
Saturday, January 28, 2006

A Sacred Moment in a Photograph

I am deeply into the photography of sacred moments and I hope to be sharing more of my photographs. This is one of many examples of my photography. It was a picture of a traditionally celebrated Novus Ordo at Assumption Grotto Parish in Detroit, Michigan.

This is not the pre-Vatican II Mass shown (commonly called a TLM or Tridentine Latin Mass). Rather, it is simply a priest celebrating ad orientem, or to the east. It also happens to be mostly in Latin - something done often at Assumption Grotto Parish. Contrary to popular belief, the ad orientem posture was never abolished as a result of Vatican II and remains a valid posture today.

Pictured, elevating the Host, is Fr. Eduard Perrone, pastor of Assumption Grotto Parish. It was taken on August 15, 2005 at the 7:00pm outdoor Mass where hundreds, if not a thousand gathered as part of our parish feast day. Bishop John M. Quinn, Auxiliary Bishop of Detroit is seen kneeling. He came to dedicate the statues seen in the foreground, which had just been set in place just a few weeks prior.

I will be featuring more pictures from Assumption Grotto, my home parish, along with news. In particular, I enjoy talking about the liturgy as it is celebrated in a traditional manner, and fully aligned with the rubrics.

The camera used is a digital Minolta DiMage 7i. No flash photography was used. I believe flash something which draws attention from God, who should be at the center of the Mass, to the person taking pictures.
This is the first entry of my first blog.

The title of my Blog,

Te Deum laudamus; te Dominum confitemur
is latin for:

O God, we praise Thee: we acknowledge Thee to be the Lord.

A little history is provided here, along with the prayer itself.

This blog will be dedicated to Catholicism and the Liturgy.
(when I get more time than I have at the moment).