meaning of the sentence in the USCCB document relative to Catholic institutions is clear. It places the responsibility on those institutions, and indeed, on the Catholic community itself.

    “The Catholic community and Catholic institutions should not honor those who act in defiance of our fundamental moral principles. They should not be given awards, honors or platforms which would suggest support for their actions.” — “Catholics in Political Life,” USCCB. [remember, Fr. Jenkins argued this paragraph in Catholics in Political Life did not apply to non-Catholics like Obama. Note that the word "those" emboldened does not limit application to Catholics, but is aimed at "those who act in defiance...."]

    2. When there is a doubt concerning the meaning of a document of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, where does one find the authentic interpretation? [Thank you!] A fundamental, canonical and theological principal states that it is found in the local bishop, who is the teacher and lawgiver in his diocese. — Canon 330, 375 §§ 1 & 2; 380; 381 § 1; 391 § 1; 392, & 394 §1.

    3. I informed Father Jenkins that if there was any genuine questions or doubt about the meaning of the relevant sentence in the conference’s document, any competent canonist with knowledge of the tradition and love for Christ’s church had the responsibility to inform Father Jenkins of the fundamental principle that the diocesan bishop alone bears the responsibility to provide an authoritative interpretation.

    4. I reminded Father Jenkins that he indicated that he consulted presidents of other Catholic universities , and at least indirectly, consulted other bishops, since he asked those presidents to share with him those judgments of their own bishops. However, he chose not to consult his own bishop who, as I made clear, is the teacher and lawgiver in his own diocese [he called it out good here]. I reminded Father Jenkins that I was not informed of the invitation until after it was accepted by the president. I mentioned again that it is at the heart of the diocesan bishop’s pastoral responsibility to teach as revealed in sacred Scripture and the tradition. (“Lumen Gentium,” 20; and “Christus Dominus,” 2.) I reminded him that it is also central to the university’s relationship to the church. (“Ex corde ecclesiae,” 27 & 28; Gen. Norm., Art. 5, §§ 1-3.)

    5. Another key point. In his letter to Bishop Olmsted and in the widespread publicity, which has taken place as the points in the letter have been made public, Father Jenkins declared the invitation to President Obama does not “suggest support” for his actions, because he has expressed and continues to express disagreement with him on issues surrounding protection of life. I wrote that the outpouring of hundreds of thousands who are shocked by the invitation clearly demonstrates, that this invitation has, in fact, scandalized many Catholics and other people of goodwill. In my office alone, there have been over 3,300 messages of shock, dismay and outrage, and they are still coming in. It seems that the action in itself speaks so loudly that people have not been able to hear the words of Father Jenkins, and indeed, the action has suggested approval to many.

    In the publicity surrounding the points Father Jenkins has made, he also says he is “following the document of the bishops” by “laying a basis for engagement with the president on this issue.” I indicated that I, like many others, will await to see what the follow up is on this issue between Notre Dame and President Obama [oh, boy!].

    6. As I have said in a recent interview and which I have said to Father Jenkins, it would be one thing to bring the president here for a discussion on healthcare or immigration, and no person of goodwill could rightly oppose this. We have here, however, the granting of an honorary degree of law to someone whose activities both as president and previously, have been altogether supportive of laws against the dignity of the human person yet to be born.

    In my letter, I have also asked Father Jenkins to correct, and if possible, withdraw the erroneous talking points, which appeared in the South Bend Tribune and in other media outlets across the country. The statements which Father Jenkins has made are simply wrong and give a flawed justification for his actions.

    I consider it now settled — that the USCCB document, “Catholics in Public Life,” does indeed apply in this matter. [The Bishop of the diocese has spoken, definitively - end of discussion!]

    The failure to consult the local bishop who, whatever his unworthiness, is the teacher and lawgiver in the diocese, is a serious mistake [do you get the impression that Fr. Jenkins is halfway to the ecclesiastical woodshed?] Proper consultation could have prevented an action, which has caused such painful division between Notre Dame and many bishops — and a large number of the faithful. [great way to put it and spot on!]

    That division must be addressed through prayer and action, and I pledge to work with Father Jenkins and all at Notre Dame to heal the terrible breach, which has taken place between Notre Dame and the church. It cannot be allowed to continue.

    I ask all to pray that this healing will take place in a way that is substantial and true, and not illusory. Notre Dame and Father Jenkins must do their part if this healing is to take place. I will do my part.

    Sincerely yours in our Lord,
    Most Reverend
    John M. D’Arcy

    I've said it before, and I'll say it again: PRAY FOR OUR BISHOPS! Pray that the apostles intercede and bring to them graces - in particular, holy boldness. Pray also for Fr. Jenkins, the Board of Trustees, students and alumni of Notre Dame, as well as all others deeply affected.

    Related Links:

    Te Deum Laudamus! Home

    The obedient are not held captive by Holy Mother Church; it is the disobedient who are held captive by the world!

    Notre Dame Scandal Update: List of Bishops who Disapprove at 42

    I'm a few days behind on these things, so here they are in one comprehensive post....

    Bishop D'Arcy - who is the Ordinary of the diocese in which Notre Dame resides, has made clear again, that he is not opposed to peaceful or prayerful protests. In fact, the bishop has advocated rallying behind the students of Notre Dame who have asked everyone to let them take the lead. Phil Lawler looks closer Randall Terry's reaction in a commentary: When Pro-life Activitists Harm the Pro-life Cause.

    From Life News [emphases mine in bold]:

    South Bend, IN ( -- The Catholic bishop who oversees the part of Indiana that includes Notre Dame University says he is fine with non-violent demonstrations in opposition to the college's decision to allow pro-abortion President Barack Obama to give commencement and receive an honorary degree.

    Bishop John M. D’Arcy of Fort Wayne-South Bend has already made his own plans clear to boycott the graduation ceremonies because of Obama's participation.

    Now, in comments to the Catholic News Service, his spokesman, Vince LaBarbera, says Bishop D'Arcy is fine with positive expressions of disagreement, but he doesn't want those who oppose the decision to join with those who are harshly attacking the president or Notre Dame.

    More than a dozen pro-life student groups have formed an ad hoc coalition called ND Response and several alumni groups are coordinating their own efforts targeted at removing Jenkins or withholding donations to the college.

    Those appear to be the effects D'Arcy says are worthy of support -- not protests led by outside groups or people.

    The coalition has posted a message from Bishop D’Arcy on its web site saying he is supportive of the coalition’s efforts “or any other prayerful and dignified demonstrations by Notre Dame students.”

    Bishop Wenski of the Diocese of Orlando is offering a Mass of Reparation. It would be nice if EWTN could cover the Mass of Reparation - email them and let them know!

    From the diocesan website homepage:

    As Catholics we are aware of the many shortcomings and transgressions committed against the dignity and sacredness of human life in our world. That is why it is inconceivable that the University of Notre Dame, a Catholic institution of higher learning, should receive and honor anyone who promotes policies that are contradictory to who we are as a people of faith.

    As our Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI stated in his visit to the U.S. last year in reference to Catholic university presidents, "to justify positions that contradict the faith and teaching of the church would obstruct or even betray the university's identity and mission."

    Mass of Reparation
    May 3 at 6:00 p.m
    Cathedral of St. James
    215 N. Orange Avenue
    Downtown Orlando

    Come and pray with Bishop Wenski for all of our transgressions against the Gospel of Life.

    Reparation is the making amends for a wrong done or for an offense against God. By his death on the cross, the Son of God offered his life out of love for the Father to make reparation for our sinful disobedience (CCC #614).

    We are obliged to make reparation for personal sins against justice and truth (CCC #2412 and #2487).

    I am piggy-backing off of Tom Peter's list at AmP, which is cobbled accordingly:

    I was going to compile this list, but Catherine Harmon at Catholic World Report did it first. Here it is:

    Bishops’ statements on Notre Dame’s invitation to Barack Obama (my additions in bold)

    1. Bishop John D’Arcy, Fort Wayne-South Bend
    2. Cardinal Francis George, Chicago
    3. Cardinal Daniel DiNardo, Galveston-Houston
    4. Archbishop Timothy Dolan, Milwaukee (--> NYC)
    5. Archbishop John Nienstedt, St. Paul-Minneapolis
    6. Archbishop Eusebius Beltran, Oklahoma City
    7. Bishop Edward Slattery, Tulsa
    8. Archbishop John Myers, Newark
    9. Archbishop Alfred Hughs, New Orleans
    10. Bishop Joseph Martino, Scranton
    11. and Auxiliary Bishop John Dougherty, Scranton
    12. Bishop Thomas Doran, Rockford, Ill.
    13. Bishop Thomas Olmsted, Phoenix
    14. Bishop Gregory Aymond, Austin
    15. Bishop Robert Lynch, St. Petersburg
    16. Bishop R. Walker Nickless, Sioux City
    17. Bishop Kevin Rhoades, Harrisburg, Pa.
    18. Bishop William E. Lori, Bridgeport, CT
    19. Bishop Robert Morlino, Madison WI
    20. Bishop George Murry, S.J., Youngstown, OH
    21. Bishop William Higi, Lafayette, IN
    22. Bishop Anthony Taylor of Little Rock, AR
    23. Archbishop Jose Gomez, San Antonio, TX
    24. and Auxiliary Bishop Oscar Cantu
    25. Bishiop Jerome Listecki, La Crosse, WI
    26. Archbishop Edwin O'Brien, Baltimore MD
    27. Bishop Alex Sample, Marquette MI
    28. Archbishop Daniel Buechlein, Indianapolis
    29. Bishop Robert Baker, Birmingham AL
    30. Bishop Samuel Aquila, Fargo ND
    31. Bishop Gerald Barbarito, Palm Beach FL
    32. Bishop Fabian Brukeswitz, Lincoln NE
    33. Bishop Richard Stika, Knoxville TN
    34. Bishop Robert Finn, Kansas City
    35. Bishop Joseph Latino, Jackson MS
    36. Bishop Leonard Blair, Toledo OH
    37. Bishop Gerald Gettelfinger, Evansville IN
    38. Bishop George Lucas, Springfield IL
    39. Archbishop Daniel Pilarczyk, Cincinnati OH
    40. Bishop Thomas Wenski, Orlando FL
    41. Bishop Robert Vasa, Baker OR
    42. Bishop Paul Coakley, Salina KS

      Links and recent headlines:

      Tuesday, April 21, 2009

      Bishop Robert J. Carlson of Saginaw appointed 9th Archbishop of St. Louis

      The wait is finally over for St. Louis. There has been much anticipation in the Catholic blogosphere since Archbishop Timothy Dolan's appointment to New York, that the St. Louis vacancy would be filled any day.

      It is a bittersweet day today for loyal Catholics and seminarians in Diocese of Saginaw. The diocese is losing it's most orthodox bishop, Robert J. Carlson, to the Archdiocese of St. Louis, where he will replace Archbishop Raymond L. Burke. Loyal Catholics and seminarians of St. Louis should be overjoyed with Pope Benedict's choice.

      Archbishop-elect Carlson will become the 10th bishop and 9th archbishop of the St. Louis. From the homepage of the Archdiocese of St. Louis

      At noon today in Rome (5 a.m. CDT), the Press Office of the Holy See announced that His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI has appointed The Most Reverend Robert J. Carlson, Bishop of the Diocese of Saginaw, as Archbishop of St. Louis. He will serve as the 10th bishop and ninth Archbishop of St. Louis.

      Bishop Robert J. Hermann, Archdiocesan Administrator for St. Louis, called Archbishop-elect Carlson “a very energetic, articulate, warm and gifted pastor and administrator. He thinks and works with the Church he loves, and will continue to build upon the legacy of his predecessors here in St. Louis.”

      Archbishop–elect Carlson was installed as the fifth bishop of the Diocese of Saginaw on February 24, 2005 at the direction of Pope John Paul II. A native of Minneapolis, MN, he was ordained to the priesthood on May 23, 1970 for the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis. He was later ordained as an auxiliary bishop for his home archdiocese on January 11, 1984 and went on to serve as Bishop of Sioux Falls, SD, from 1994 to 2005.

      St. Louis became vacant last year when Archbishop Burke was appointed to the Apostolic Signatura, which is like the Church's version of the supreme court, with Burke acting as it's head, much like a chief justice.

      Under Bishop Carlson, who took over one of the most liberal dioceses in Michigan, vocations to the priesthood skyrocketed under his leadership. When he got there in 2005, there were no seminarians. In a May 2006 interview, he had this to say:

      When I came to this diocese in early 2005, we had no one entering the seminary. Now we have 16 seminarians and I hope to have 20 in the fall. I decided I needed to be the Vocations Director. I think letting the young men know that the Bishop thinks their job is important says something. However, I don’t want you to think I took just anyone. I had to say no to some young men who were interested. The key is knowing what God is calling you to do.

      Looking at the Diocese of Saginaw website, there are currently 18 men studying for the priesthood.

      I have no doubts that Pope Benedict will appoint another solid man to head that diocese. Bishops being chosen today have the mind of the Church and for this, we should rejoice, and pray, that it continues.

      I'm also saddened myself at the loss of Bishop Carlson from the Michigan Catholic Conference. With Bishop Early Boyea recently appointed to Lansing, and Archbishop Vigneron heading Detroit and the conference, I was looking forward to some sound teachings on more issues. I'm sure with whomever is eventually appointed to Saginaw, the Michigan Catholic Conference will be positively impacted.

      From the Archdiocese of St. Louis Homepage:

      Follow the day's events:
      -10:30 am: Watch the press conference online.
      -View pictures of the Archbishop-elect, as he visits various locations in the Archdiocese.
      -Follow the Archdiocese on Twitter for up-to-the-minute postings.

      Related Links (to be updated - check back):

      Te Deum Laudamus! Home

      The obedient are not held captive by Holy Mother Church; it is the disobedient who are held captive by the world!

      Monday, April 20, 2009

      Prayer request....

      I haven't been posting much because I have not been home.

      I learned late yesterday that a cousin on my dad's side of the family lost her 44 year old husband suddenly. He had been suffering from some kind of illness for a couple of years, but the death was unexpected.

      Please pray for the repose of Christopher's soul, and for his family. He leaves behind his wife, two teenage children, as well as other close family members adn friends.

      Requiescat in pace!

      Te Deum Laudamus! Home

      The obedient are not held captive by Holy Mother Church; it is the disobedient who are held captive by the world!

      Photos soon....

      I regret that I could not get to the photos taken at yesterday's Second Sunday of Easter (Noon Mass in the Extraordinary Form), which was Divine Mercy Sunday in the new calendar.

      I will have them up in a few days when I get a chance to edit them.

      In the meanwhile, for any newcomers or folks that have not seen the collection from the Easter Triduum in the Extraordinary Form (1962 Missal), you can find links to them here:

      Photos: 2009 Easter Triduum in Extraordinary Form at Assumption Grotto

      Some may get the impression that all we have at Assumption Grotto is the Extraordinary Form. Well, only one Mass each weekend is done according to the 1962 Missal - typically the 9:30am which is when I go to Mass. However, I also make it a point to always go to an orchestra Mass when they come, regardless of whether it is Ordinary or Extraordinary Form. Fr. Perrone usually shifts the EF Mass to Noon when we have an orchestra Mass at that time because much of the music was written with that form of the Mass.

      I do have OF Mass pictures from Easter Sunday. It was an orchestra Mass, but was a Latin Novus Ordo because the EF Mass was done at the Saturday Vigil. I have not yet edited those, but will soon.

      Te Deum Laudamus! Home

      The obedient are not held captive by Holy Mother Church; it is the disobedient who are held captive by the world!

      Sunday, April 19, 2009

      Divine Mercy Sunday

      Assumption Grotto is having an orchestra Mass at Noon (get there early for parking and prelude), followed by Exposition until 3:00 at which time the Divine Mercy Chaplet will be prayed. The ushers are hosting a pancake breakfast, as well.

      Orchestra Masses can take a little longer so count on no less than 1.5 hours. I believe it will be in Extraordinary Form so bring a Missal if you have one. If not, there are booklets and be sure to get a sheet with the readings on it from an usher or the back vestibule.

      Confessions are usually heard through much of the morning and afternoon.


      Te Deum Laudamus! Home

      The obedient are not held captive by Holy Mother Church; it is the disobedient who are held captive by the world!

      Saturday, April 18, 2009

      Helpers of God's Precious Infants Announcment: Prayer Vigil April 25th, 2009

      I've written before about how I object to militant methods used to protest abortion. The absolute objective of the pro-life movement, in my humble opinion, is to win the hearts of current pro-aborts, through prayer, faith, and reason. It is why I join the Helper's of God's Precious Infants on their vigils when I can. I believe wholeheartedly in their methods and I have witnessed the results: women turning away from abortion, not due to intimidation, but due to those things - prayer, faith, and reason.

      This post is a copy of the post made at the Helper's of God's Precious Infants of Michigan blog.

      Click the pic to enlarge for details and map

      The first prayer vigil of 2009 by Helpers of God's Precious Infants will be be on April 25th at St. Edmund's in Warren. Msgr. Robert McClory, Moderatorof the Curia for the Archdiocese of Detroit, will be the main celebrant for the Mass which starts at 7:30am.

      Following Mass, the group will meet at St. Veronica's in Eastpointe where a peaceful, prayerful procession to two abortion clinics a few blocks away on 8 Mile Rd will take place. All 20 mysteries of the Rosary are prayed between the procession to, at, and from the abortion clinics.

      Our protestant brothers and sisters, and others who value life are welcome. You can just join us in silent prayer as we process. However, if you look closely at the Rosary - often misunderstood by protestants - it is scriptural (look closely at the first joyful mystery as an example).

      People may then return to Assumption Grotto about 1.5 miles from St. Veronica's where Benediction will take place and a brief followup meeting with refreshments will take place.

      More about Helpers of God's Precious Infants
      While large prayer vigils with up to 300 people take place four times yearly, the work of the Helpers is nearly a daily task for sidewalk counselors, and a 24/7 task for it's prayer warriors. Mass, Eucharistic Adoration, and the Rosary are core components of prayer. Each vigil is led by a bishop or monsignor of the Archdiocese of Detroit, with periodic visitors. Msgr Philip Reilly - the founder - also makes it a point to try to get around to the various chapters in the world. He has visited Detroit and we hope to be blessed with yet another visit.

      Helpers of God's Precious Infants is an apostolate which uses gentle and caring methods to counsel young women and their partners into giving life as they go to abortion clinics. It is not a protest. It is rooted firmly in prayer not only for those seeking abortion, but for their families, the doctors, nurses and administrators of the clinics. They are very successful in their work, with men and women who chose to turn away from abortion coming back to thank them for the child that entered their lives by saying "yes" to life. They can share stories of these people coming back to the clinic just to show them the baby they saved through their love-filled efforts.

      Skilled sidewalk counselors are there guiding them the men and women to resources that will aid them in many ways through the pregnancy, and after, as opposed to simply trying to stop the abortion alone.

      The Helper's counselors do not scorn those who have gone into the clinics to have abortions in spite of their efforts. They offer them continuing prayers and post-abortive materials, knowing about the emotional and spiritual scars suffered by them later. The Silent-no-More Awareness Campaign - a large group of post-abortive women - gives witness to these painful facts.

      Many young women are forced or coerced into killing their unborn babies by parents, boyfriends, and others - some of whom threaten violence against the women if they do not go through with the abortion. Hence, it is often not they who make the choice, but someone else who is making it for them. We must keep them all in our prayers.

      Others are led into abortion by ignorance, with the belief that what is being removed from them is part of their own body - a piece of tissue, rather than an individual human life with it's own genetic code. As Catholics, we believe that God gives a person their soul at the moment of conception. This ensouled human being was created by God Who desires very much that she be brought into the world to be baptized and give glory to He Whom authored her life.

      The Helper's of God's Precious Infants are in front of certain abortion mills during all hours of operation. They are always in need of people willing to be trained as counselors. You may only need to give one hour or two hours per week. They are also looking for people to serve as prayer warriors.

      Further, there are many abortion clinics in Michigan and The Helpers of God's Precious Infants of Michigan mainly covers the two clinics on 8 Mile Rd (one in Detroit and the other in Eastepointe). The Helpers work throughout the week in front of these clinics, but hold prayer vigils about 4 times yearly, some of which are at other clinics in metro Detroit. There are many more clinics and too few people to cover them all. If you want to start a group for another clinic in the area, associated with The Helpers of God's Precious Infants of Michigan please contact Dan Goodnow, the President (Tel: 313-530-4539), to learn how.

      To see extensive coverage in photos, click on the HGPI-Michigan label at the blog, Te Deum Laudamus! and scroll there through the many photo posts.

      To see a video of Msgr. Reilly explaining the Helpers of God's Precious Infants, their mode and methods, follow this link: Founder of Helpers, Msgr. Reilly on Gloria TV

      You can read more about the nature of their work on this page of the Brooklyn, NY site.

      EDIT: Dan Goodnow was interviewed on Teresa Tomeo's Catholic Connection on Ave Maria Radio on April 9th. You can hear the recording here.

      Te Deum Laudamus! Home

      The obedient are not held captive by Holy Mother Church; it is the disobedient who are held captive by the world!

      Notre Dame Scandal update...

      Once again clarifying his position on peaceful, prayerful protests, Bishop D'Arcy, the Ordinary in whose diocese Notre Dame falls, may join the students "if they find it helpful" and if they are dignified, prayerful and peaceful. The mainstream media (msm) has been painting D'Arcy's April 10th remarks as a discouragement of protests when they were aimed at a militant arm of the pro-life movement.

      Tom Peters, the American Papist (AmP) has more...

      In related news:

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      The obedient are not held captive by Holy Mother Church; it is the disobedient who are held captive by the world!

      Friday, April 17, 2009

      Thomas More Law Center Files lawsuit against Homeland Security Secretary Napolitano

      We will have to watch this one...

      ANN ARBOR, MI – The Thomas More Law Center, a national public interest law firm based in Ann Arbor, Michigan, announced that yesterday evening it filed a federal lawsuit against Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano. The lawsuit claims that her Department’s “Rightwing Extremism Policy,” as reflected in the recently publicized Intelligence Assessment, “Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment,” violates the civil liberties of combat veterans as well as American citizens by targeting them for disfavored treatment on account of their political beliefs.

      Napolitano tried to blunt the public furor over the Report by a half-hearted apology to veterans, but she left out of her apology all of the other Americans her Department has targeted because of their political beliefs. In fact, officials in DHS now admit that their internal office of civil liberties objected to the language in the extremism report, but the Department issued it anyway.

      There is quite a bit to read on this at the site of the Thomas More Law Center, including a copy of the complaint in PDF. Go read: Napolitano is Lying to Americans About Her Department’s Rightwing Extremism Report; TMLC Files Suit

      Te Deum Laudamus! Home

      The obedient are not held captive by Holy Mother Church; it is the disobedient who are held captive by the world!

      Another slap in the face to Catholicism by the Obama administration

      As I listened to news reports yesterday about President Obama's visit to Georgetown University, where the "IHS" was covered, apparently at the request of the White House, I wondered if the same would have happened at halls of other major religions. Can you imagine the reaction if the White House had asked a Jewish community to cover up the star of David?

      Georgetown University professor, the Rev. James V. Schall at The Catholic Thing eloquently raises this point:

      What interests me here is this: If this president speaks at a Jewish Synagogue, or a Baptist church, or the Crystal Cathedral, or the Muslim Mosque on Massachusetts Avenue, the Ravens Stadium, the George Washington University, the headquarters of Planned Parenthood, or the hall of the local Atheist Society, will the same policy be followed? Will all signs of what the place actually is and stands for be covered over? If so, it represents equitable treatment, but is it wise? Is the president never to appear in any venue with obvious particular commitments, and why choose religious and not secular signs? Should, say, a university seal be exempted, but a crucifix not?

      Will presidents be able to appear anywhere outside government buildings if the rules are really equally applied to both religious and secular? And this raises a real question: Is it American? George Washington once talked before our New North Hall, so did President Clinton. I guess a porch does not need much cover-up. But is the American understanding of state and religion designed to hide any religious or cultural sign whatsoever? If a president is buried at a local church, as President Woodrow Wilson is, must the funeral be covered over so that no signs of a church are seen?

      This country does not hide its religious presence. If a president does not want to speak in a given place, fine. Don’t ask. But if he does, it should not be on condition of the place’s ceasing to present what it historically is. Much ink has been spilt on the churches that the president went to in his earlier life, likewise much controversy on whether he "bowed" to a Saudi prince. [I added this link which was not in the original]
      In other words, it's ok to discriminate against a class of people if they are Catholic. I have to admit, I was deeply hurt to learn about this - not just that the White House would ask for such a thing, but that Georgetown actually complied with it.

      Do read his entire commentary: The Invisible Christ. In the same post is a piece by Hoover Institute research fellow, Mary Eberstadt.

      Further Reading:

      The obedient are not held captive by Holy Mother Church; it is the disobedient who are held captive by the world!

      Thursday, April 16, 2009

      CDF launches investigation of the LCWR

      The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) will conduct a doctrinal assessment on the activities and initiatives of the Leadership Conference for Women Religious (LCWR). In a letter to the LCWR, the CDF prefect, Cardinal William Levada - formerly of San Francisco - noted an assessment was needed specifically in these areas:
      • Ordinatio Sacerdotalis (1994) - Pope John Paul II's Apostolic Letter in which he reaffirms that the priesthood is reserved to males only.
      • Dominus Iesus (2000) - Declaration on the unicity and salvific universality of Jesus Christ and the Church
      • The Church's teaching on homosexuality

      Cardinal Levada came to his decision while in communication with Cardinal Franc Rode, prefect of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life

      Bishop Leonard P. Blair of Toledo, Ohio - a native metro-Detroiter, and a member of the USCCB's Committee on Doctrine, will conduct the assessment. (N.B.: Our own Abp Allen Vigneron is also a member of the Committee on Doctrine)

      For those who may not be familiar with the subject, there are two councils that I am aware of for women religious in the US (at least two with significant numbers). One is the Leadership Conference for Women Religious, which is the larger of the two (and shrinking rapidly with a high average age). The other is the Council of Major Superiors of Women Religious which has fewer communities, but is seeing a steady increase and, in some of them, explosive growth. The LCWR has been around since 1956. The CMSWR is a canonically approved organization founded in 1992 whose members are committed to orthodoxy and follow a more traditional form of religious life (some moreso than others). One only needs to click around the two sites to see the difference (I almost missed it, but to see the site menu at CMSWR you need to put your cursor over the blue, vertical bar on the left that moves up and down as you scroll).

      A younger generation is rejecting communities that have lost their way when it comes to Catholicism. This is evident by contrasting the average age, and the number of new candidates. New age practices have permeated some of them and they have abandoned the basics. Thankfully, the CDF has turned it's attention to this conference for the good of the Church.

      For those of us who have followed their "activities and initiatives" online, this doctrinal assessment of the LCWR is long over due. On this point, I'm going recommend you read an entry by Jack Smith of the Catholic Key - the blog of Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph: Why the LCWR is being investigated.

      Further reading:

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      The obedient are not held captive by Holy Mother Church; it is the disobedient who are held captive by the world!

      Wednesday, April 15, 2009

      So much to do, so much news, so little time.....

      The most popular picture, thus far, of Archbishop Timothy Dolan, taken at Vespers last night on the eve of his installation in New York (Reuters).

      I've not been posting much due to the fact that I have not been home much these last few days, and when I was home, I had to work on a growing backlog of media which needed editing.

      I regret not being able to cover some things happening out there that are of great interest. Even though I do not have time to post on them, I am quite aware because I do my usual scans of certain sources. This is why I urge people to use multiple sources if you want to keep up on Catholic news. Much of it gets repetitive anyway. I hope to provide some different things here rather than just repeat what you can find on dozens of other great Catholic blogs.

      First, check out my photos from the Triduum in Extraordinary Form at Assumption Grotto if you have not yet seen them.

      Second, I want to point out once again in passing, that the Helpers of God's Precious Infants next quarterly vigil is coming up quick, on April 25th, and will begin at St. Edmund's in Warren (12 Mile Rd, just east of Schoenherr). I will post the flyer with details on this in a day or two. On a related note, there is now a Helper's of God's Precious Infants of Michigan group in Facebook.

      Thirdly, this Sunday is Divine Mercy Sunday and Grotto will once again have an orchestra Mass, this time at Noon. It will be followed by Exposition until 3:00 with devotions. The ushers will be having a pancake breakfast that afternoon, until 2:00pm. So, come, and stay a while. I believe Fr. Perrone has moved the EF (aka "tridentine") Mass to the Noon hour to go with the Orchestra Mass.

      Lastly, I want to direct you to some interesting coverage. Check out these newslinks and blogposts:

      Let's look first at coverage from New York today and yesterday:

      Now, on to some other news...

      Te Deum Laudamus! Home

      The obedient are not held captive by Holy Mother Church; it is the disobedient who are held captive by the world!

      Monday, April 13, 2009

      Photos: 2009 Easter Triduum in Extraordinary Form at Assumption Grotto

      The image here, as well as the one below were taken at the beginning of the 2009 Easter Vigil at Assumption Grotto which was in the Extraordinary Form

      Here are photo links from the 2009 Easter Triduum in Extraordinary Form at Assumption Grotto. Each of these will take you to photoposts with embedded slideshows and links to the respective galleries at Smugmug.


      I have also started a series called, Extraordinary Form Mass Notes, with my first topic below. These will come periodically as I find time to write them.

      Te Deum Laudamus! Home

      The obedient are not held captive by Holy Mother Church; it is the disobedient who are held captive by the world!

      Photopost: 2009 Easter Vigil in Extraordinary Form at Assumption Grotto

      I continue to work on editing photos taken during the Triduum in the Extraordinary Form at Assumption Grotto. I also have a batch of photos to edit from the Latin Novus Ordo which took place on Easter Sunday at 9:30am (it was my error that I had stated in an earlier post it was to be in the Extraordinary Form).

      All this work has me behind on other postings. Perhaps I'll catch up on that soon enough.

      This post concludes the Triduum series in the Extraordinary Form with the Easter Vigil which took place from 8:00pm Saturday until nearly 11:00pm. I had gone to Easter Vigils in the ordinary form many years ago at other parishes and can say that those ran similarly, around 2:30 to 2:45.

      If this slideshow does not work for you, go to my Smugmug page for the 2009 Easter Vigil. If you use the slideshow there (set it to "fast") it will fill your screen).

      Te Deum Laudamus! Home

      The obedient are not held captive by Holy Mother Church; it is the disobedient who are held captive by the world!

      Extraordinary Form Mass Notes: Kissing the Hand of the Celebrant

      In this photo taken during the 2009 Easter Vigil in the Extraordinary Form at Assumption Grotto we see the deacon of the Mass, Rev. Paul Ward, kissing the hand of the celebrant, Rev. Eduard Perrone. It is repeated several times throughout the vigil and is seen in Solemn High Masses and ceremonies throughout the year, with only a few exceptions.

      Since coming to Assumption Grotto in 2005, I have been like a kid in a candy shop with the many things I witness in the liturgy - enough so to drive me to photograph, read, and write about these things. I should have known I was hooked when I began accumulating books written by some of the greatest authors on Catholic liturgy: Adrian Fortescue, Nicholas Gihr, J.B. O'Connell, Alcuin Reid, Joseph Jungmann and, of course, Josef Ratzginer, now Pope Benedict XVI.

      "Purposes" and how they evolve in the Liturgy
      While I am interested in the "mechanics" of it all, I am often more interested in the spiritual dimensions. Perhaps it is the secular Carmelite in me which gravitates in this direction. For me, it goes right to active participation in the Mass when I am thrust into deep spiritual reflections through ordinary things happening in the liturgy. There is far less written in this area than there is on the mechanics of how to perform these things and when they need to be done.

      Some things which were merely intended to have a more practical or mechanical purpose have taken on spiritual dimensions over time, like the maniple worn over the left arm of the priest during Masses (1962 Missal). This ornamental vestment first seen in Rome around the early sixth century is thought to have originally been for the wiping of persperation, but later took on an interesting symbolism: The bonds which held the hands of the Savior.(1) The subject of the maniple alone is worthy of it's own post. However, I merely raise this point here to show how something can have one purpose, then evolve into another with spiritual richness that may yield much upon which to contemplate.

      Hidden "purposes" and spiritual dimensions
      Before we dive into the subject at hand, we need to pause for a moment and reflect on how sights and sounds affect us in the Mass.

      God uses people, things and actions in the church sanctuary to move us in ways that are sometimes subtle or hidden to us.

      • An altar boy genuflecting each time he crosses in front of the Tabernacle reminds us of the Real Presence of Our Lord.

      • Several altar boys working silently in the sanctuary before or after Mass should beckon us to total silence.

      • The slow, reverent mode of altar boys walking through the sanctuary calls our attention to the fact that they move about before something very sacred: The Most Blessed Sacrament. We too ought to move slowly and reverently through the church.

      • That all action ceases in the sanctuary when a priest or deacon enters the Tabernacle for any reason while the Blessed Sacrament is reserved there, should cause everyone in the Church witnessing it to cease what they are doing, go their knees in total silence if physically able, or to bow if not. It is most reverent to remain kneeling if the Eucharist is being carried out by a priest or deacon, until he is out of sight.

      • A priest tipping his biretta at the name of Jesus during the older form of the Mass begs us to also give due reverence to the Most Holy Name.

      • Bells rung at different times signal us to the most sacred parts of the Mass. It should awaken us to the reality that there are many more participants anticipating the Consecration than we see physically around us, including the saints, and the poor souls in purgatory. The bells ought to remind us that the holy angels are active in the Sacrifice of the Mass in various ways (2).

      • Even something as simple as the liturgical kisses about to be discussed can prompt worthy spiritual meditations, and actions.
      Now, we can move forward with the subject and hopefully gain something next time we witness it in Holy Mass...

      Liturgical Kisses: The solita oscula
      There are many forms of kisses made during the liturgy. We can simply call them, ceremonial or liturgical kisses. We are accustomed to seeing the altar kissed by the celebrant, or the kissing of the Gospel during any Mass. But, in the Solemn High Mass in the Extraordinary Form (sometimes referred to as the "Tridentine" - a misnomer(3) - or, the "Traditional Latin Mass"), we see other forms of kisses. Many of the ceremonial kisses made are not even visible to the faithful and we will eventually look closer at some of them in discussions of other topics.

      In this post, I want to focus exclusively on the kisses made to the hand of the celebrant during a Solemn High Mass by the deacon or subdeacon. These liturgical kisses are the solita oscula. They are omitted on Good Friday and in requiem functions.(4)

      When the deacon directly hands the celebrant certain things like the censor, or even his biretta, he will first kiss the object, then the hand of the celebrant. He merely touches his lips to them briefly (which is why it is often a blur in my photographs). When he receives something from the celebrant, he does the opposite by kissing the celebrant's hand, then the object(5).

      There ceremonial kisses can be broken down into two kinds. The Rev. J.B. O'Connell, SJ distinguishes bewteen them in a section written about the Solemn Mass before the Blessed Sacrament Exposed(6) when some are omitted (such a Mass can take place during Forty Hours Devotion) .
        "...The ritual kisses of objects and of the celebrant's hand which are merely acts of liturgical politeness that accompany handling or receiving of the biretta, the aspergil, or the incense boat are omitted; but those that form an intrinsic part of the solemnity of the rite of solemn Mass are not omittted. Hence, the subdeacon after chanting the Epistle, and the deacon after receiving the blessing before the Gospel, do not omit the kissing of the celebrant's hand; nor does the deacon omit the kissing of the chalice, the paten, and the celebrant's hand, at the Offertory and at the Libera..."

        As a sidenote, this kissing of the objects and hand of the priest was added during the Gothic period in the 13th century (7).

        Spiritual meditations on the solita oscula
        The solita oscula should cause us to meditate on the fact that the celebrant is standing in persona Christi (8). Before the Consecration, the hand kissed, is the hand that will turn ordinary bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ through the actions of the Holy Spirit. The hand of a priest also brings us anointing with oil when we are sick and absolution through Sacramental Confession. Blessings are received through them, as well.

        The solita oscula should also remind us that we need to help our young men to hear God's call for them to the priesthood. Without the hands of a priest, there would be no Eucharist. Think about people in other lands where faith has been wiped out through oppression. That people would go for months or years without having access to a priest is not something limited to earlier centuries. Bishop Athanasius Schneider, ORC - author of Dominus Est - explained to us on a visit to Assumption Grotto how he had received his first Holy Communion in secrecy in Kazakhstan. Without the hands of a priest, people went for months and years without the Sacraments. In many places within the former Soviet Union, many people continue to struggle without priests, as they do in Asia and other areas.

        Finally, the solita oscula are a sign that we should have reverence for the priesthood. Priests are as capable of sin as anyone and are not immune to the effects of Original Sin. I am reminded here of the reverence St. Francis showed for priests. The Rev. Thomas G. Morrow explains the story briefly in an excellent article, The Danger of Criticizing Bishops and Priests (9).

        ...he [St. Francis] would never criticize the priests and bishops—even the most lazy and immoral ones—nor would he allow his friars to do so. (As a result, the Franciscans were always welcome just about everywhere they went.)

        Once a Waldensian challenged Francis on his unshakeable reverence for priests, by pointing out the local pastor who was living in sin. “Must we believe in his teaching and respect the sacraments he performs?”

        In response, Francis went to the priest’s home and knelt before him saying, “I don’t know whether these hands are stained as the other man says they are. [But] I do know that even if they are, that in no way lessens the power and effectiveness of the sacraments of God… That is why I kiss these hands out of respect for what they perform and out of respect for Him who gave His authority to them.” His challenger left in silence.

        Pray for priests!

        References, sources, notes:

          1. Braun, Joseph. "Maniple." The Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. 9. New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1910. (13 Apr. 2009
          2. Reese, Ben. "Angels and the Liturgy of the Holy Eucharist." Adoremus Bulletin Online. Vol. XIV, No. 7., 2008. (13 Apr. 2009
          3. On July 14, 1570, Pope St. Pius V issued a papal bull in the form of an apostolic constitution called, Quo Primum. In part, it standardized the liturgy, and it’s calendar, into something more uniform from the many variations and abuses happening at that time. These were studied by the Council of Trent - hence, the name "Tridentine" emerged. For the most part, this Mass of Pius V contained all of the crucial elements of the Mass going all the way back to St. Gregory the Great (Pope: 590-604), and earlier. It’s no wonder that Pope Benedict XVI would refer to the extraordinary form of the Roman rite as, the ”usus antiquior” (ancient-use) in his introductory letter to the Apostolic Letter, Summorum Ponfiticum (July 7, 2007).
          4. O'Connell, J.B. (1964). The Celebration of the Mass, 4th Ed. Milwaukee, WI: Bruce Publishing Company.
          5. Fortescue. A, O'Connell, J.B., & Reid, A. (2003). The Ceremonies of the Roman Rite Described, 14th Ed. Farborough, Hampshire: St. Michael's Abbey Press
          6. O'Connell, J.B.
          7. Jungmann. J (1959). The Mass of the Roman Rite. Translated: Brunner, F. A. New York: Benziger Bros.
          8. Pope Benedict XVI. Holy Chrism Mass: "In Persona Christi". Holy Chrism Mass, April 5, 2007.
          9. Morrow, Thomas G., (2007). The Danger of Criticizing Bishops and Priests. Homiletic and Pastoral Review. (13 Apr. 2009
        Further reading:

        The obedient are not held captive by Holy Mother Church; it is the disobedient who are held captive by the world!